The California State University

ULMS Guide


Current Membership (2024-2025):

  • Genesis Ramirez, Bakersfield (Chair, member 23-25) 

  • Lucy Campbell, San Diego (Vice-Chair, member, 23-25) 

  • Greta Heng, San Diego (member 23-25) 

  • Ya Wang, San Francisco (member, 23-25) 

  • Annie Sin, Pomona (member, 23-25) 

  • Christine Holmes, San Jose (member, 22-25) 

  • Caitlin Wilhelm, Los Angeles (member, 24-26)

  • Jessica Hartwigsen, Chancellor's Office (ex officio)

ListservTo join the Technical Services mailing list, send an email to from the email address you would like subscribed. Other Listservs of interest can be found here.

Slack: Go to the Calstate Libraries Slack space to join: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.. Channels of interest: electronic_resources, acquisitions, tech-services, discovery

CSU ERM Contacts: Current CSU ERM/Collections Contacts

Support Contacts: Vendor Support Contact

Central Discovery Index (CDI) documentation created by CalState, other institutions, and Ex Libris.

Below are three slides used in the Ex Libris presentation on CDI from March 2, 2021. These are the best practices they suggest for Search Rights and for Full Text Linking. Also, the use of A&I databases has changed so that slide is also included here. Ex Libris has published a Knowledge Center page This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. on the best practices for activation in CDI.



When the CDI collection is a link-in-record This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., the full text links may come from an active Alma e-collection instead of the CDI link-in-record.

For example, in the new DOAJ link-in-record collection, if the full text is available from an active Alma e-collection, such as EBSCO, ProQuest, or Gale, that link will appear instead of the the direct link coming from link-in-record.

If there are no full text options, then the link-in-record link will appear.

Hybrid CDI collections:

“Over the past few months, our Discovery Operations team has been working diligently to convert many CDI feeds to the Hybrid Linking method, enabling a more dynamic approach for linking based on the availability of relevant metadata. 

We are happy to report that over 500 million records have already been transitioned as part of this major project to improve your linking experience, reaching over 100 collections by the end of September. 

For more information on the hybrid linking method and other collection types, please see these two relevant articles: Hybrid Collections in CDI This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., and CDI Collections Types and how to activate them for discovery This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..” 

Here is the webinar on Hybrid CDI Collections. This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.


Check discoverability of NZ collections (WIP) 

If full-text access is set up in the NZ, resources from those collections should be found within a library’s Primo instance if they are sharing the collection. Below are instructions to verify this is actually happening.

  1. Check the holding file that Alma publishes everyday to CDI.
    1. Example URL: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
    2. Check here for institution codes
  2. Keep in mind the holdings file contains all the portfolios so we have to verify the titles are not active in another collection. When verifying discoverability try to choose a unique portfolio within the collection. Also keep in mind the following when testing This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..
  3. Find the collection DBID by clicking on the collection>electronic collection editor>Provider package code (DB id) → can do this in the NZ instance but not IZ.

The CDI Collection List This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. is helpful for seeing which collections are available in CDI and what each setting means for that CDI collection. 

Ex Libris has published a page on CDI mapping and configuration  This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.on their Knowledge Center site.

Link-in-Record is also known as “Direct Linking.” “First Search” is the same as searching “My institution” or the local library holdings. In Ex Libris terminology, it would be First Search vs Expanded Search (include records from other libraries in search results).

Databases in Alma that are activated for the CDI records and do not have any portfolios, will not appear in the local holdings in Primo.  Only those resources that have portfolios will appear in the local scope in VE. Examples: ERIC, Dissertations, Web of Science database.


Using CTO to Troubleshoot CDI in VE

Troubleshooting CDI in VE: 

Image of the Display CTO button

Include Incoming URL to Alma Link Resolver in Display CTO

Primo VE 2021 release notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. 

March 2021
When using the Display CTO option in Primo VE This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., you will now see additional information to troubleshoot OpenURL requests to Alma's link resolver. For example, the CTO will now contain the URL that Primo VE sends to the Alma Link Resolver.

image of CTO results

Look for &isSerivcesPage=true This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. in the Permalink to troubleshoot issues with linking to resources, such as EBSCO or Google Scholar. This tell you whether or not record is from Primo or from the vendor.

As a link resolver, Alma provides services for searches performed in sources other than Alma (such as Google Scholar). Alma’s link resolver uses the Services page, which is a dedicated Primo page that provides a subset of the capabilities (such as suppressed Main menu links, Search section, and Details service) that the Full Display page provides in Primo, to display a record's services.

In order for third-party sources to display Alma services, you must instruct the sources to send a base URL in the following format to Primo VE:


Improve Visibility of Services Available from CDI – Match with Multiple ISBNs / EISBNs

August 2021
Previously, only the first ISBN and EISBN were used to retrieve electronic services available from CDI. With this enhancement, Primo VE will include additional ISBNs and EISBNs (up to five each) to the OpenURL request using the new parameters rft.isbn_list and rft.eisbn_list, and the Alma link resolver will now store these values in the CTO and use them to match active, available portfolios (see Alma August 2021 Release Notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.).

Notes from the August Alma Release: “Alma Link Resolver now supports incoming CDI OpenURLs with multiple ISBNs and eISBNs.  Alma will use these ISBNs and eISBNs to match bibliographic records and return all relevant electronic services.”

Notes from August Primo Release Notes: “Previously, only the first ISBN and EISBN were used to retrieve electronic services available from CDI. With this enhancement, Primo will include additional ISBNs and EISBNs (up to five each) to the OpenURL request using the new parameters rft.isbn_list and rft.eisbn_list, and the Alma/SFX link resolver will store these values in the CTO and use them to match active, available portfolios. For information regarding this feature in Alma, see Alma August 2021 Release Notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..”




Exclude eBooks from CDI Results

Section 1: Background


This document examines the implications for enabling the feature “Exclude ebooks from CDI results.” Previously, as a Rapido customer, CSU could not take advantage of this feature but Rapido Basecamp has indicated that we may now do so.

Currently, a search for an ebook title in Primo VE generally results in duplicate records – the Alma record, CDI records and Rapido GTI records.


How to identify these records:

Alma This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

CDI: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Rapido This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.


Activating this feature will remove many but not all of the CDI ebook records duplicates in filtered and expanded results.  Keep in mind, some CDI records are better than Alma CZ bib records. Excluding the duplicates is optional but recommended because removal of duplicate records provides a less cluttered results list.  However, it’s possible that some users have permalinks for CDI records that will no longer be available.

Section 2:  Implementation


Steps to take before enabling the Exclude ebooks from CDI option:

  1. Review IZ ebook collections with portfolios.

These are the settings we usually recommend if not using the CDI exclude ebooks feature.  Note:  Once you activate the Exclude CDI ebooks box, Ex Libris says the settings do not matter here because the exclude ebook overwrites the collection level settings





2. Review database only collections.  (no Alma ebook portfolios)

 These are the settings to use.




3. You may want to review your settings for NZ ebook collections.

  1. Use your NZ CDI login to access shared CDI collections to make updates.

  2. Contact the eresourceshelp email if you need a log in.


4. Have a list of titles to test before implementation and after implementation from both IZ and NZ.


a.        Make a note of permalink and screenshots prior to implementation for books and chapters in both filtered and expanded views for collections and databases.

b.      After implementation, do duplicates disappear in filtered and expanded views?

c.       Are book chapters appearing in filtered and expanded views?

d.      If CDI duplicates remain, do you understand why? If not, open SF ticket.

e.       You will still see Rapido GTI records for collections with portfolios.


How to turn on the Exclude CDI eBooks setting (occurs in Discovery module):


  1.  Configuration Menu > Discovery > Search Configuration > Search Profiles


To filter/exclude CDI eBooks for Primo VE customers:

Select the Exclude CDI eBooks option in each search profile that includes a CDI search scope (Central Index). For more information, see Configuring Search Profiles for Primo VE This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

 Note: Functionality takes effect immediately once the box for “Exclude ebooks for CDI is checked.”



Section 3:  Ex Libris Documentation


Exclude eBooks from CDI Results:

November 2021 Phase 1: “This option is useful if you prefer to use your own eBook catalog records (in your Primo local index) instead of the eBook records from CDI. Turning on this option filters all eBook records from the CDI results, both in the filtered and expanded searches.”

Source:  Primo VE release notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

November 2022 Phase 2 update:  “We exclude CDI eBook records only for collections that have portfolios in Alma instead of filtering out all eBook records from the CDI results. Books from database collections will continue to appear in the CDI search results. For example, if you have active collections for Wiley or JSTOR books, these books are not returned by CDI, but the books from HathiTrust or other collections without portfolios in Alma are returned.”

SourcePrimo VE Release notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.


Ebooks in Discovery This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. documentation:

“Specifically for eBooks, CDI contains both eBook and chapter-level records. This leads to a situation where you have the same book records from both Alma in your local Primo index and CDI. As a result, users see duplicate records in their results list when using a blended search scope. Since it is not technically possible to deduplicate these records between the local Primo index and CDI, we are providing alternative options to suppress the duplications.”

EBook records from CDI appear in Primo search results  if any of the following is true:


  1. The eBook collection is active in Alma, has active portfolios (selective or aggregator package type e-collection), and is active for search (CDI search activation = Yes).Users will see duplicate records in their Primo search results (both filtered and expanded searches), or when searching blended search scopes: the Alma bib records from the active portfolios + CDI indexed records.  Only CDI records that have corresponding portfolios in Alma will show the “Full-Text Available” label in this scenario.  CDI eBook records that don’t match to any Alma portfolios will not appear in filtered search, but will appear in expanded search and show the “No full-text” label.

  2. The eBook collection is a Database type e-collection (no portfolios), is active for search (CDI search activation = Yes), and the “ Full-Text Available in CDI Only” option is checked. In this scenario, all CDI eBook records will appear in both filtered AND expanded search with the “Full-Text Available” label.

  3. The eBook collection (whether database/selective or aggregator package) is NOT active in Alma, but is active for search (CDI search activation = Yes). Unless there is an active portfolio in any of your Alma collections, these records display the No full text available status and appear only when the expanded search option is enabled.


To prevent this, you can use either of the following options:


Option 1 - Suppress CDI eBooks/full-text availability labels of CDI eBooks – ERM does not recommend (aka the “Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma option in the CDI tab).

When this option is enabled, CDI eBook records for this collection do not appear in your filtered  search scope in Primo They are, for al intents and purposes, “suppressed” from discovery in Primo.

However, if the same collection has its “CDI search activation” option set to “Yes” the CDI eBook records for the collection will still appear in the expanded search (expand beyond the library collection), but will display the No full text available status.

Enabling the “Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma” option in combination with setting “CDI search activation” to “Yes” is NOT recommended because it will result in false negatives in your expanded search scope: CDI eBook records displaying “No-full text.”

The same applies to the chapter level records, which would not appear in the filtered result list, but would appear in the expanded search scope with a “No full-text” label if the collection is set to “CDI active for Search = Yes”.

This option does not affect your local bibliographic records. They are published to the local Primo index and are discoverable as before in Primo.

Note:  In cases where the same content is available and active in several collections in Alma but is only suppressed for CDI in one collection, the content is not suppressed, and the CDI records for those eBooks appear as available in CDI.


Option 2 –Filter/Exclude CDI eBooks – ERM recommends this approach

When this option is enabled, records from CDI are filtered out in your blended search scope for collections with portfolios. You still get the book chapter records and the book records for collections that do not have portfolios in Alma (database type collections).

This configuration does not affect your local bibliographic records. They are still published to the local Primo index and are therefore discoverable as before in Primo.

In cases where you have a portfolio for an eBook in Alma and the same book is available from a collection without portfolios, you still see duplicates in your results list, but the duplication should be reduced.


If you are also using Rapido, you can use this option. Its effect is the same as described above for the filtered search, but when using the expanded search option, users may still see duplicates if a book is available from the global title index used by Rapido and from a collection without portfolios and/or as a local record.

Quote from Rapido Basecamp:

in filtered search, the results will include only local ebooks, and CDI ebooks from specific CDI collections (of type database). in the expand search, the results will include local ebooks, and CDI ebooks from specific CDI Collections (of type database), as well as CDI books that come from the Rapido global index

06639451 - Clarification for setting up Exclude eBooks from CDI Results - Phase 2 (NERS #6702)

(Responses in italics from Christine Stohn, Ex Libris Product Director, March 2023 responding to my request to address Support case.)

Question 1. For ebook collections with portfolios, are these the correct settings to exclude CDI records in filtered and expanded results:


CDI Search activation status -- Not active

We subscribe to only some titles in this collection -- yes

Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma -- leave unchecked


Yes, but the settings do not matter here because the exclude ebook overwrites the collection level settings


Question 2. For the above scenario, does the CDI search activation status matter?

No, it makes no difference


Question 3: For the Exclude ebooks from CDI results to work correctly, does every search profile that contains the Central Index profile need to have the Exclude CDI ebooks box checked? For example, what if I want to exclude the CDI ebooks from my filtered search but I'd like them to appear in my expanded search profile, can I not check the box in that particular profile? Or does this go back to my question about whether to activate CDI Search activation status?


Filtered and expand search are not typically defined as different search profiles so the setting applies to both together, you cannot set it separately. Generally it needs to be set for every search profile.


Question 4: For database type collections, are these the correct settings if we implement Exclude ebooks from CDI:


CDI Search activation status -- active

CDI-only full text activation -- checked

Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma – unchecked


When you say “correct”, do you mean for the ebooks to appear or not to appear? This is the correct setting for the ebooks to appear in the filtered search even with the exclude ebook setting on, if you use the CDI-only setting and do not want to activate the database in Alma. Ebooks from db type collections are not filtered by the central ebook filter setting. With the above collection level setting the books would appear.


An alternative to this setting is to use the Alma activation wizard for the database and activate it fully in Alma. In that case you do not need the CDI-only full text activation checked. So in this case your settings would be


CDI Search activation status – active

CDI-only full text activation -- unchecked

Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma – unchecked


The only difference would be that the bib record for the database in this case is published to Primo.


Question 5: Why am I still seeing CDI ebooks in filtered search? Is this because it's in a collection that I don't have active?

 example: Why we need nuclear power : the environmental case This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.


As stated above we will need to conduct further analysis for this

NZ CDI Management for Libraries

If you have volunteered or been volunteered to be the CDI liaison for the NZ, you will be able to change the CDI settings for your library’s CDI Group Settings in the NZ. 

Note: If your library is not sure if a CDI collection is active for the library in both the IZ and NZ, there is a report that can be downloaded to see which CDI resources are active in the IZ. IZ CDI settings will override NZ CDI settings so if the library decides to keep the IZ CDI resources, changes to settings will need to be done in the IZ. If a library wants the CDI settings to come from the NZ, the IZ CDI resource can be deleted or deactivated.

*If there are no Group Settings for the NZ e-collection, do not make changes and contact the NZ Admin (email goes to the eresourceshelp team).

  • If there are Group Settings for the NZ e-collection, go to your library in the list of Group Settings and edit the CDI configuration.
  • Follow the same steps as you would in the IZ, go to the CDI tab at the Collection level.
  • But in the NZ e-collection, go to the CDI Group Settings section of the CDI Institution Settings.
  • Make the changes for your library and save the changes.

Do not make changes if you do not see CDI Group Settings:

These will need to be set up by the NZ Admin (email goes to the eresourceshelp team) and then local changes can be configured.


There is a CSU CDI configuration page to help make decisions on which CDI settings should be selected or not selected.

CDI Quick Tips for finding where CDI record originates 

  • If your library does not want the CDI record in the search results, check Not Active in the Search Activation and check “Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma.”
  • If your library wants the CDI record in the search results but not the full text link, check Active for the Search Activation and check “Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma.”

How do I find out which collection is responsible for the CDI Record?:

After running the Analysis Tool, there will be a list of CDI collection activation.  You can use this list to discover where the CDI record or the full text link is originating.  If it is a CDI record you do not want to appear, libraries can make changes to the CDI Search Activation and Full Text link settings in both the IZ and NZ CDI settings.  There is a CDI-specific login for the NZ to make changes to the library’s CDI settings.  Please contact Jessica Hartwigsen for the login.

Do Not Retrieve Local Records from CDI feature (reduce CDI duplicates)

In the Rapido September 2023 release notes, there is an additional enhancement to reduce duplication of CDI ebook records.

Do Not Retrieve Local Records from CDI feature This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. 

September 2023 Rapido
We recommend checking the Do Not Retrieve Local Records from CDI checkbox (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views) to avoid receiving duplicate results from the CDI for resources that exist locally when using a blended scope or when you do not want to return results for local resources when searching the central index.

Recommended:  Yes

SDSU and Northridge did preliminary testing.  Several of us discussed the enhancement with Chris Lee who also consulted with Ex Libris.  It appears to remove duplicate CDI ebook records.  We recommend enabling this feature if you want to remove duplicate results from CDI. We encourage you to discuss this with your ERM and Discovery staff.  Feel free to ask questions via ERM and Discovery Slack channels.

Examples for Testing:

You will need to find duplicate ebook records.   Here are some titles to test:

Becoming Hispanic-serving institutions : opportunities for colleges and universities

Generation Priced Out : Who Gets to Live in the New Urban America, with a New Preface

Office hours with a geometric group theorist


This feature is enabled in the Discovery module.  

Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views > Search Profile slots


Q&A with Meghann Weldon, Product Manager, Rapido:

Many of us changed our search profiles/slots when we implemented Rapido.  Some of us have a blended search slot with a filtered CDI and then we have a blended expanded search scope/slot that includes unfiltered CDI. 

Q: Should we be checking the box "Do not retrieve local records from CDI" for all blended search slots that include the Central Discovery Index?  I believe the answer is yes but please confirm.

A: Yes

Q:  How quickly does this implementation take effect?  SDSU found it took several hours.  Does that sound correct?

A: Now that the indexing project is done it should affect immediately

Q:  If we check "Do not retrieve local resources from CDI" but later change our mind, then, it's okay to uncheck the box, and the duplicates would return, right?

 A: Exactly

Q: Does this feature prevent Primo from retrieving BOTH your Alma record AND that same record that was harvested into the GTI? In essence, would we still have one of the records visible so patrons can still find local items with this on?

A: This feature will only affect the CDI record. The local record will always be returned if the scope contains the local index. The new parameter only affects whether it returns the CDI record as well or not.

Q: How does this interact with the “Exclude CDI eBooks” feature?

A: It doesn’t. It’s two different things. Our development removed resources that came from the GTI into the CDI. The Exclude CDI eBooks remove eBooks that are coming from collections with portfolios in Alma.Both developments will only remove results from the CDI. The local records will still be discoverable.


Other Institutions/Ex Libris CDI Documents

Guides to help set up Alma configuration for Electronic Resources such as Online Service Order, Display Logic, General Electronic Services.

his page covers Display Logic only as it applies to General Electronic Services and Full Text Services. 

Step-by-step guide

You must have configuration privileges in Alma to complete this process. 

  1. In Alma, go to Configuration > Fulfillment > Display Logic Rules. Click Add Rule to create a new rule.
  2. Not all fields in the form are required! You may ignore the "users" option, for example.
  3. Under Hide Service, choose either General Electronic Service (for services you have defined) or Full Text (for subscription databases/ecollections).
    1. For a GES: under with, choose Service.
    2. Under with value, choose the name of your GES
    3. For Full Text: under with, choose either Interface or Electronic Collection.
    4. Under with value, choose the name of your interface or ecollection. You can only choose Interfaces or Ecollections that are active in your IZ; no NZ resources will appear on the list.
  4. In general, Interface is the more flexible option:
    1. Choosing an Interface allows you to impact multiple ecollections. For example, specifying EBSCOhost interface will affect all databases you have on that platform, even if those databases are only active in the NZ.
    2. You can have an active Interface in your IZ even if you do not have an active Ecollection from that platform in your IZ.
      1. In your Alma Vendors, any vendor you set as an Access Provider must include an Interface Name. These Interfaces are available for Display Logic!
  5. Rules are constructed negatively. That is, they are basically phrased as "Do not display X if Y exists." There is no option to construct a positive rule like "Display X if Y is true." You can only construct enough negative rules to exclude every option but the result you want.
Important points
  • Order matters. Rules listed first are applied first.
  • Rules are immediately effective once you add them (Add or Add and Close).  Because the CSUs effectually lack a sandbox, you cannot test your rules anything other than live!
  • You can deactivate a rule without deleting it by toggling its Active button to off.
  • If the name of a service, interface, or ecollection changes, then you must update any Display Logic Rules that use the old name!
Use Case: Prevent duplication of full text databases in the services menu

This rule prevents multiple EBSCOhost databases from being listed in the online services menu when all of them offer the same full-text resource. (Other interfaces where this may be relevant include ProQuest and JSTOR.)

Text of the rule is: Hide service Full Text with Interface = EBSCOhost if exists service Full Text with Interface = EBSCOhost

(missing image here)

Use Case: Prevent display of one GES when a different one is available

Example: I have a GES that gives the user an option to search for free ERIC documents when the item has an ERIC ED accession number. In such a case, I do not want ILLiad to appear, because it may generate unnecessary ILL article requests.

Text of the rule is: Hide service General Electronic Service with Service = ILLIAD_JOURNALS if exists service General Electronic Service with Service = ERIC

Helpful information:

Display Logic Rules cannot be considered in isolation from the General Electronic Service Availability Rules!

General Electronic Services (GES) provide a variety of options to end-users in the Primo online services (aka "View It") menu. Most notable is ILLiad, but other common GES include "report a problem" forms, Google Scholar searches, ERIC searches, and ProQuest dissertation searches.

The initial display conditions of a GES are controlled its Service Details and Service Availability Rules. Display conditions may additionally be dependent upon your Display Logic Rules

Step-by-step guide

You must have System Administrator or Fulfillment Administrator privileges to complete this process.

  1. In Alma, go to Configuration > Fulfillment > General Electronic Services.
  2. Click Add Service. (To edit an existing service, click its title.)
  3. Service Code and Service Name are used only internally, within Alma. Code identifies the GES for things like Display Logic. Name can be more descriptive.
  4. Service Description is also internal-only and optional, but can be useful for recording notes.
  5. Public Name is how the service appears to end-users in Primo.
  6. Public Note is optional but can provide additional info to end-users. You may use basic html coding in this field, for example, to provide a web link.
  7. Display Location can be Viewit (the online full text services menu), Getit (the physical library items menu), both, or none (effectively disabling the GES).
  8. URL template is basically an openURL will vary depending on the type of service.
  9. Enable without login -Yes means that this GES will display only after an end-user has logged in to Primo.
  10. Disable service offers several basic criteria for display. 

After you create the initial GES, you must then edit its Service Availability Rules (SAR).

  1. Go to the GES's Service Availability Rules tab.
  2. The Default Rule, at the bottom of the page, is always IsDisplay=False
  3. For a GES that needs no other display conditions, just edit the default rule. Click the ellipsis icon next to the rule and choose Edit.
  4. Under Output Parameters, change IsDisplay to True, then Save.
  5. On the SAR tab, click Save. Your rule is now being applied. 

Important points

  • There is a limit of 25 total resources (including full-text databases and GES) on the "View It" menu.
  • Order of the GES list here does not matter. Order is controlled under Configuration > Fulfillment > General Electronic Services Order
  • Order of SARs does matter; rules listed first are applied first.

Understanding Service Availability Rules

The Default Rule, at the bottom of every new SAR tab, will always be IsDisplay=False 

  • For a simple GES that you want to display all the time, simply change the default rule to IsDisplay=True.
  • A GES that should display based upon specific criteria will require at least one additional SAR.
    1. If you leave the default rule set to IsDisplay=False, then most of your additional rules will have the condition IsDisplay=True.
      1. Another way to say this: Never display this service unless X condition is present.
    2. If you change the default rule to IsDisplay=True, then most of your additional rules will have the condition IsDisplay=False.
      1. Another way to say this: Always display this service except when X condition is present.
  • Because the order of SARs matters, put the rule that will apply most broadly at the top of the list. The system will read rules until it finds one that applies, then stop.
  • You can deactivate a rule without deleting it by toggling its Enabled button to off. 

Creating a SAR

  1. On the SAR tab, click Add Rule.
  2. Give the SAR a Name. The Description is optional.

    Because the conditions of an individual rule do not display on the SAR tab's rule list, it will make your life easier later to put the rule criteria into either the Name or the Description, as shown here:

  3. Click Add Parameter
  4. Name is the list of data fields.
  5. Operator is the condition (contains, is empty, is not empty, equals, does not equal, etc.)
  6. Value is what appears in the data field you chose.
  7. Click Add Parameter
  8. You may add multiple parameters; they will be treated as an AND operation (i.e., both parameters must be true for the rule to apply).
  9. Make sure IsDisplay is set as you prefer; True will be the default.
  10. Click Save.
  11. NB when you are testing new rules: You must click Save on the SAR tab to make the rule live.

Tip for selecting fields and values to use in your parameters

  1. In Chrome, right-click in the background area of the Viewit or GetIt menu (it's an iframe)
  2. Select View Frame Source
  3. Remove view-source: from before "http" in the URL field
  4. Jump to the end of the URL, find svc_dat=getit and change it to svc_dat=CTO
  5. Press Enter. An XML page displays with the OpenURL elements for this record.

The PNX bookmarklet and, in the case of the link resolver, the openURL, may also be helpful for inspecting records. 

Use Case: ILLiad

Theoretically, your could have a single GES for ILLiad, but there is good reason to divide ILLiad into at least two, articles and books. Primarily, ILLiad's parsing limitations mean that you should not include ISBN and ISSN in the same URL Template. Splitting into two GES also allows you to present more specific information or instructions to the user about the different types of material.

More than two ILLiad services are possible; however, you would need to carefully tailor the conditions for their availability via SARs. 

ILLiad Articles


My library uses EZproxy (locally hosted) to authenticate users of ILLiad (hosted with OCLC), so our URL Template is our proxy prefix, followed by our ILLiad base address, followed by:


Currently, we have only one SAR:

If rft.genre=article, display=true

(Default is display=false)

ILLiad Books


The URL Template is slightly different from the one for articles:


Several SARs apply:


The first rule is display=false, so that any results coming from our systemwide shared library catalog will automatically be excluded.

The next rules are display=true. So if a result is from somewhere other than our shared catalog, and it is a book or book chapter, the ILLiad book option will appear. 

We also use a Display Logic rule to hide the ILLiad Books GES if our systemwide Resource Sharing option is present. 

Use Case: Report a Problem

SFX had a built-in "report a problem" form, but in Alma you must build your own. Once you have a form, you can link to it via a GES.

The form grabs the OpenURL data (i.e. the citation information and the URL of the link resolver menu) and passes it along to you for troubleshooting

Sample code for building your own form: 

Please note that the forms above are customized for their local circumstances; you will want to test their output and edit them to reflect your library's needs.

Once you have a reporting form, create a GES for it, as shown in this example:


For URL Template, I have the address of my library's web form, plus the openURL data we want to include. YOU CANNOT JUST COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK! YOU MUST EDIT IT TO PROVIDE YOUR OWN FORM'S ADDRESS.{rft.issn}&rft.eissn={rft.eissn}&rft.isbn={rft.isbn}&{}&rft.ausuffix={rft.ausuffix}&rft.aucorp={rft.aucorp}&rft.volume={rft.volume}&rft.month={rft.month}&rft.genre={rft.genre}&rft.auinit={rft.auinit}&{}&rft.issue={rft.issue}&{}&rft.title={rft.title}&rft.stitle={rft.stitle}&rft.btitle={rft.btitle}&rft.jtitle={rft.jtitle}&rft.aufirst={rft.aufirst}&linktype=openurl&rft.atitle={rft.atitle}&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Aarticle&rft.auinit1={rft.auinit1}&{rft.year}&rft.year={rft.year}&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft.aulast={rft.aulast}&rft.spage={rft.spage}&rft.epage={rft.epage}&rfr_id=info:doi/{rfr_id}

Display location is Viewit only because this GES is only for reporting link resolver issues. 

This GES has only one SAR, IsDisplay=True.

Use Case: Google Scholar Search

Grabs the article title and plugs it into a Google Scholar search. This is handy for locating articles that may be available free via Institutional Repositories or are otherwise open access. 

URL Template is:{rft.atitle}%22&ie=utf8&oe=utf8

Display location can be just Viewit, or Viewit & Getit. If using the "both" option, you may wish to Disable service: When Resource is owned by institution

This GES has only one SAR, IsDisplay=True.

Use Case: ProQuest Dissertations Search

Grabs the dissertation title and plugs it into a search of the ProQuest Dissertations database(s). Since all CSUs have subscription access to at least one of the ProQuest disssertions products (Humanities & Social Sciences), make sure to proxy the URL so your off-campus users can get to the full text.

URL Template is: 

(your proxy prefix here){rft.btitle}&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adissertation&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&genre=dissertation

This GES requires some SARs so that it will display only on records for dissertations. 


My library uses a second Dissertations GES for dissertation references coming to the link resolver the PsycINFO and MLA databases. The SARs address conditions specifc to only those sources:


We use Display Logic rules to hide other service options, such as ILLiad, when a Dissertations GES is present.

Use Case: ERIC Documents Search

Our blended EBSCOhost results include results from ERIC. Many recent ERIC Documents are available free, so we wanted to offer an ERIC search rather than an ILLiad form.

URL Template is:{rft.atitle}{rft.btitle}

This GES requires some SARs so that it will display only for ERIC Document records. Notice that rule one has two conditions:


Use Case: Hide Resource Sharing (CSU+) on the Link Resolver Services Menu

Please see Sarina Sinick's original wiki post, Hiding the CSU+ link on your Primo Services page, option 2.

What follows is a condensed version:

FIrst, create a placeholder GES that appears only in the link resolver.

  1. Give it a descriptive name, e.g. Hide CSU+
  2. Put any fake URL into the URL Template field; display it everywhere, disable service never.
  3. Change the default SAR to display=true, then create one additional SAR:

    If rfr_id contains, display=false

The CALS_ALMA SAR should prevent your placeholder from appearing on the services menu for results from PCI or the CSU shared catalog. In other words, the Hide CSU+ GES should appear only in the link resolver. Test to verify before proceeding!

Then, create two Display Logic Rules, as follows:

  1. Hide service Resource Sharing Request with Resource Sharing System = Alma if exists service General Electronic Service with Service = Hide CSU+
  2. Hide service General Electronic Service with Service = Hide CSU+

The rules must go in this order! The first rule prevents resource sharing from showin up on any page where our placeholder GES appears.The second rule then hides the placeholder, so it won't confuse your users. 

Control the order in which full-text databases are presented to the end-user in your Alma services menu.

You do not need to account for every resource. If you have not specified an order, the default is alphabetical.

Step-by-step guide 

You must have configuration privileges in Alma to complete this process.

  1. In Alma, go to Configuration > Fulfillment > Online Services Order.
  2. Choose Add to Top or Add to Last Services. Entries in Top will always sort first on the list, and entries in Last will always sort at the bottom, Within each section, you can control relative order using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
  3. Your first choice is Service Type, but effectively, the only option there is Full Text.
  4. The next option is Service Name. You have the option of choosing a specific Electronic Collection or an Interface.
  5. In general, Interface is the more flexible option:
    1. Choosing an Interface allows you to impact multiple ecollections. For example, if you add the EBSCOhost interface to the table as shown below, all associated databases will sort to that position in the Top services table, even if those databases are only active in the NZ.
    2. You can have an active Interface in your IZ even if you do not have an active Ecollection from that platform in your IZ.
      1. In your Alma Vendors, any vendor you set as an Access Provider must include an Interface Name. These Interfaces are available for populating your Online Services Order!
  6. Under Additional Preferences, choosing yes for Prefer Source Service overrides any other order rules. For example: if a record came from JSTOR, then a JSTOR service will automatically be the top choice on its list, even if your rules specify that other ecollections or interfaces would normally sort first. 

TIP: You can combine Interfaces and Electronic Collections in your lists. For example, you might choose to include the JSTOR Interface fairly low on your Top services list, but place JSTOR Current Scholarship Program Complete above that, so that current content appears first in a menu.

TIP: You may wish to construct a very robust Top services table. Certain ecollections commonly managed in the NZ (such as the Biodiversity Heritage Library) appear near the beginning of the alphabet, but you may not want them to show near the top of a menu. If it is only in the NZ, then you would not be able to add it to your Services to be placed last. However, if you specify the order for all of your important publisher and aggregator interfaces, then the Biodiversity Heritage Library would only appear after more desirable collections. Or the publisher or aggregator can be added as a vendor. Then it can be placed in the 'Services to be placed last".

Online Service Order example

ER staff may need to consult with Systems, Fulfillment as well as Discovery to set up and maintain the processes described in this best practice document.  

The openURL, proxy, and Discovery Interface Display Logic are driving forces behind display and access of electronic resources.  It is essential to have recommendations and best practices that allow us to customize and maximize the system for the benefit of staff and library users.


  • Alma's UResolver complies with 0.1 and 1.0 OpenURL (Sept 2016).  The goal of the Alma Link Resolver is to provide patrons access to electronic resources that they have identified using OpenURL-compliant discovery tools such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Primo, etc.
  • As a link resolver, Alma provides services for searches performed in sources other than Alma. Alma’s link resolver uses the Services Page view  This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.(which is defined in Primo) in order to display these services.
  • The Link Resolver Base URL consists of the following parameters:  https://<Primo_domain>/openurl/<Alma_institution_code>/<view_code>?   This same URL is also available in Alma by navigating to General Config menu > General Config > Other settings > Primo service page url.
  • The Alma resolver augmentation function is a component of the Alma Link Resolver process that enhances OpenURL metadata with DOI, OAI, and PubMed informationWe recommend that you implement this, a one time only task.  Look under General Configuration > Integration Profiles > Add Integration Profile.  Note:  Ask Jessica at CO for CrossRef details.
  • Alma supports the ability to check the validity of the full-text URL before presenting it to the end user through the View It services menu. This functionality is only available for EBSCOhost – The EBSCO Link Resolver Plugin.  In an NZ environment, the Link Resolver Plugin integration profile must be created for the network institution and for all the member institutions.  We recommend that you agree to let Jessica implement this plugin for you.
  • If you need to provide an openURL when submitting support cases, this Ex Libris document (How to Extract OpenURL This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.) explains how to extract an openURL from Primo, Alma and Google Scholar.


  • Proxy is configured in Alma on the General Configuration page (Administration > General Configuration > Configuration Menu), click Integration Profiles under External Systems.
  • Most institutions use a single proxy server, in which case one proxy profile should be defined. If an institution uses several proxy servers, a proxy profile should be defined for each proxy server.
  • This chart is helpful in understanding the effect of proxy enabled at the collection, service and portfolio levels.  Portfolios inherit the proxy-enabled setting from the service-level, proxy-enabled setting to which they are attached. As a result, you do not need to set a portfolio-level proxy-enabled setting unless you want it to be something different from the service-level setting.
  • Which proxy setting is best for you?  We recommend Selective – This proxy is used for resources where EnableProxy=Yes and this proxy is selected (this is equivalent to selecting Always for a non-default proxy).  This option takes into account that most of us have open access collections and thus, will not apply the proxy.

Discovery Interface Display Logic

 In Alma, most electronic resources configuration options having to do with display in Primo are found in the Fulfillment Configuration Menu > Discovery Interface Display Logic (image of menu below).   Most options/features/services/labels you see in the Primo View It and Get It windows are determined by how you configure and order the items you see in the menu below.

General Electronic Services

Some things to know:

  • GES redirects the user to an external source whereas Display Logic determines what to show/hide in Primo.
  • To configure these tables requires System Administrator or Fulfillment Administrator roles.
  • Note:  View It is limited to 25 resources (services and databases). 


GES examples

  1.  Look it up in Amazon (Note:  Consortial agreement to  turn off the Amazon GES in Primo Back Office)
  2. Ask a Librarian
  3. ProQuest Dissertations (should already be implemented)
  4. ERIC
  5. Search Google Scholar

You might choose to have Ask a Librarian for the Get It window and a separate GES Report a Problem that only displays for electronic resources (the View It window). The KB has some documentation about creating a web based form (How to create a "Report a Problem" link to be included in the "Get It" or "View It" menus, including the OpenURL? This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.) but we found this  Developer Network Tech Blog This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. by our own Ian Chan (CSU San Marcos) about creating a UResolver form to be really helpful.  Note that Ian’s form includes some information reflective of their local situation, where it sends an email to their ticketing system; so other campuses may not need all of that information.   SJSU and CSUSB for instance have the form emailed to the appropriate staff.  You can see CSUSB’s adaptation in action on any View It menu, where it is labeled as “Report a problem with this link.” Here is an example from SJSU This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

See Adding a General Electronic Service for more information.

Another GES you may want to set up is Search Google Scholar.  Basically, it takes the article title and throws it into Google Scholar; this is handy for locating articles that may be available free via Institutional Repositories or are otherwise open access.  You'll need this URL to add This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. to the URL template in your GES.  

Display Logic

Display Logic Rules examples:

  1.  ILLIAD or Resource Partner Sharing Request - when to hide or not show
  2. Hid a particular electronic collection if full text available in another electronic collection
  3. Get It Now
  4. Hide Purchase link in Primo
  5. Hide service Digitization
  6. Hide a service for certain user groups.

Some things to know:

An institution cannot define display logic rules based on shared collections in the NZ. [An enhancement was submitted by Jessica at the Chancellor Office; Sept 2016; see ERM known issues.  FYI, rules that are enabled at the campus level (based on IP ranges) override all electronic display logic rules enabled at the institution level.  Probably not applicable to CSU.  Patron purchase requests is a service exposed from Alma to Primo. This service is initially hidden from users by default with the rule Hide Service Purchase Request.

A Display Logic Rule may have unintended consequences.  Best Practice in this order:


Display Logic Labels

The Discovery Interface Labels Code Table page (Fulfillment > Fulfillment Configuration > Configuration Menu > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Labels) contains predefined labels that appear on the Get It and View It tabs in Primo. You cannot add or remove these labels, but you can edit the label’s text to suit your requirements.  You may also change the font size and color as well as apply html code.  Here is an example of the table in which one of the labels has been modified.  The text was changed from the default "Not Loanable" to "Library Use Only". 



Here is what displays in Primo:

Integration Profile 

Integration profiles list page can be found:  Configuration Menu > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles, click Add Integration Profile.

Add EBSCO API Link Resolver:

  1. Select Link Resolver Plugin from the Integration Type drop-down list.
  2. Select EBSCO from the Vendor drop-down list.
  3. Select Active.
  4. Enter the API User ID provided to you by EBSCO. The API User ID is an EBSCO authentication string that is customer specific and consists of three parts, separated by periods, custid.groupid.profileid where:

    • custid is the EBSCO admin customer id
    • groupid is the Group ID in EBSCOhost where the database resides
    • profileid is the Profile ID in EBSCOhost where the database resides

    For example: s123456.main.eit. The structure of this authentication string is identical to the target Information for Z39.50 Connections.

    Contact your EBSCO representative if you do not already have this information.

  5. See Documentation for more set up configurations needed in the e-collections after the Integration Profile is setup.
  6. List of EBSCO e-collections This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. that do not use the API Link Resolver.


Alma allows you to display an online resource's license information in Primo. The terms of the license are configured in Alma, as well as the license-related labels that display in the View It tab.  In order to view licenses in Primo, you will need to enable the license first and that is found:  Fulfillment Configuration Menu -> Discovery Interface Display Logic →Other Setting.  You may also change the labels and specify which license terms to display.  To set this up, please refer to Displaying License Information This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. document.  It also includes a helpful 5 minute video This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Related Records

Alma allows you to configure the display of records that are related (e.g., title changes) to electronic records by using the Related Record Services Configuration page.  Related Records is similar to Related Objects in SFX.  It displays in the Primo View It tab.

Options available: 

  1. Enable Related Records services as part of original services
  2. Enable Related Records services separately from original record services in Primo
  3. Do not enable

We recommend #2 because it separates the two services thus avoiding potential problems and because it is visually easier to view in the window.
Direct Linking

Direct Linking says:  if only one fulltext service available, then take the user directly to the fulltext.  Specific instructions to enable this function are available in the Discovery Interface Display Logic This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. document.  Here is one forum thread arguing against using direct linking  This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..  Alma Product Management plans to implement improvements for when direct linking does not work (Sept 2016).  We recommend that this service is at the discretion of each campus.

Alma attempts to enrich the incoming URL using DOI. If this does not succeed, Alma attempts to enrich the incoming URL using the PMID. Similar to how CrossRef works. 

Note that if you do not include a PubMed API key, Alma continues to augment using the existing syntax; but there is no guarantee regarding how long PubMed will remain backward compatible.


  1. Login or Register with PubMed: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

  2. To create a key, go to the Settings which is located under your account name in the top right hand corner of the page.

  3. Go to the API Key Management and click on Create an API key.

  4. Copy the key and login into Alma

  5. Go to: Configuration Menu > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles), select Add Integration Profile This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.


7. Go to Augmentation

8. Go to the Actions tab after clicking on the Edit link.

9. Scroll down to the PubMed Definitions and paste in the API Key from PubMed.

10. Save changes


Alma has the ability to autoload the holdings for SpringerLink journals and ebooks from Springer using a KBART file to update the holdings in Alma.  There are e-collections for both the SpringerLink Journals and E-books in the CZ. These e-collections must be used with the Integration Profile for Upload Electronic Holdings This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. configuration. 


Create a step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to Springer and read the section, Automated KBART Holdings Feeds This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

  2. Login to the Springer Admin (link on the Springer KBART page: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.)

  3. You are on the "Your content" page and copy the token for Alma.

  4. Then go into Alma and activate the appropriate Springer AutoHoldings collection

  5. Do not activate the portfolios when activating the e-collection

  6. Then go to Configuration > General > Integration Profiles

  7. Add Integration Profile

  8. Choose Integration Type > Upload Electronic Holdings

  9. Choose Springer under Provider

  10. Choose when to schedule the job and Save the profile

  11. During the initial set up of the Integration Profile, run the job before saving all changes to make sure everything is working

  12. After the job is finished, check the e-collection to see if all of the titles have been activated

Background: As more subscriptions are canceled, more information has been provided by SDLC about perpetual collections and what libraries can access after cancelation.   Coverage is not the same between the libraries because of when they added the collection and when it was canceled.  The NZ Wiley collections will be discontinued at the end of January 2025 and all libraries will need to set up the Wiley Autoholdings.  Please see below for instructions.

From Kirstie Genzel:

"Perpetual access (or post termination access as some vendors call it) typically varies for each campus.  The coverage dates that your campus retains after canceling a subscription depend on the years there was an active subscription, so your perpetual coverage dates might be different than those of another campus.  

Managing different coverage dates for different campuses is very difficult in the NZ since there is no option that allows portfolio coverage dates in a single e-collection to be adjusted on a campus by campus basis using the group settings. It requires separate e-collections to be managed for each variation in coverage dates, which is not feasible. Because of this, if a library cancels a subscription through SDLC, they will need to set up a collection in their IZ for their perpetual access, adjusting the coverage dates to match what is available to their campus specifically.  

In the rare instances where all CSUs start and end a subscription through SDLC together, or the publisher provides the same perpetual access to everyone regardless of when they subscribed, those e-collections would be able to be maintained in the NZ. Those situations are rare however." 


Because of the differences in coverage for Wiley, which has not been a part of the centralized negotiated collection since 2014, the Wiley NZ collections will be removed.  It is recommended to configure the Wiley AutoHoldings collections in the IZ.

Below are instructions for configuring the Wiley Integration Profile:

Configuring Wiley Autoholdings collections in the IZ: (Instructions provided by Nikki DeMoville)

  • Autoholdings is quite easy to set up This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
    • You need to have administrator access to Wiley Online Library (same as for setting up access, usage stats, etc.)
    • Alma Administrator role to set up the integration profile
    • Alma user role/permission to monitor Repository jobs
  • Autoholdings is very useful for making sure that your journal holdings are up to date—users will see accurate portfolio information or links to ILL options
    • The downside of this is if Wiley decides to change your access, your portfolio coverage will reflect the changes, even if they are in error
    • You need to monitor the job and occasionally handle multi-matches or errors
  • Autoholdings is useful for managing EBA programs
  • Autoholdings often results in a LOT of record changes and churn
    • If you add local fields to CZ records, expect these to get overwritten frequently as records are deleted and reactivated
  • If you have portfolio or bibliographic metadata or local fields you need to preserve, or want to distinguish purchased titles from EBA titles, I recommend creating a local collection for these portfolios.  You can name it Wiley Perpetual or whatever and add a Display Logic Rule so that only your local collection displays in Primo.  Autoholdings will continue to update these titles in the main collection, so you'll get full CDI indexing for these titles.

Description of Advanced Alma Queries and examples of advanced search queries in the NZ to locate shared electronic collections.  These searches can be adapted for IZ Repository Searches.

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved: 

  1. Must use Electronic Collection or Electronic Portfolio to locate e-collections in Alma, not All Titles, Electronic Titles or Collection.

  2. In the NZ, can use the Facets and Advanced Search to narrow down the search results. 

    1. Advanced Search for NZ e-collections for a specific library: Electronic Collection: Available for > Equals > LIBRARY_NAME

  3. Click on Facets section and go to the Available for in either the Electronic Collection or Portfolio search results

  4. Locate Electronic Collection

    1. Search by Electronic Collection > Electronic Collection Name > Enter in name of e-collection

      1. If searching for all of the EBSCO resources, enter in EBSCO or EBSCOhost

      2. Use Electronic Collection > Keyword search to locate a specific collection with or without the vendor name

  5. NZ Electronic Collections

    1. Search by Electronic Collection and Electronic Collection Name and then click Advanced Search and

    2. Choose Electronic Collection: Collection Available For in Electronic Collection section > equals > Choose Campus from dropdown list

      1. This will list the e-collections and databases shared by your library

      2. If you want to weed out the OA e-collections to look at only subscribed collections first, add a condition to the Advanced search the Electronic Collection search: Internal Description > Not Contains Keywords > Open Access or OA

      3. If you want to weed out the Database-only e-collections (no portfolios), choose Electronic Collection Type > Not Equals > Database

  6. Opt-in Electronic Collections in the NZ for a specific library

    1. Search by Electronic Collection and Electronic Collection Name and the click on the Advanced Search

    2. Choose Electronic Collection: Internal Description > Contains Keywords > "Opt-in"

    3. Add condition, Electronic Collection: Collection Available For in Electronic Collection section > equals > Choose Campus from dropdown list

      1. Both of these searches together will list the Opt-in collections for a specific library.

    4. If your library upgraded an ECC collection, i.e. EBSCO ACADEMIC ULTIMATE, it is notated as an Opt-in in the NZ but also as an "UPGRADE" in the NZ. 

  7. ECC Electronic Collections in the NZ for a specific library

    1. Search by Electronic Collection and Electronic Collection Name and the click on the Advanced Search

    2. Choose Electronic Collection: Internal Description > Contains Keywords > "ECC"

    3. Add condition, Electronic Collection: Collection Available For in Electronic Collection section > equals > Choose Campus from dropdown list

      1. Both of these together will list the ECC e-collections for a specific library.

    4. If your library upgraded an ECC collection, i.e. EBSCO ACADEMIC ULTIMATE, it is notated as an Opt-in in the NZ but also as an "UPGRADE" in the NZ. 

  8. Open Access Electronic Collections in the NZ

    1. Search by Electronic Collection and Electronic Collection Name and the click on the Advanced Search

    2. Choose Electronic Collection: Internal Description > Contains Keywords > "Open Access" or "OA"

  9. IZ Full Text e-collections

    1. Search for a list of full text e-collections in the IZ.  The Advanced search conditions will narrow down the results to the available full text e-collections.

      1. Choose Electronic Collection > Electronic Collection in the IZ and then choose Advanced search 

      2. Locate Electronic Collection: Service Type > equals > Full Text and the second condition is Availability > equals > Available

        1. This will weed out collections that may be in the IZ but may not be activated

        2. Use Availability > equals > Not Available to locate e-collections that are in the IZ but not active for search in Primo

  10. Electronic portfolio search

    1. Choose Electronic Portfolio > Choose search option from dropdown list > enter in search term

      1. In the NZ can narrow down results to specific library by choosing the library name under Facets

  11. Inactivate Portfolios search

    1. Choose Electronic Collection > Electronic Collection Name > Leave search box empty

    2. Click on Advanced Search

    3. Choose Electronic Portfolio > Equals > Not Available

    4. A list of collections will appear in the search results

    5. Go to the Edit Service > Portfolios tab > Status = Unavailable

      1. Either reactivate the portfolio, remove it, or link it to a CZ bib record

  12. BrowZine Query

    1. Browzine Set Query needed for Browzine.  *Can also be used for a general query of what a library is sharing for e-collections and e-portfolios in the NZ.

    2. Set Type Logical Where (Material Type equals “Journal” AND Collection available for equals “LIBRARY_NAME” AND Availability (Electronic Portfolio) equals “Available” AND Available for equals “LIBRARY_NAME”

    3. *BOTH E-collection availability and E-portfolio availability are needed in the query to account for portfolio-level sharing, not just e-collection-level sharing.  Some libraries share portfolios within an e-collection, for example, Oxford University Press. There are several libraries that have access to five portfolios in the subscription that other libraries do not subscribe to.

  13. Provider Subscription Tool (My Electronic Resources by Provider)

    1. This tool This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. can help by creating a list of resources available by provider to determine if all of the available e-collections are active.  The Provider ID in the documentation is referring to the linking parameter for the e-collection. It is not the ID used in the vendor record or license.

  14. Use NZ CDI login to view internal notes for e-collections.

    1. The CDI login for the Network Zone allows users to view the internal notes for the collections.  Users can see when the CDI settings were last updated. Also, users can check if the collection is OA, ECC, or Opt-in.

Searching for e-collections with a local public name in the NZ

Currently in the NZ, if I’ve updated the Public Name of an e-collection in the NZ, that name does not appear in a search from the local Alma search of the NZ tab.  For example, the CZ name for EBSCO e-books is EBSCOhost Ebooks. I have local public name of NetLibrary e-Books (EBSCO e-books) because our NetLibrary e-books were migrated to EBSCO e-books several years ago.  You can search the NZ for NetLibrary and the e-collection will appear in the search results but you will not see the local name, just the CZ name, EBSCOhost Ebooks. I’ve had a case open for about a year asking to display the local public name.  Unfortunately, Ex Libris does not have plans to change the current display. The Inventory tab of the NZ license does display both names if you are not sure which e-collection is being used in the NZ.

Note from Ex Libris about searching Alma NZ:

The way it was explained to me by Ex Libris was that if it states Held By, it is coming from the IZ (if you see My Institution listed then it is available in your library’s IZ).  If it is Availability: Electronic Version, it is coming from the NZ.  All active e-collections will appear (shared and not shared) in an All Titles search.  The coverage date displayed in these records do not reflect what the CSU's date coverage is for that title.  For that, an Electronic Portfolio search would need to be done.

To see the Available For label and what electronic collections your library is sharing in the NZ, then you will need to do an Electronic Collection or Electronic Portfolio search.  The Available For label only displays for electronic portfolios and collections.

Advanced CKB Queries (Ex Libris) This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Instructions for the IZ:

Ask the NZ ERM Manager to copy NZ license templates to the IZ. 

Once the templates has been copied to the IZ, create a template from the NZ license. This template can be used to create licenses for the same vendor.

Go to the Licenses: Acquisitions -> Acquisition Infrastructure -> Licenses

  • Locate templates, usually have a green check mark next to the license name.

  • Go to More Options and click on View. 

screenshot for license template
screenshot of saving template
  • Then choose Save as a Template.

screenshot of saving the license template
screenshot of template back button
  • This template can now be used to create licenses for the same vendor.

    • The license terms will copy over from the NZ license and can be edited.

  • When adding a new license, choose Load from Template

  • Pick the template created from the NZ shared license

screenshot of JSTOR license template
screenshot of loading a license template
screenshot of the save button for license template


After saving the new license, go back into the new license and check the

screenshot of locating the new license template


screenshot of the license terms ILL


Weekly UpdatesWhat To Check
Check the Alma Weekly Update Notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. emailed out every week.
  • Weekly Update Notes: Ex Libris applies the weekly update on Sundays.
  • Name Changes for e-collections: This is when ExL changes the name of an e-collection to match the vendor’s name of the collection.  If there are any configurations, such as Display Logic or GES, that use the name of the e-collection, the name will need to be updated.  The name of the e-collection may need to be updated in the POL. This includes Opt-in collections from the NZ This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..
  • Deletions and e-collection replacements:This is when ExL removes an e-collection and replaces it with a new e-collection. In this case, if your library is using an e-collection that is being replaced, the new e-collection will need to be activated in the CZ, all portfolios will need to be activated again and the POL will need to be migrated to the new e-collection.
  • New collections added: This is when a library has been waiting for ExL to add an e-collection that was previously missing. The new e-collection will need to be added from the CZ.  This applies to Open Access resources too.  For example, I’ve been waiting for a new ATLA e-collection to match the subscription for one of the libraries.  That new e-collection was added to the CZ and now can be activated and made available to that library.  If a local e-collection was created while waiting for the global e-collection to be added, the POL will need to be migrated to that new CZ e-collection after it is activated.
CZ Updates Task List This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.: These are the reports that can be found in Alma under: RESOURCES > MANAGE INVENTORY > COMMUNITY ZONE UPDATES TASK LIST. 
Close SalesForce Cases that were updated in latest weekly update
  • If ExL Support indicates that a case will be updated in a specific weekly update, the CO checks to see if that item was fixed and then close the case in SalesForce.

SF Cases: Cases waiting for the customer to reply:

SalesForce Cases example
  • CZ Updates Task List:
  • In this example, the portfolio needed an updated URL.  Check the title in the CZ task list to see if the URL has been updated.  The date range here is the specific weekly update date the item was scheduled to be updated.
  • Check the URL and removed the local URL and accepted the global changes.  Then closed the SF case.
  • Search for a specific title in the Task List---> 
Community Zone Task List


CDI Weekly Updates This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
  • There are two sections to check in the CDI Weekly Update Notes
    • CDI Content Updates
    • Electronic Collection Updates
  • CDI Content Updates
    • Informs changes that have been made to collections or new collections added to replace current CDI collections.  This section doesn't always have a weekly update but should be checked to see if a new CDI collection needs to be activated to replace a current CDI collection.
  • Electronic Collection Updates
    • These are the collections where the linking may have changed or linking rights may have been updated.
      • Example would be a link-in-record changing to link resolver type linking, or vice versa.
      • Another, the search rights were free but now require a subscription.
      • Both of these would require changes to CDI settings.
  • The Update Notes related to these CZUTL (Community Zone Updates Task List) reports:
    • Electronic Collection 'CDI full text linking' field updated
    • Electronic Collection 'CDI full text rights' field updated
    • Electronic Collection 'CDI search activation' field updated
    • Electronic Collection 'CDI search rights' field updated
    • Electronic Collection 'CDI type' field updated


Salesforce CaseCZ Task List Report (in Alma)
Updated portfolio coverage
  • Portfolio Coverage Update
Updated the portfolio URL/JKEY/BKEY
  • Portfolio deleted from auto active collection
  • Portfolio deleted from non auto-active collection
Added a missing portfolio to e-collection
  • Portfolio added to auto active collection
  • Portfolio added to non auto-active collection


CZ Weekly Updates Explained

The CZ is updated and those changes are then filtered down to the IZ and NZ.  From Ex Libris: "Alma handles 50,000 changes at a time. If more than 50,000 changes are to be performed in the Community Zone, Alma launches an additional job to handle the rest of the changes."

If there are a large number of changes, the job that “synchronizes changes from the CZ” will be broken up and run over the course of several nights.  You can check on the progress of this job in the Monitor Jobs > Running tab. If you see a job, Synchronize Changes from CZ = Pending, the update has not finished. You can see the changes in the CZ but they may not have been applied locally yet. If your library has been expecting changes from a specific weekly update, wait until the update is complete to check on the changes.




Ex Libris Removes E-collections and portfolios, how to keep them in the IZ

When Ex Libris announces they are going to remove the e-collection from the CZ, it is possible to keep the collection in the IZ, as a local collection.  If your library does not want this e-collection to be deleted, change the Auto-Update setting (“Activate new portfolios associated with service automatically?”) in the E-collection Service from yes to no.  This will keep the collection local in the IZ until the library is ready to remove it or replace it.

Message from Ex Libris:

“The behavior for what happens in the IZ when collections and portfolios are removed from the CZ is described in the documentation This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

When electronic collections are deleted in the CZ, the collection is deactivated and localized, but not deleted from the IZ. When portfolios are deleted in the CZ, what happens in the IZ depends upon whether the collection is set to auto-activation or non auto-activation. If a collection is set to auto-activation, then the portfolios are deleted automatically. If the collection is set to non auto-activation, then the portfolios are localized and deactivated, but not deleted.

You mentioned that at this point institutions have had portfolios deleted with the updates in the CZ. Depending on how many perpetual access titles institutions had, it may be possible to restore the deleted portfolios using the Manage Deleted Repository tool. If that is not realistic due to the quantity of portfolios affected, I can look into whether it is possible to restore these portfolios in another way.”


This best practice document applies to resources purchased and managed by individual campuses. Once electronic resources are activated within Alma, they need to be updated from time to time to reflect changes to access details and dates of availability. There is a cooperative element to this process due to the availability of information in the Community Zone and the likelihood of changes to affect multiple CSU campuses. However, centrally acquired resources will be managed and updated centrally, so individual libraries will generally only be editing collection and portfolio level information that applies to their own library's IZ.

Best practice recommendations

Updating date coverage for portfolio

When your dates of access don’t match the global statement, edit the portfolio’s Coverage Information tab and “Add Date Information,” leaving “Until” fields blank if access continues through the present.

screenshot of updating portfolio coverage

 When reviewing the Portfolio Coverage Updates in the Community Zone Updates Task List, if you notice the global date information has been updated to match your local information, you may wish to delete your localized version in favor the of the community zone information to make sure you continue to receive future updates. This is especially relevant for titles from aggregator packages, add-on titles in a Big Deal, and other portfolios likely to experience frequent changes in coverage information.
Activating new portfolio in selective title package e-collection

When selecting a small number of individual journals from a provider, you will likely activate these titles manually and individually.

If you’ve already activated the relevant electronic collection, that will be indicated with an icon in the community zone. You can search or browse within the portfolio list to locate the portfolio you need. Click “activate.” If any customization is needed, click the institution icon that now appears next to the portfolio in question, then click edit.

Alternatively, you can activate CZ portfolios from the collection service level in your IZ. When editing the full text service, enter the Portfolios tab and select Add Portfolios from Community.

If you've selected a large number of titles from the same provider, but your new holdings don't correspond exactly to any given collection, you'll likely want to use the Load Portfolios option in the Portfolios tab of the Full Text service.

Deactivating portfolio from e-collection

Search for the portfolio in your IZ. You can start your search at the portfolio level or go through the relevant collection first. Once you find it, you just hit “deactivate.”

If you deactivate a portfolio for an electronic resource, and that portfolio had been the only inventory associated with the bibliographic record for that resource, the record will no longer appear in Primo.

Updating the links, jkeys, bkeys, URLs, etc. in the parse parameters

Updating this information for article level linking can be quite tricky, as those parsers tend to be fairly complex. In those cases, it’s probably best to submit a case instead. However, updating journal or book level linking is relatively straightforward.

When editing a portfolio, enter the “Linking Information” tab. If you’re entering a journal level URL, you will probably need to use the Bulk::BULK parser, that is likely already selected. To update the link, enter a new parameter in the Parser Parameters (override) field with the syntax jkey= This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

screenshot of jkey updates to portfolio

 Even with some vendor-specific parsers, an update to the parser parameter may be fairly straightforward. For example, for an ABC-CLIO ebook portfolio using the ABC::ABC parser, the parameter is just the ISBN. If you notice a typo in the ISBN, you might just correct it using the Parser Parameters (override) field and the following syntax: bkey=9781440829918

Adding notes to electronic collections, services, or portfolios

It's possible to add various types of notes at the collection, service, and portfolio level. At each level, there is a Public Note, an Authentication Note, an Internal Description, and a Note. Despite sticking with the same naming conventions, there are important functional differences for these notes at each level. For example, there are plans to include the Authentication Note in analytics at the collection and portfolio level, but not at the service level. Similarly, the Note at the portfolio label has its own search index in Alma, while that is not true for the Note at the collection or service level. See the table below to see the functional implications for using each type of note. Developing a systematic practice is important. For example, if entering notes about perpetual access, you should always use the same note field for that information.

Instructions for creating licenses, updating license terms of use, and adding the RapidILL Lending Note to collections.


When sharing our electronic holdings with Rapid ILL, we are required to include lendable statuses to ensure the items we own are permitted to lend per our vendor licenses.  This was a process that already existed, it was previously at the backend of the RapidILL process. Now the lendable status is required at the beginning of the process in Alma. Ex Libris: “RapidILL is a fast and cost-effective interlibrary loan This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. tailored for article and book chapter requests.”

Licenses may or may not mention "resource sharing" or "Interlibrary Loan".  We need to know what the license allows. RapidILL distinguishes between 3 lending policies or Lendable Statuses. 

A lendable status dictates to whom a certain title can be lent. The lendable statuses are:

·       LocalOnly: Lendable only to local patrons. Meaning, users won’t need to use ILL services. Used for local holdings checks before borrowing requests are sent out. Note: It has been recommended to add LocalOnly to Open Access collections.

·       LendableCountry: Lendable to RapidILL libraries in your country.

·       LendableInternational: Lendable to all RapidILL libraries worldwide.

Note:  If there is no language about "resource sharing" or "interlibrary loan" in the license, the assumption is "LendableInternational" would be acceptable -- not limiting Interlibrary loan in any way. 

Users: Intended for those that manage electronic resources in Alma, manage collection development and license terms of use in Alma or another application, those that manage publishing profiles in Alma, or work with interlibrary loan, loaning articles and book chapters.

The spreadsheet [WILL UPDATE WITH INFORMATION FROM ANN ROLL] contains some of the NZ collections with the lending status.

  1. Use online spreadsheet to determine RapidILL lending note for IZ licenses.

  2. Run analysis report for collections with existing linked license terms to determine RapidILL lending note.

  3. Create IZ licenses with InterlibraryLoan Terms of Use from NZ and determine the lending note needed for RapidILL. Doing this option also allows for a report to be run.

Pick the best option that will work for the library to begin this project. Start with a small set of collections, starting with either EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR, Gale, etc. All three of these options are long-term projects but it is best we begin adding the lending note needed for RapidILL to the corresponding Alma E-collection Internal Description fields.

It is highly recommended to eventually start option three so that licenses have Terms of Use as we move forward with keeping the RapidILL lending note updated in the Alma collections. Not just for RapidILL, but for upcoming projects, such as linking to Consortia Manager, running analytic reports, etc.

(This option is for libraries that do not have license terms and have no plans of adding them in the near future.)

Depending on where your library is setting up license terms, there are some options available to determine the note needed for RapidILL. Libraries can use the spreadsheet created from the NZ collections and licenses to determine if local collections can use the same lending note. Ann Roll has said that generally, if the lending is not specifically spelled out in the license, it is safe to assume that LendableInternational can be used for the lending note.

For example, if your library subscribes to an SAGE collection in the IZ, the lending note from the NZ may be the same for the IZ collection. The lending note will still need to be determined by the library, someone familiar with terms of use. The spreadsheet is not stating this what the lending note actually is for the IZ collection but more than likely, it is the same lending status. 
If your library moves forward with this option, it is highly recommended to create a spreadsheet to note the vendor, collection, and lending note. This spreadsheet will be used later when updating the e-collection internal description.

need to be run to create a spreadsheet needed for adding the lending note to the e-collection internal description.

screenshot of the lendable spreadsheet

Ann Roll, from SDLC, said she is able help libraries with these reports, if needed.

Libraries will need to have their licenses terms of use set up and the license name in the Acquisitions and License Information section in the General tab in the Alma e-collection.

Libraries can use this report to determine the lending status of the collection. After generating the report, check with either ILL staff, collection development, or ERM managers to approve the lending note status.

To use option two, libraries need to meet a few requirements:

  • Licenses with Terms of Use.

  • Licenses with Interlibrary Loan note.

  • License is linked to Alma collection.

screenshot of license search in acquisition
screenshot of ILL lending in license
screenshot of license linked to collection

After confirming these parts of the license and collection are set up, the Analytics reports can be generated. The spreadsheet generated from the second report can be used to determine what the lending status is for that vendor/collection.

Note: A spreadsheet, like in option 1, is highly recommended for the updating the lending note in the e-collection internal description.

Third Option (longer term project):

(This option is for libraries that do not have licenses term set up in the IZ but want to get started adding license terms, templates can be copied from the NZ to the IZ.)

Libraries can use the copied templates to generate IZ licenses with the interlibrary loan status in the Terms of Use and lending notes supplied by the NZ license. The terms of use will be copied from the NZ to the IZ. Libraries may need to update these terms if local subscription terms are not the same, but in most cases, they are the same. The licenses need to be linked to the collection for the Analytics reports to work. Linking licenses to e-collections is shown in Option Two above.

Recommendation from SRDC/COLIN committee:

For the Rapido reports, a minimum of two fields are required in the license terms of use:

  • Interlibrary loan secure electronic transmission (Permitted/Prohibited; other options not needed)

  • Interlibrary loan note (free text; need standard language about any geographic limitations on lending)

While this option does have a few more steps, it does help in the long run as future collections will need to have the RapidILL lending status in the collection and the best way to determine this status is to have the lending terms in the license. Also, this would allow for license terms of use to be shared in Primo and be available for ILL staff.

There was a document recently shared on the Alma listserv with step-by-step instructions for creating licenses and attaching to the POL and collections. These excellent instructions are from Anjana  H. Bhatt, MSIRM & MLIS, University Librarian (Electronic Resources) Wilson G. Bradshaw Library, Florida Gulf Coast University.

Note: It is recommended to have a spreadsheet with the vendor, collection name, and lendable note ready for the next step to help keep track of which collections have been updated.

After creating a spreadsheet with the list of collections and lending status, the Internal Description of the electronic collections, at the collection-level, will need to be updated. There is a cloud application that is easy to add to Alma and update the Internal Description for a list of collections. This is highly recommended if your library has existing notes in the Internal Description field of the collection. The Quick E-Collection Update app is easy to install and use.

If your library has not added any notes to the collection-level Internal Description, there is job, Change Electronic Collection Information, in Alma that can be run on a set, to add the RapidILL lending note to the Internal Description.

Both options are available in the attached document.

Use Option 1 if your library has existing notes in the collection-level Internal Description field:

screenshot of the collection internal description field

Use Option 2 if your library does not have any existing notes in the Internal Description field:

  • Create a set of e-collections to be updated by the Change Electronic Collection information job.

screenshot of empty collection internal description field

Once the lending note has been added to the Internal Description, the publishing sets will need to be updated.

Background: Many libraries purchased individual titles and may have put them in a local collection, such as Single Title or Miscellaneous Journals collections. These titles will also need the RapidILL lending note added to the Internal Description of the portfolio for that journal or e-book. Do not add the RapidILL lending note at the collection level.

We recommend moving the portfolio to a collection with a shared vendor. Example, if your library purchased individual titles from Sage, create a collection for those titles purchased from Sage. If you are able to do this option, then you can added the RapidILL lending note at the collection level Internal Description.

If your library is unable to add these individual titles to a collection with the same vendor interface, then the RapidILL lending note will need to be added at the portfolio level.

There was a presentation This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. on how to accommodate these individual titles in the ERM Office Hours on September 29th.

screenshot of collection of individual journal purchases
screenshot of single journal subscripton
screenshot of lending note for rapidill


Once the Internal Note has been updated, the RapidILL Harvesting for journals and books will need to be updated. Libraries need to update their IZ RapidILL sets. Once you have updated the set, contact Chris Lee so Ex Libris can be notified that the sets have been updated. Chris can answer any questions about updating the sets, if needed.

How do I find open access collections that are activated in the IZ? You may be able to find them if you selected “free” when activating the collection for example. Or you added a note in the internal description or the collection has CDI open access rights. Also, in the NZ, each OA collection has “open access” and “OA” in the Internal Description field to that they are easy find in an advanced Repository Search. 
When you have your set, run the Change Electronic Collection information job to add the “LocalOnly” note in the internal description. You may also be able to use the E-Collection Quick Update in Cloud Apps.

Below are possible queries to use.

  1. where (CDI Fulltext rights equals "OpenAccess" AND Electronic Collection Type equals "Selective package")

  2. where (Free (Electronic Collection) equals "Free" AND Electronic Collection Type equals "Selective package")

  3. where (Internal Description (Electronic Collection) contains keywords "open access")

  4. where (CDI Fulltext rights equals "OpenAccess")

Recording from June 23rd, 2023 Q&A session This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

Recording from September 29th, 2023 Q&A session This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

How to reconcile an electronic collection in Alma based on a list of available titles provided by the vendor/access provider

Scenario: There is an electronic collection in Alma. The vendor/access provider removed access to an unknown number of titles. You have a list of titles available for your library. 

Goal: Remove bibliographic records and portfolios in Alma for titles we no longer have access to.

Step-by-step guide

This How to Article was written by Marcus Jun, August 2018 in response to managing the dynamic JSTOR DDA collection

Reconcile Electronic Collection based on title list.


HTML tags can be used to enhance electronic resources, such as, a public note in a portfolio or electronic collection.  View the TS Open Forum presentation This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..  Chat talked about using HTML for display labels, portfolio loader option for batch jobs. 

HTML Tags document

(Revised 2021/2022 - November 15, 2022) 
The Electronic Core Collection (ECC) is a collection of system-wide supported electronic resources that are essential to the academic mission of the CSUs.  These resources support the common "Core" of CSU curricula, including baccalaureate and master's programs that are offered by at least two-thirds of the CSU campuses in the general categories of Arts and Humanities; Life and Physical Sciences; Social Sciences; and Professional Programs, or two-thirds of the CSU campuses have opted-in to an SDLC-negotiated resource.  Electronic resources designated as "Core" support broad, interdisciplinary research and teaching, high-enrollment programs, and general education requirements.  
This document's purpose is to help evaluate resources for inclusion in the ECC. 
The creation of the ECC is based on the following rationale and principles:
* Equitable access.
The ECC ensures that all CSU students, faculty, and staff can access a basic and indispensable group of electronic information resources for research, study, and teaching across a number of Core disciplines. This principle does not preclude any particular campus from offering more than these basic resources as their local conditions permit. 
* Support for core curricular programs.
Every student enrolled in and faculty member teaching a core curricular program of the CSU should reasonably expect an adequate level of research/instructional support for that program. Programs qualifying as "Core" under the criteria below should receive system-wide support in the provision of electronic information resources.
* Cost efficiency.
The ECC enhances the ability of the CSU to leverage cost-efficient access to electronic resources. Leveraging costs includes two factors: 1) Using the combined bargaining power of all CSU campuses to secure the best prices from database vendors, and 2) Presenting a united front when approaching the CSU administration to request centralized funding for ECC resources.

The primary criteria for the inclusion of resources in the ECC are: 
  * Supports the CSU Core Curricula
  * Sufficient interest among campuses  
  * Affordability for all campuses
  * Alignment to campus curricula and meets the curricular needs of all campuses
  * Benefits the greatest number of users across the campuses

To assure system-wide access, the CSU ECC will receive funding from the Chancellor's Office. The rationale for funding is outlined in Section I. Sufficient and stable funding to support the ECC is considered a priority by the libraries of the CSU.
In the event of insufficient central funds as reported by SDLC after the budget is approved by the State and Chancellor's Office, the CSU libraries will agree to adjust the scope of the Core.  Members of SRDC and other Collection Development library personnel will be informed of the proposed removal of resources.  Should no agreement be reached, the resource will be changed to an opt-in option.  
In addition, COLD shall advocate for additional funding on an annual basis.  The CSU libraries and COLD recognize that efficiencies can be realized through a greater number of statewide deals, but the ECC must be funded to withstand inflation and its base allocation must grow at the same rate as the rate of inflation, if not more, in order to remain sustainable.

Search Degrees at the CSU:

Academic Master Plans:


Lifecycle of Shared Electronic Resources


The purpose of this document is to provide an overarching framework for the CSU and its member libraries as they engage in both individual and consortia collection development decision-making. While each member library tailors its own collection development and access strategies to best meet local institutional needs, the document complements local policies and practices based on the recognition of the value of the CSU shared collections and work.

Electronic Core Collection (ECC)

The Electronic Core Collection (ECC) is a portfolio of core library educational e-resources acquired by Systemwide Digital Library Content (SDLC) on behalf of all CSU campuses and is funded by the Chancellor’s Office. Campuses do not contribute any of their own funds to the purchase of ECC e-resources. The e-resources contained in the ECC are selected by Shared Resources & Digital Content (SRDC) committee and approved by Council of Library Directors (COLD) in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Supports CSU Core Curriculum (defined as those degrees or programs offered by at least 2/3 of the CSU campuses)
  • Sufficient interest among campuses
  • Balance of content and value between disciplines
  • Benefits the greatest number of users
  • Sufficient ECC funds


Opt-in e-resources are also acquired by SDLC on behalf of campuses. However, the Chancellor's Office does NOT pay for opt-ins using CO funds. Each campus chooses whether to “opt-in” to the available subscriptions and pay using their own funding. This collaborative acquisition of library resources allows the CSU system of libraries to leverage their buying power and minimize their administrative expenses. 

Additional ECC and Opt-in Documentation

Consortia Manager

The CSU is using Consortia Manager This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. to manage various collection development and acquisitions activities for all Shared E-Resources (ECC and Opt-In).

License terms for all the Agreements/Contracts managed through SDLC will be available to view and download from Consortia Manager!

CM Training Resources:

Link to Consortia Manager Help Section This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

All training materials, including general manuals, additional CSU help articles, links to training videos, etc. will be posted to the Help Section within Consortia Manager.

Users must login This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. to Consortia Manager to gain access. (If you need an account, please check with your SRDC Member at your campus).

Selection and Acquisitions Process for Shared E-Resources

Electronic Core Collection (ECC)

  • The SRDC committee is responsible for the review, evaluation, and recommendation of the content to be included in the ECC.
  • The recommendation, once approved by COLD, is then negotiated, acquired, and paid for by SDLC on behalf of all 23 campuses.
  • SDLC notifies the Electronic Resources Manager of new ECC e-resource acquisitions or cancellations.
  • The Electronic Resources Manager activates/deactivates the corresponding e-resource collection in the Alma NZ for campuses.
  • Note: ECC e-resources are regularly reviewed by the SRDC Collection Analytics committee to assist SRDC, SDLC, and COLD with decision-making. 


EBSCO new User Interface – What you need to know and do. 

(Sept 2024) 

New EBSCOhost Transition Center This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Open a support case to request your preview URL:

EBSCO Support This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Subject line: Preview URL for EBSCO new UI

Please provide me with the preview URL for the EBSCO new UI. And any other information you feel I should know.” Note: include your account #

Your URL will look like this:[your OPID]

This URL is already proxied; no need to add your proxy string

Confirm that it works on and off campus

Make sure your EZproxy config file This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. is up to date.

When should I move to the new platform?

You can move any time. EBSCO FAQ This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. states: EBSCO will be strongly encouraging all EBSCOhost customers to adopt the New UI in the January 2025 timeframe. Customers will have the opportunity to opt out of that timeframe if needed. EBSCO’s goal is to have all customers onto our New UI by August 2025.

Follow up June 13, 2024:

If you are unable to migrate to the EBSCO new UI by this Summer or January 2025, reach out to your EBSCO representative to discuss your options.

For example, after emailing with our rep, SJSU has been added to an "opt out" list thus allowing us to migrate in May 2025.   Apparently, you must get on the "opt out" list to avoid being required to move in January 2025.

All customers must be migrated by August 5, 2025. 

Again, please reach out to your EBSCO account executive to discuss your concerns and migration date. 

How do I move to the new platform? Open another support case in EBSCO Connect.

You might want to have a conversation with library stakeholders about choosing a date, for example before the start of a semester. 

While redirects will be in place, there are things to consider:

  1. Updating the URLs on your A-Z list of databases

  2. Updating, tutorials, libguides etc to reflect the new look and URLs

  3. Allowing time to explore the new interface. Quick Start guide This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. and video This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

  4. Are the features you expect in place? See roadmap This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. and release notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

What about Alma?

Christine Holmes asked this on the Alma content listserv. According to Tamar Ganor (Content Product Mgr): We received Ebsco’s confirmation that no action is needed on your end.

Other libraries who have migrated confirmed no action needed.

However, you will want to replace collection level URLs if you display the database in Primo. And review proxy settings in collections.

For example:

EBSCO Database link in Primo

Currently, this is what we do – add a URL and check “Proxy enabled” or we select “proxy enabled” at the electronic service level editor in the linking tab.

Alma database level URL field

Update July 2024: Support case opened with EBSCO:

When you migrate and update the URLs in LibGuides A-Z, it won’t be necessary to select “proxy enabled”. Christine tested this and it is correct – you do not have to proxy your EBSCO new URLs in your A-Z list.

EBSCO support also said we should we do not have to enable proxy in Alma collections. We believe this is not correct.

Ex Libris says: Yes, check the box “proxy enabled=yes”

As long as ExL (and they have said they have no plans to update the collections) does not update the collections to the new UI URL for EBSCO, the proxy will need to be proxy=yes.  If ExL does update the URL, then proxy=no. 

Other information from EBSCO---

We are interested in finding out what the expected procedure is for using EZProxy when switching to the new EBSCO UI, as we have been told the new UI URLs contain proxy information.

## Yes, the new UI will use the proxy based on the preferred authentication set in EBSCOadmin. The URLs will not have the proxy information; however, they will take the proxy that is setup under preferred authentication.

For more information on preferred authentication, please visit the FAQ This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.:
Should we now set proxy to No for our A-Z database list? 

## Yes, if you are using the new UI URLs. Let me know if you would like me to send the list of URLs.

More information on EBSCO Domains for Firewalls, Proxy Servers, and Allow Lists This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

How do I create the individual URLs for the new UI?

Administration / portal

How can I configure my new version of EBSCOhost?

Requesting access to EBSCO Experience Manager This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. is the first step which provides access to the EBSCO Configuration module. Once you gain access, please review the EBSCO Configuration User Guide This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.. EEM is mostly for customizing the new UI but at some point down the road, it will replace EBSCO Admin portal.


If we have users who have created personal accounts on the current EBSCOhost platform, will their accounts transition to the new UI platform?

Yes, according to support case #5950729 (asked by Christine Holmes)

Case: no full text: Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1

Case: no full text: American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection

Case: Request to direct-to-pdf be made visible and clickable instead of using drop down menu

Case: add detailed database description in the new UI

This is a guide for Network Zone ERM resources. 

E-book providers use different language to describe their user limits (multiple user access, unlimited user access, 3 concurrent users, etc). This language was standardized across the different e-book collections in the Network Zone (NZ) to facilitate a better user experience. These public notes appear in the view it section in Primo as a Public Note. The standardized language used for the different access models are described below. 


Unlimited licenses with DRM (e.g., ProQuest Ebooks Central Academic Complete Collection, ACLS Humanities e-book)

This note is at the e-collection level in the Public Note field under the Notes tab. Notes at the e-collection level filter to all the portfolios within that collection.

Previous Public Note:

This resource has Multiple User Access.

Revised Public Note:

Unlimited user access

Online viewing available. Offline viewing requires a free personal account and free 3rd party software

Public note for ebook Unlimited user access

Unlimited licenses DRM-Free (e.g., JSTOR DDA, O’Reilly Safari E-books)

This note is at the e-collection level in the Public Note field under the Notes tab. Notes at the e-collection level filter to all the portfolios within that collection.

Previous Public Note:

Unlimited user access

Revised Public Note:

Unlimited user access


ebook user note drm free

Limited User Access (e.g. 3 users / 1 user licenses, NetLibrary/EBSCO e-books, ProQuest Ebook DDA Perpetual,)

This note is added to the e-collection at the portfolio-level. The note will need to be updated using the Portfolio Loader This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.. Export the portfolios from the e-collection and update the public note to standardize the user limit public note and then upload the edited file. EBSCO will send a spreadsheet with user limits for EBSCO E-books.

Previous Public Note:

Various types of public notes depending user limits by provider.

Revised Public Note:

Limited user access ([# of users]) i.e., Limited user access (1 user), Limited user access (3 user)

ebook user note no drm

E-book Purchases from Gobi:

GOBI can provide Metadata Service support for eBooks. eBook bibliographic records contain site-specific URLs and can be customized to output local data such as a user limit note. In Alma, use an import profile to update inventory for eBooks based on the bibliographic records. The whole process can be set up automatically. GOBI Metadata Service for eBooks has an added cost.

This is the criteria used to activate a new Open Access electronic collection in the NZ.  When Ex Libris adds a new Open Access or Free electronic collection to the CZ, these are the criteria used to activate the new e-collection.                                                  

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Check to see if the OA e-collection is predatory on Beall's List This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

    1. Definition of Predatory Journals. This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

  2. Are the journals or e-books available from another e-collection?

    1. If there is a Wiley OA e-collection activated and a new e-collection is added, run an overlap comparison This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. to determine if a second OA e-collection is necessary

    2. If the new OA e-collection added is replacing a previous OA e-collection from the same vendor, activate the new OA e-collection and delete the older OA e-collection

  3. Check if the content is truly full text not just abstracts or reviews or articles

  4. Check the vendor's site for information about their OA titles

    1. Check if the articles are truly open access

    2. Doesn't require a institutional membership or a membership fee to gain access

  5. Check if the OA resource requires a login

    1. Does the site require the user to login to gain access

      1. If user has to create an account on the site, do not activate this resource

  6. If the OA collection contains content in a language other than English, check if the PDFs are translated to English

    1. Notify libraries the new OA contains content in another language and state what language the content is published

  7. Libraries decide if the content is appropriate for their collection development purposes

    1. Notify NZ admin to set up the collection to be shared for the library

  8. If the OA e-collection is activated

    1. Add internal description note so collection can be found in an Advanced Search 

      1. "This is an Open Access OA resource"

        1. Can create a query of Open Access resources in the NZ.  The default "Equals Free" query does not always return all OA e-collections in Alma

    2. Add Public Note

      1. "May need to re-submit the search in the journal or e-book.  Freely-available online resource is not maintained by the library.  Access may be inconsistent"

      2. Add "LocalOnly" to the Internal Description for the RapidILL lending note so that OA items do not trigger an ILL request

    3. The Proxy settings must be set to NO in each library's group setting

      1. Exception, if the OA is available because of an institutional subscription, like ProQuest, the proxy will need to be set to "yes" for each library

    4. Set up CDI settings and add note to Internal Description the date CDI was set up and notate any changes to CDI settings in the Internal Description

    5. Update collections that have odd naming convention

      1. Bacon American Association For The Advancement Of Science Global Openaccess $AAAS_GLOBAL_OPENACCESS

        1. Change to American Association for the Advancement of Science Open Access

Workaround for comparing an e-collection in the NZ to an e-collection in the CZ.  This will allow libraries to compare e-collections that are active in NZ to e-collections either in the CZ or the IZ.  The tool was reconfigured and works differently then when we went live on Alma.  There are two different configurations and procedures for the Network and for the Institution Zone.

Ex Libris has made a note that if the library is comparing two collections to determine and overlap and unique titles, begin with the larger of the two collections as the Source collection, to get an accurate result.


  • Start Overlap by going to Resources > Advanced Tools > Overlap and Collection Analysis and then click on New Analysis to start new comparison.

(insert image here)

  • Choose the collection as the source, the collection being evaluated and compared to one other collection or multiple collections.

    • Click on Choose the Collection (source)

    • Locate the collection searching Electronic Collections

  • To see which titles are unique and which titles have overlap between the two collections, the source collection needs to be the bigger of the two collections.  

  • In the NZ, collections can be compared in the NZ or compared against collections in the CZ.  The NZ collections cannot be compared to IZ collections from the IZ.

  • The tool in the IZ does allow for a comparison against collections in the NZ

(Insert images here)

  • Locate the collection and then click on Select.

  • In the NZ, it will state the collection is for the IZ.  The NZ is known as an institution zone when in the NZ admin.

(Insert images here)

  • Example of the Source collection.

(Insert image here)

  • Click on Choose Target collection and locate target collection.

(Insert image here)

  • Check the box next to the Target collection.

    • More than one collection can be selected.

  • Click on Done once collection or collections have been selected.

(Insert image here)

  • Click on Generate to create a new analysis report.

  • Click on the View report button once the analysis is complete.

(Insert image here)

  • Quick look at the analysis between the two collections.  

  • The reports can be downloaded.

  • There are 376 titles in Oxford University Press Full collection.

  • There are 176 titles in Oxford University Press Current collection.

  • The reports show where the overlap is between the collection.

  • There is also a report of the unique titles where this is no overlap.

    • In this example, there are 202 titles in the OUP Full collection that do not appear in the OUP Current collection.

(Insert image here)

More information This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. about Overlap Analysis and Comparison tool.

IZ Overlap Analysis resources:


Managing the Free or Miscellaneous Collections in the NZ 

There is a list of 15 collections where the content is managed by the community, instead of Ex Libris Content. The recommendation is for the community to update the linking, coverage, deletion, or addition of the problematic portfolio in the CZ. Since many of these collections are in the NZ, they will need to be updated by the NZ ERM admin, Jessica Hartwigsen (

  • The library can update the CZ portfolio and does not need to contact Ex Libris Support when they update the portfolio.

  • Please email the NZ ERM admin to update the NZ collections, if the collection is available in the Network Zone.

Note from Ex Libris Support:

We are excited to update you with a new feature regarding "Miscellaneous" collections. "Miscellaneous" collections are now managed by the community, and customers are able to edit the contents in the collections below. Please note that Content Operations will no longer be handling such cases when there are fewer than 15 changes to be made.
Please feel free to open a case with Alma Support if you would like instructions on how to edit the collections.

Knowledge article This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

These collections include:

Free E- Journals – collection ID 61110976638852340
Miscellaneous Ejournals – collection ID 61111016833201000
Miscellaneous Free eBooks – collection ID 611000000000001091
Miscellaneous eBooks – collection ID 611000000000001090
U.S. Government Documents – collection ID 613170000000000069
Freely Accessible Business Journals – collection ID 615280000000001780
Freely Accessible General Interest Journals – collection ID 615280000000001781
Freely Accessible Arts & Humanities Journals – collection ID 615280000000001779
Freely Accessible Social Science Journals – collection ID 615280000000001783
Freely Accessible Science Journals – collection ID 615280000000001782
Freely Accessible Medical Journals – collection ID 614910000000003147 This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. – Collection ID: 613780000000001293
Universal Library - Collection ID: 613790000000001215

Guidelines for opening a case with EBSCO. 

When reaching out to EBSCO Support This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., it is helpful if you provide the following information. (If you don’t have an EBSCO account yet, scroll to the bottom of this page for instructions)

Steps taken that results in the error or issue including:

  • What database are you searching?

  • Where you started the search (EBSCO database link, EBSCO discovery service or other vendor discovery, etc.)? 

  • What search was performed?

  • What record was trying to be accessed (title of the article/publication name and provide AN number from detailed display, if possible)?

  • If possible, provide test credentials so that we can test the issue as a user of your library.

  • Include screenshots of the error or issue is helpful as well. 

  • Videos showing the steps taken are always welcome.

 This is the ideal information for a faster resolution.

After logging into EBSCO Connect, there is a Live Chat option. Support is Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.

Click on Live Chat Button: 

EBSCO live chat button
EBSCO chat
EBSCO live chat options
EBSCO Chat options

If you do not have an EBSCO account, go to EBSCO Support This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., choose Sign In, and you will have the option to ‘Request Account’. You will be prompted for your institution name (all CSU campuses are in the list, you might have to try a few different campus names to find yours), then add your name and email and an account will soon be delivered to your email. Then you can choose a password and start entering cases.


Electronic resources are managed very differently than physical resources in Alma. While physical items rely on item records to provide access and availability information, Electronic Portfolios are used to manage this information for electronic resources.

The IZ, NZ, and CZ also play very different roles with electronic resources compared to physical items. Electronic Collections and Portfolios will generally only reside in the NZ for centrally purchased or negotiated resources.

For resources that are purchased individually, Electronic Collections and Portfolios will reside in the IZ, even if several different CSU campuses own the resources.

Additionally, while some localization may occur, the CZ will be the source for most Electronic Collection and Portfolio information.

Best Practice for Electronic Resource Management

These documents provide best practices and procedures for selecting and activating new e-Resources in the Institution Zone (IZ) as it relates to IZ: Local Only.   These resources will continue to be locally acquired, licensed, and managed by the individual libraries.  SDLC and the Electronic Resources NZ administrator will activate, maintain, and in some cases, order e-resources that will be shared by some or all of the libraries in the NZ.  These procedures and best practices are for Network Zone - ECC and Network Zone - Opt-in resource management and acquisitions in the NZ admin instance.  Please Note:  E-Books and Media This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. will have a different policy.

These are also best practices for maintaining and updating e-resources and portfolios that are already activated in Alma. This would be for updating date thresholds, activating or removing portfolios, updating parse parameters (jkeys/bkeys/URLs) and updating linking parameters.

Often it is necessary to make local changes to linking and availability information for e-resources when the information from the community zone is either inaccurate or does not match local details. While this localization is sometimes required, always keep in mind that updates to the CZ information may come later, so be sure to look carefully at update notes when localized information is involved.

When discussing electronic resource management, it’s important to keep in mind the types acquisitions available, local IZ and NZ:

  • Institution Zone: Local Only
    The local acquisition, licensing, and e-resource management by the individual libraries. Libraries will continue to manage acquisitions of their own e-collections in the IZ.  
  • Network Zone: ECC (Central Only)
    The centralized acquisition, licensing, and e-resource management of the ECC e-resources in the NZ. The Chancellor's Office will manage the acquisition and payment for the e-collections included in the ECC.
  • Network Zone: Opt-ins (Mixed Central & Local)
    The centralized negotiation and management of the Opt-in e-resources in the NZ and local acquisitions by libraries in the IZ. License terms and fees are negotiated by the Chancellor's office and purchasing and invoice processing is done by the individual libraries. Libraries will need to create a vendor for the Chancellor's Office in the IZ for the Opt-in e-collections. The library will use the CO as a vendor to pay for the Opt-in resource. 

Electronic Collections: The following example illustrates a single title that is offered by two vendors. (ERM)

Physical Record: The following example illustrates an ongoing serial with three issues with holdings in Periodicals. (Cataloging)

Workflow of Catalog items and ERM items:


  • OCLC imported to NZ. Master Record is in the NZ.
  • CSU-wide library catalog is in the NZ.
  • Local fields, holdings and items, located in the IZ.
  • NZ and IZ records linked.


  • NZ linked to the CZ for ECC/Opt-in e-collections.
  • IZ linked to the CZ for local subscriptions to e-collections.
  • NZ and IZ e-collections are not linked. Shared e-collections will not appear in the IZ.
    • There is an option to display subscribed ECC/Opt-it collections, residing in the NZ, to appear in the IZ.  Combined Search Results will display subscribed NZ collections in the IZ tab.

Related policies:

Provider-Neutral Records & Use of Database-level records

Instructions for logging into the Ex Libris System Status page and choosing which product can be subscribed, to receive alerts. The CSU is on the NA03 server for all subscribed products, except for CDI and RapidILL which are on the CR01 server. North American server service reports This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. 

  1. Go to this page: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

  2. There are TWO places to login but one of them does not work! Use this one:


  1. Click on the portal button here (“Continue with Ex Libris Support Portal”) and login:

  1. If it worked, you should see your name here:




  1. Now you can subscribe to any of the updates you want. We are on NA03 for everything except CDI and RapidILL, which are on CR01.

a. It looks like this when it comes up (choose Americas tab)


b. And you can limit it to NA03 or search CDI:





  1. Just click on the bell for each one and then you will start getting the updates for all of those in email. You can see that I subscribed to all those relevant in NA03 and the RapidILL and CDI CR01 updates.

  2. For each one, there is the option to just view (what you would see when you came to this page under My Services, vs. view & notifications – that’s the one where you get the email.

  1. Here’s what I subscribed to and what I see on My Services:


You can see the wrench and click on it to see what happened:

  1. If you want to unsubscribe to any of the emails, just click on the bell icon for that product/server:



Click on the ‘trash can’ icon to remove your subscription:



And Unsubscribe at this dialog:



When you return to the list of your products/servers, you will see a bell with a line through it to indicate you are not getting that subscription.




Shared e-Resources (ECC and Opt-in) - Problem Reporting Best Practices and FAQ



Shared e-resources are negotiated, and in some cases paid for, by the Chancellor's Office Systemwide Digital Library Content (SDLC) department. E-collection and portfolio activations for shared e-resources are maintained in the Alma Network Zone by the Chancellor's Office Electronic Resources Manager. 

More information: Collection Development and Acquisitions Overview for Shared E-Resources (ECC and Opt-in) This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Problem Reporting Recommendations

The chart below outlines problem reporting guidelines for various types of ERM issues, particularly as they relate to Shared E-Resources, and are intended to help you get support and a resolution to the problem as quickly as possible!

Alma NZ issues (portfolio linking problems, portfolio coverage dates, removing/adding portfolios, parser parameters, shared group settings, other technical issues related to the NZ….).
Central Discovery Index (CDI) NZ Settings - (changing your library’s NZ CDI settings)
  • Login to Alma using your NZ Alma CDI user credentials and update your library’s CDI settings as needed.
Central Discovery Index (CDI)/Global Title Index (GTI) Metadata, Display, or Linking Issues
Vendor indexing and/or metadata issues (incorrect indexing in a vendor’s database, article missing from particular issue, article is missing pages, incorrect metadata being passed through outgoing OpenURL link…)
Technical database errors (platform outages, connection timeouts, local admin configuration settings not working, proxy issues …).
Access to content is denied (your library is not being recognized as a subscribed institution – being asked to pay for content you subscribe to).

Generally, these types of access issues are caused by one of two things:

  1. Titles that you do NOT have access to are mistakenly activated.
  2. Delays in renewals, payments, or issues with vendors not processing new orders correctly (less common). If this is the cause, the CO team we will help reach out to vendors on your behalf to fix the problem.


Other ERM related questions about shared ECC/Opt-In resources not listed above (license terms, title lists, usage stats, content details, vendor account numbers, institutional admin accounts, etc.).
Questions about subscription pricing, renewals/orders, technical problems with Consortia Manager, and other acquisitions related questions about ECC/Opt-Ins.



When in doubt, you may also email directly and we will help you identify the best course of action and/or will help escalate your existing case!

The email reaches 3 people at the Chancellor’s Office, all of whom have various roles in the acquisition or management of Shared E-Resources: i) Jessica Hartwigsen, the Electronic Resources Manager (SDLS), ii) Kirstie Genzel, the Systemwide Digital Library Content (SDLC) Program Manager, and iii) Christina Hennessey, Systemwide Digital Library Services (SDLS), Director, Unified Library Management System (ULMS)

Quick Help Links


  • Q:   Are “NZ Managed E-Resources” the same as “Shared E-Resources”?
  • A:   Mostly….but with a few caveats.
    • While the NZ managed e-resource activations are generally based on order information received from SDLC (for both ECC and Opt-In “shared e-resources”), any campus can choose to be added to an existing NZ e-collection at any time, even if they purchased the resource locally! The “NZ managed e-resources” are NOT restricted to just the campuses that “opted-in” and ordered through SDLC.
    • There are also many Open Access e-collections managed in the NZ. More information on NZ Open Access Activation Criteria This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
    • There’s also going to be a shared Cal Docs collection in the NZ.
  • Q:   What about “Chancellor’s Office Managed E-Resources?” Is that the same as “Shared E-Resources?”
  • A:   This term has been used interchangeably with “Shared E-Resources” and “NZ Managed E-Resources” over the years, but its meaning has often varied depending on who you ask. Official description of this term:
    • This is an umbrella term to describe the main activities the CO is involved in related to shared e-resources (acquisitions and NZ management).
    • It does NOT mean that all aspects of these e-resources are managed centrally by the CO, especially when it comes to troubleshooting and access.
    • While the CO team is always available to assist with a number of access issues for shared e-resources (as outlined in the chart above), campuses are still responsible for the general administration of their shared e-resources beyond the acquisition and NZ activation stages. Each campus should establish and maintain their own institutional administration accounts for their e-resource subscriptions, even for Opt-Ins and ECCs! This is the only way to manage local platform configurations (i.e. OpenURL resolver, branding/logos, discovery/search settings, IP addresses, etc.) and also allows allowing for on demand access to information about their subscriptions (i.e. complete usage stats, SUSHI info, access entitlement lists, MARC records, etc.).
Examples of scenarios described in the chart above: 

Included are scenarios and answers for various troubleshooting issues for electronic resources. 

Bad linking for ebook or journal: 

When linking for an ebook or journal are reported, there are several steps that can be done.

  • Check the linking (parser parameter of the item)
    • Is the link up-to-date?
    • Is the jkey or bkey correct?
      • Look up journal or ebook on the publishers site.
      • If the bkey or jkey do not match what is in Alma, update the portfolio linking and report to ExL Support.
    • Is the book or journal available in Google Scholar? (This is good for finding OA book or journal URLs)
      • Could be that the ebook or journal are now available from a different publisher.
        • Report the portfolio to ExL Support and remove the portfolio.
        • If the item is available from a new publisher and is not in Alma, add the portfolio, add the new link to the correct collection and report it to ExL Support.
    • Example: Harm reduction [electronic resource] : pragmatic strategies for managing high-risk behaviors / edited by G. Alan Marlatt, Mary E. Larimer, Katie Witkiewitz. 
    • JSTOR Public Health (Research Reports Only): Full Text
    • Portfolio ID: 53721374740002901
      • The title is no longer available from JSTOR, could not locate the title in JSTOR.
      • Looked in Google Scholar and it appears the item may be available from a different provider, no records appear for JSTOR.
      • Reported the portfolio to ExL support and removed the portfolio.

Ahead-of-Print/In Press articles:

Example: Imposter phenomenon and experiences of discrimination among students at a predominantly White institution This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

When there are articles that are Ahead-of-Print or “In Press,” and the full text is not available, a Public Note should be added to the portfolio stating that articles labeled Ahead-of-Print are not available. There is currently no functionality in Alma or PrimoVE that will suppress the link to full text. Ex Libris has plans to add functionality in the second half of 2024 but there are no specifics available yet.

Ahead of Print example for troubleshooting

Adjusting coverage for gap year:

Example: The Journal of Gerontological Nursing as hosted by Gale (present in General, Academic, and Health and Medicine Onefile, and Health and Wellness) has a coverage exception for the year 2020, which is not reflected in the availability dates in Alma.

*Gale is known to have gaps in coverage that is not reported in the files they send to Ex Libris.

Make local changes and report to Ex Libris Support. Watch for future Alma weekly updates for changes to the global coverage dates. Local date can be removed after global update.

portfolio coverage example for ERM troubleshooting

Adding public notes for different volume numbers:

This usually happens with ebooks or reference materials, there are multiple volumes for the title. Ex Libris does not include the volume number in the description so it appears to the user that there are multiple links for the same item. In reality, the link is going to a different volume, each portfolio with a unique link. Solution: This means clicking on each full text link in PrimoVE (OneSearch) to locate the volume number and then add that number to the Public Note in Alma.

Example records:

  • Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, editor in chief. Macmillan Reference USA, Detroit 2005 [0-02-866072-2]
  • American Governance Macmillan Reference USA Farmington Hills, MI 2016 [1-4103-3904-1]
example of adding volume information in the note
example of adding a volume number to the public note
public view of volume number

DOI Error Message:

When the “DOI not found” message appears, this usually means the DOI has not been registered for the article. The DOI issue can be reported at This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. or This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.. CrossRef Support appears on the vendor contact page. This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

FYI: CrossRef is a good source for finding which publisher “owns” the DOI and article. If a record in PrimoVE (OneSearch) has incorrect metadata and there is a DOI available, searching CrossRef will display the metadata the publisher has indexed. This can be used to report metadata issues to Ex Libris Support.

DOI error example


Unable to access e-book from JSTOR EBA or ProQuest Ebook Central:

In most cases, when a user see the message that the library does not have access to the ebook from either JSTOR EBA or ProQuest Ebook Central, it means that the e-book is no longer available from the vendor or the ebook is not included in the CSU subscription. ProQuest does not send separate files to Ex Libris Content, for Ebook Central, so the collection include ebooks the CSU may not be able to access. Report the ebook to Jessica Hartwigsen, requesting the ebook be removed.

ProQuest Ebook Central: "Sorry, this book is not available. Please contact your librarian about purchasing it, or search for another book." This message usually means that this ebook is not included in the subscription due to territorial reasons (only available outside the U.S. territory).

JSTOR EBA: There can be a delay in JSTOR sending the latest file for JSTOR EBA to Ex Libris. E-books appear in PrimoVE (OneSearch) when the e-book is no longer available. Report the e-book requesting it be removed.

FYI: Each library should receive a list of e-books, from JSTOR, that the library has selected. These are owned by the individual library and should be activated locally in the IZ.

JSTOR screenshot example for troubleshooting

CDI - Settings and configurations to check before opening ExL Support Case:

  • CDI in the Network Zone can be updated by the library CDI liaison, using the NZ CDI.
    • Update CDI settings/activations
  • Ex Libris has a useful Tips and Tricks This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. document that helps troubleshoot where links are originating, see what records are in a CDI collection, and the source of the CDI record.
  • If the CDI collection(s) require link configuration or proxy, check the settings in the Discovery module:
CDI configuration example
  • After troubleshooting the settings, the configurations, analysis and the link still does not work, open an ExL SalesForce case.
  • Example below: The CDI link for Gale is has a bad link (sid=summon&u=xxxx) since the sid should be “primo” and the “u=” should be the Gale ID for the library. In this case, the same library ID is being applied to all libraries, causing a linking issue.
Gale example for troubleshooting

CDI Inheritance:

If your library sees this message: "This institution is not inheriting Network Zone CDI activations,” this indicates that the library is not inheriting CDI Databases (zero-title collections) from the Network Zone. All libraries are inheriting CDI collections that have portfolios. CDI settings can be updated in both the IZ and NZ. There is a CDI login for the Network Zone that will allow the CDI liaison to update settings This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. for the library.

CDI Tips and Tricks: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. The Ex Libris Tips and Tricks page is good for troubleshooting records that originate from CDI.

CDI/Alma Availability This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. -coverage date:

There is an important note in the Publishing to CDI page, when CDI checks for holdings in Alma, it looks at the year/month/day, but is not looking at the year/volume/issue, which can lead to linking issues or missing full text links in PrimoVE. Solution: Add year/month/day to portfolio when linking issue arises.

Example: Link to Gale did not initially appear. The coverage needed to be updated to include month/day as well as volume/issue. After a local coverage was added to the portfolio, the link to Gale This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. appeared.

For portfolio coverage information from Alma, only the From/Until Year, Month and Day fields (not the Volume and Issue fields) are used for CDI availability calculation.

local date update example

CDI Activation Analysis - Missing CDI links or CDI links that should not appear:

Example: Link to Gale was appearing but the library does not have access to that particular article, it is not included in the subscription. Where is the full text link coming from?

Use Activation Analysis tool to check if the full text link should be available and where the full text link may have originated. The tool  This link will take you to an external website in a new easy to set up and use. The results state there is full text but doesn’t mean that you will see a full text link for every resource listed. It gives you a place to start adjusting CDI settings. Can take up to 48hrs for changes to be reflected in PrimoVE/OneSearch.

Second scenario: If a full text link is missing, the tool can let you know where the full text is available and CDI settings can be adjusted so the full text will appear.

CDI settings can be updated in both the IZ and NZ. There is a CDI login for the Network Zone that will allow the CDI liaison to update settings This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. for the library.

Sample record This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (screenshots below for example record):

gale cdi primo example
cdi activation analysis example
CDI activation analysis results example
CDI activation analysis explained

Quicklink Issues:

The PDF and Read Online link were initially going to Emerald instead of ProQuest Ebook Central. Ex Libris Support suggested setting the Link Prioritization This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. for the Quicklinks This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.. Report issues with Quicklinks to Ex Libris Support.

Quicklinks PrimoVE example

Springer Nature Debug links:

Springer has provided two debug links to test access and linking issues for both Springer and Nature.

Open a case with with Springer if there are issues with access journals or articles:

If you are still experiencing this problem, and have not already done so, please provide us with a hyperlink to the content you cannot access along with a screenshot of the results of clicking on the appropriate debug link below.

The debug results will give us the information needed to determine if the cause of the issue is your access setup.

Springer Content: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Nature Content: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Cloudflare IP Whitelist:

This was posted to the EZProxy listserv and this is the current list of vendors to contact if there are EZProxy access issues, the library may have to register their IP ranges on the vendor’s whitelist.

      My institution will have an EZproxy server IP address change.  I remember (may not be accurate) sending our EZproxy IP address to some publishers/vendors listed below to whitelist.   Are there any other vendors/publishers?

  • American Physical Society
  • IEEE
  • ProQuest
  • Sage
  • Tayor & Francis
  • Wiley

Contacts for vendor support names, emails, and forms.

Recommendations for video titles and other titles matching erroneously in PrimoVE records. 

April 2024: Video titles and other titles matching erroneously in PrimoVE records

After migrating to PrimoVE, we noticed that services for ebook titles, generally from NZ collections, were matching on IZ streaming video records. Also, some IZ and NZ videos with similar titles matched, too. The “nodedupe” rule we were able to use while in Primo Back Office could not be used in PrimoVE.

Many support cases were opened. Some of our cases have been resolved but w/o any understanding as to what Ex Libris did. Ex Libris is still investigating a solution.

Here are some examples:






Why this is happening:

It has to do with Uresolver/link resolver matching and the algorithm used to determine matching.

Documentation: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

"If there was no search by identifier (no identifier as part of the Context Object), a search is performed by "title" only.”

From the chart, it is searching 245 $$a, b, and so. Yet, it seems to be ignoring $$b from our experience since incorrect matching occurs. Also, this matching does not seem to understand that videos do not have typical identifiers such as ISSN, ISBN, etc.

Then, in August 2023, Ex Libris provided a possible solution, something to do with fuzzy logic.

August 2023 Alma release notes This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.: (This was supposed to help with the problem; but it does not seem to be doing much).

Currently, when Alma gets an open URL from Primo, it tries to find resources according to three main methods:

Match by identifier

If no identifier exists/no match was found:

Match by title and author

If no title+author exists/no match was found:

Search by title only ("Fuzzy Match")

If the open URL contains only a title, Alma attempts to find a match, since there are no other elements by which to search.

Control Ability to Ignore Title Based Link Resolving

Alma enables institutions to prevent "Fuzzy match" attempts based on title-only matches when patrons search for resources. By default, this option is disabled, and in instances that the URL had "Identifier + Author + Title" and there was no match on the "Identifier + Author", Alma tries to find a match by "Title". However, when the option is enabled, patrons no longer receive wrong search results based on title matches only. This option is controlled by the following customer parameter: avoid_fuzzy_search_resolving.

Several CSU enabled this functionality but still saw that videos and ebooks were matching on title and sharing a bib record. So, it didn’t seem to solve much.


The ULMS ERM committee suggests 2 possible solutions to implement. You may also choose to do nothing until Ex Libris provides a working solution.

Option 1: If you use vendor supplied records, you may add a 020 field. For example, you might add a Kanopy number. This will stop ebook titles from appearing in streaming video records. Keep in mind, using the 020 field which is generally reserved for ISBN/ISSN is not adhering to standard cataloging rules. Also, this is probably not sustainable if you have many records in which the problem occurs. Do not use this solution for CZ records.

Ex Libris explanation to Bakersfield:

“I've investigated the issue, and unfortunately the behavior you are seeing is expected due to the way Link Resolver matching is done for View It. For records/titles without any standard identifiers such as this one, the Alma Link Resolver matches can be based on title alone. This is because when there are no standard identifiers in the IZ record, the Link Resolver will perform a generic search using the metadata sent in the context object from the member institution, which would in this case is the title. In this case, the 'Gather : Richard Van Camp on the Joy of Storytelling' from the NZ is being returned because this record also has 'Gather' in 245 $$ a:”

Their suggestion: “Alternatively, adding identifiers if they exist would help. For titles which do not have standard identifiers, you can also try adding a dummy identifier. For example, if you add a 020 MARC field with $$&nbsp;, you will see that services for portfolios from the NZ are no longer returned.”


Option 2: Add Display Logic Rules. This is what some CSU are doing.

You can add a broad Display Logic Rule that will prevent other collections appearing on the streaming video title. You may add just one rule or individually. Here is an example of just adding one rule.

This hides all collections including streaming collections. Do not worry, the records for those collections still appear on their own in PrimoVE.


You may also choose to refine and add specific collections:


Current CSU contacts for Acquisitions, CDI, Collection Development Contacts, ERM, or PrimoVE.


Campus:Role at Institution:Name:Email:
BakersfieldERMGenesis RamirezGenesis Ramirez
BakersfieldCDAmanda GromblyAmanda Grombly
Channel IslandsCDMonica PereiraMonica Pereira
Channel IslandsERMAaron SandovalAaron Sandoval
ChicoERMMichael BelloMichael Bello
ChicoACQ, CDJodi ShepherdJodi Shepherd
Dominguez HillsERMAnthony AndoraAnthony Andora
Dominguez HillsERMWei MaWei Ma
Dominguez HillsACQShilo MorenoShilo Moreno
East BayACQ, ERMShaunt HamstraShaunt Hamstra
East BayCDJohn WenzlerJohn Wenzler
FresnoCDKimberly Robles-SmithKimberly Robles-Smith
FresnoERMDolly LopezDolly Lopez
FresnoACQMarianne FoleyMarianne Foley
FullertonACQJustin StewartJustin Stewart
FullertonERMIlda CardenasIlda Cardenas
FullertonCDKeri PrelitzKeri Prelitz
HumboldtERM, ACQ, CDGeorge WrennGeorge Wrenn
Long BeachERMAustin LenzenAustin Lenzen
Long BeachERMDoKyoung ShinDoKyoung Shin
Long BeachACQKelly VelascoKelly Velasco
Long BeachACQNina AntovilleNina Antoville
Long BeachCDTracy GilmoreTracy Gilmore
Los AngelesERMCaitlin WilhelmCaitlin Wilhelm
Los AngelesCDHolly YuHolly Yu
MaritimeERMMark StackpoleMark Stackpole
MaritimeCDKitty LuceKitty Luce
Monterey BayCD, ERMRachel SafaRachel Safa
Moss LandingACQ, CD, ERMKatie LageKatie Lage
NorthridgeCD, ERMChris BulockChris Bulock
NorthridgeERMAvram AndersonAvram Anderson
NorthridgeACQDel WilliamsDel Williams
PomonaCDBrinna Pam AnanBrinna Pam Anan
PomonaERMMichelle NavarroMichelle Navarro
PomonaERMAnne SinAnne Sin
PomonaACQLinda FranklinLinda Franklin
PomonaPrimoVEAmber WuAmber Wu
SacramentoACQApril PorterfieldApril Porterfield
SacramentoCDBrenda CarrilloBrenda Carrillo
SacramentoPrimoVEChristian WardChristian Ward
SacramentoERM, CDILisa RobertsLisa Roberts
San BernardinoERMStacy MagendanzStacy Magendanz
San BernardinoERMAmina RomeroAmina Romero
San BernardinoACQCatrina ManchaCatrina Mancha
San DiegoERMLucy CampbellLucy Campbell
San DiegoACQTyler RogersTyler Rogers
San DiegoCDWil WestonWil Weston
San FranciscoCDDavid Steele HellmanDavid Steele Hellman
San FranciscoERMYa WangYa Wang
San FranciscoACQMichael McCourtMichael McCourt
San JoseACQBernadette HumphreyBernadette Humphrey
San JoseERM, PrimoVEChristine HolmesChristine Holmes
San Luis ObispoERM, ACQ, PrimoVENikki DeMovilleNikki DeMoville
San MarcosERM, CD, ACQLauren MagnusonLauren Magnuson
San MarcosERMLiz RallosLiz Rallos
San MarcosACQSusan BakshSusan Baksh
San MarcosACQDasha PavelDasha Pavel
SonomaACQ, CD, ERM, CDI, PrimoVELaura KrierLaura Krier
StanislausERM, CD, ACQAnnie HorAnnie Hor
StanislausERM, CDJohn BrandtJohn Brandt
StanislausERM, PrimoVERick DietzRick Dietz
StanislausERM, PrimoVEGuillermo MerazGuillermo Meraz

Before offering services to users from other CSU campuses, each campus must configure their Alma instance.


  • Home campus: the campus where the Walk-in user has an ID.
  • Host campus: the campus the Walk-in user is visiting.

Configurations for other CSU users on your campus

User Group

Determine which user group will be used for walk-in patrons. Configure the limits for that user group.

Add User Group

Configuration menu > User Management > User Details > User Groups

Add or verify the user group for walk-in patron use. This user group may have been created, and the name different than the example. The user group is individual to the campus.

The user group Code, CALSWALKIN, and Description, CalState Walkin Patrons.

Determine Record Type

Configuration menu > User Management > User Details > User Record Type/User Group

Add the Walk-in user group to the list and assign it a Public record type.

The Record Type settings for the CalState Walkin Patron User Group.

Configure Patron Limits

Configuration menu > Fulfillment > Patron Configurations > Patron Limits

Add the Walk-in user group to the list and assign the maximum limits for each category. Users will be blocked from checkout/requesting when these limits are reached.

The Patron Limits table.

Configure Loan Limits

Configuration menu > Fulfillment > Patron Configurations > Loan Limits

Add or update a rule to limit the total number of items Walk-in users can have checked out at any given time.

The Loan Limit Rule Editor with the Input Parameter "User Group = CalState Walkin Patrons."

Fulfillment Rules

Configuration menu > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units

Add appropriate loan, request, and booking rules for the Walk-in user group.

Instructions for creating and adjusting Fulfillment Terms of Use can be found on the Ex Libris Knowledge Center This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

CSU+ Requesting Rule

Configuration menu (for Resource Sharing library) > Fulfillment > Physical Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units

Go to your Resource Sharing Library rules and go to the Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. Change the Rule Type to Borrowing Resource Sharing and click your current Borrowing rule. Add the CalState Walk-in user group as a value in your Borrowing Resource Sharing Rules to so users will be able to place CSU+/Rapido requests.

CSU+ Requesting Rule where the User Group In List has the CalState Walkin Patrons group.

Display Logic Rule

Configuration menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Display Logic Rules

If you have a display logic rule limiting Resource Sharing by usergroup, update your Resource Sharing display logic rule so the CSU+/Rapido Offer is viewable by CalState Walk-in Users.

List of groups blocked by the Display Logic Rule.

Walk-in users should be encouraged to use their home campus when requesting digital items through Rapido because the Walk-in user will still not have a SSO at the campus they are visiting. A display logic rule should be added to hide the Rapido Digital Offers for Walk-In patrons so they cannot request articles or book chapter scans at the campus they are visiting. The rule is:

The Display Logic Rule "For user groups CalState Walkin Patrons: Hide service Rapido Digital Offer, Rapido Journal Offer."

Borrowing Mediation Rule

Configuration menu > Resource Sharing > Rapido Rules > Borrowing Mediation Rules

Walk-in users can use Rapido to request CSU+ items but libraries may want to limit their ability to request materials from libraries outside the CSU. There currently is no display logic rule for this, but requests for items outside the California State Network pod can be automatically cancelled using a Borrowing Mediation Rule. The rule is:

The Borrowing Mediation Rule with the Input Parameters: 1. Supplying Pod, Not In List, California State Network and 2. User Group = CalState Walkin Patrons. The Output label is Walk-in_Cancelled and the Action is "Cancel Request," the Cancellation Reason is "Failed to Locate Potential Suppliers," and the Cancellation Note is "This item is not available through any of the California State University libraries at this time."

Input Parameters:

Supplying PodNot In ListCalifornia State Network
User Group=CalState Walkin Patrons

Output Parameters:

Output Parameters:

  • Labels: Walk-in_Cancelled
  • Action: Cancel Request
  • Cancellation Reason: Failed to locate potential suppliers
  • Cancellation Note: This item is not available through any of the California State University libraries at this time.

With this rule any request placed by a Walk-in patron that is not available in the CSU will be cancelled and an email sent to the Walk-in patron.

If a library wants to let Walk-in users request materials outside of the CSU they would simply not add this mediation rule.

Linked Account Rules

Configuration menu > User Management > Collaborative Networks > Linked Account Rules

Linked account rules define some of the default values when a new user is created, and when information is retrieved from the home campus.

Create a rule specific to CalState Walk-in users.

Input Parameters

Input Parameters with Source Institution, In List, and a list of all the CSU libraries.
  • Name: Source Institution
  • Operator: InList
  • Value: select each CSU campus

Output Parameters

The Output parameters (listed below the image).
  • User group: select the CalState Walk-in user group
  • Expiry Date: leave blank
  • Expiry From Source: Same as in source
  • Refresh Expiry Date: Yes
  • Purge Date: leave blank
  • Purge After Expired: One month after expiration (or local campus rules for expiry dates, if applicable)
  • Refresh Purge Date: Yes
  • Resource Sharing Library = select your campus Resource Sharing Library
  • Copy Network blocks = Yes (see area marked Network Blocks in this document for more information)

Configurations for your users on other CSU campuses

Restricted Users Table

Configuration menu > User Management > Collaborative Networks > Restricted Users

Determine which user groups will be not discoverable by the host campus. When adding user groups, select No for the Default Value. Make sure that each line is enabled by toggling the radio button.

Include all user groups except those for students, staff, faculty, visiting scholars, and emeriti. All other user group will be discoverable and will have privileges.

An example of the Restricted Users Table.

Network Blocks

Determine which user blocks will be carried over to the host campus. These blocks are set in the Blocks tab of the user records. Blocks associated with overdue items, fees owed, and patron limits, and the fines and fees themselves are not transferred to the host campus.

User Block Description Table

Configuration menu > Fulfillment > Patron Configurations > User Block Descriptions

All blocks must first be added to the Descriptions table before they can be defined as a network block Review current blocks. If necessary, add new blocks specific for network use. When adding new blocks, select No for the Default Value. Make sure that each line is enabled by toggling the radio button.

The User Block Description Table with the Code d and the Description SEPERATED.

To enable blocks from the home campus to block the user at the host campus you need the following Description Active:

  • Description: Consortial block

User Block Definitions Table

Configuration menu > Fulfillment > Patron Configurations > User Block Definitions

Blocks marked True in the Network Block column will be carried over to the host campus. When adding a new block, the ID must be the same as the Code used in the User Blocks Description Table. Note: The block Type column is informational only. Blocks can be marked Consortial to distinguish them from those used on your campus.

An example of a block with the Consortial Type and the Network Block set to True.

To have a block from the home campus successfully block a patron at the host campus you must have the following definition added to your table:

  • Type: Consortia block
  • Description: Consortia block
  • Network Block: True

Linked Account Shared Fields

Configuration menu > User Management > Collaborative Networks > Linked Account Shared Fields

Select True for each field that will be shared with the host campus. Since each campus may have its own communication requirements, addresses and phone numbers will need to be added by the host campus.

A Linked Account Shared Fields set to True.

Shared Fields:

  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Last name
  • PIN (If host campus requires PIN and PIN does not come through, they will need to manually add one)
  • Expiry date
  • Purge date
  • Email List

Note: The primary ID is used when looking up a user in their home campus Alma. It is not copied over to the host campus user record.

Searchable Identifiers

Configuration menu > User Management > Collaborative Networks > Searchable Identifiers

Do not add customizations to this table. It will disallow searching for a user by the primary ID field.


The Resource Sharing Functional Committee (RSFC) provides oversight and leadership for the CSU consortium's resource sharing activities in the following ways: 

  • Staying up-to-date on relevant Alma resource sharing related enhancements and new features, providing recommendations for implementation by the wider consortium when appropriate.
  • Recommending new policies and procedures and revisions to existing policies and procedures.
  • Documenting procedures and best practices for use by the larger CSU resource sharing community.
  • Providing training to the CSU resource sharing community as appropriate.
  • Ensuring courier service expectations are being met through following up on issues reported via the courier problem reporting form and communicating with the courier via monthly meetings.
  • Representing the interests and needs of the CSU resource sharing community to the ULMS Steering Committee and Council of Library Deans.
  • Forming task forces to advise and carry out specific tasks. Task forces should include at least one member of the RSFC. 

Current Committee Membership

  • Rosemary Farr, Fullerton (Chair, 23-25)
  • Mark Stackpole, Maritime (member, 23-25)
  • Iman Mirza, Pomona (member, 24-26)
  • Melissa Duran, Northridge (member, 24-26)
  • Abbi Wilson, San Luis Obispo (member, 24-26)
  • Tina Dwyer, Chico (member, 24-26)
  • Chris Lee, Chancellor's Office (ex officio)

The following configurations are necessary for Rapido to run and are the bare minimum configurations that must be made. While these configurations are necessary as a whole, there are instances where you have multiple options, so not all campuses will look the same. 

The Member Library settings in Rapido are the foundational settings determining what pods you are in, how they are prioritized, and what items can be physically loaned to other libraries. To access the settings go to Alma Configuration  > Resource Sharing > Configuration > Members and select your Resource Sharing Library. 

Member Attributes 

This section allows you to add or change the basic information about your library. You can change your address, library name, or set your status to inactive in Rapido from this tab. While you can set your library as inactive here, that is not the same as setting your library to non-Lending. 

Physical Items and Lending Policies

The Physical Items and Lending Policies tab is where you set your library as an active Lender, set what items can be physically sent to each pod using Participating Items rules, and attach those rules to specific Rapido pods. To receive Lending requests you must have Supplies Physical Items checked. While unchecking this box will stop Lending requests, it is not recommended to uncheck this setting as a way of going non-Lending because doing so will cause issues with requests that have already been shipped to your library. 

Participating Items Rule

The Participating Items rule determines which items can be shared in Rapido. Everything that can be shared through ILLiad should be included in the these rules. You may make one rule for all pods, or multiple rules to share certain items in certain pods. For example, you may choose to only loan DVDs to other CSU libraries. 

To make a Participating Items rule click +Add Participating Items. In the resulting pop up you can make the rule using several filters. You can choose to only include or exclude certain Material types, include or exclude items with certain Item Policies, and/or include or exclude certain Locations. You may make rules that use multiple filters, for example: Materials Type Equals Books, Item Policy Not Equals Non-Circulating, and Location Equals 2nd Floor South.

An example of a Participating Items Rule.

You may also choose to only use some filters. For example: Location Equals 2nd Floor South. 

An example of a Participating Items Rule only using the location filter.

While you can make several Participating Items rules, you can only attach one rule to a pod at a time. 

Physical Items Lending Policies

The Physical Items Lending Policies section lists all the pods your library has joined using the Rapido Pod  This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.form. Joining the pods lets you borrow items from them, but you will not receive requests from libraries in those pods until you attach a Participating Items Rule, like the one created in the previous step. 

An example of a Physical Items Lending Policies showing the Regular Circ Rule is attached to the US West pod and the Pod Policies are a 7 day delivery, 112 day checkout, with no cost, and an expiry time of 4 days.

To attach a participating items rule click the ellipsis (...) next to the pod and select Edit. Click the drop down menu for Participating Items and select the rule you want the pod to use. Do not select All Items because that will mark every item in the catalogue as okay to loan to libraries in that pod. Each pod can only use one rule at a time, but they don't all need to use the same rule. With different rules libraries can choose to loan certain items to specific partners only. 

In this section you can also create a Physical Lending Policy for libraries not in a pod in a geographic region. These policies do not impact partners in your pods, but can be used if the library chooses to use the Find Partner feature in Rapido.

To create a new Physical Lending Policy click +Add Physical Lending Policy. Select the Participating Items rule like you did with the pods and then select if the Supply Term For is country or state and then specify the country or state. Lastly add the policies you want the system to follow for the region. 

Screenshot of the Add Physical Lending Policy pop up. The policy is for the state of California.

Override Pod Policies for Specific Hybrid Pod Partners

A new section was added to the Lending Policies tab to allow libraries to make specific rules for individual libraries in a Hybrid Pod (a pod with both Rapido and Alma Resource Sharing partners). No libraries in the CSU currently use this feature. 

Borrowing Policies

The Borrowing Policies tab is where you set the pod priority for Borrowing. In the Pod Priority chart, the pod at the top of the list will always be checked first when a patron requests library materials. If none of the partners in the highest priority pod are able to fill the request the next pod on the list will be checked. Pods should be ordered with the California State Network pod at the top followed by pods in the western United States, then US wide pods, and lastly international pods. 

A screenshot of the Pod Priority chart from CSU Sacramento.

To rearrange the pods click and hold your courser on the small columns of dots next to the pod. Drag the pod to the desired location. 


During the winter holidays all CSU libraries close so students, faculty, and staff can enjoy a much needed holiday break. Before we all take our break, there are several things we should do in both Borrowing and Lending to ensure we don’t have our patrons requests, and requests from other libraries, expire or get cancelled.  


While the CSU is closed, so are most other libraries in the United States. Since all the libraries are closed, most Rapido requests will go straight to trying to go to ILLiad or WorldShare as the partner of last resort. To prevent this, you can set a Borrowing Mediation Rule to stop requests from being sent out until you return from break, a Set to keep track of these requests, and Labels in Primo to alert patrons of delays. 

Borrowing Mediation Rule

A simple Borrowing Mediation Rule will stop the requests from automatically processing. To make the rule go to Alma Configuration > Resource Sharing > Rapido Rules > Borrowing Mediation Rules and select +Add Rule. Fill out the following fields to make the rule:

  • Name: Holiday Closures
  • Description: Stop requests till after the Winter Holidays
Requested FormatIn ListPhysical
Borrowing Owning LibraryIn List(Select your Resource Sharing Library)
  • Labels: Holiday
  • Action: -

This rule will stop all physical items for mediation. If you also want to stop article requests, do not add the Requested Format Operator.


Now that you have a rule with a Label in place you can make a Set to catch all the requests with that Label. Go to Alma > Rapido > Borrowing > All Active Borrowing Requests and add the following facets:

  • Include Zero Values: Active
  • Labels: Holiday

Click Apply and then Save as a New Set. Fill out the following settings in the pop up for the Set.

  • Set Name: Holiday Closures
  • Description: Set to catch all Physical Borrowing Requests over the Winter Holidays.
  • Group: New
  • Private: No
  • Permanently Active for All Users: Check

All requests with the Holiday Label will be stopped to process after the Winter Holidays. 

Primo Labels

You might want to let patrons know the requests will be delayed. You can add several Primo Labels to let them know to expect delays. To add Primo Labels go to Alma Configuration → Discovery → Display Configuration → Labels. Chance the drop down to Description and search Rapido Labels. Click the ellipsis and select Edit. Search the following codes and update them: 

rapido.tiles.physical.no_best_offer.line_1Request a physical copy from another library. (Expect delays until January due to Library closures)
rapido.tiles.physical.best_offer.line_1Request a physical copy from another library. (Expect delays until January due to Library closures)
nui.ngrs.physical.getcopyRequest a physical copy from another library. (Expect delays until January due to Library closures)

That should add the message to all physical Rapido tiles. You do not need to use the exact wording above, use whatever Description fits your library’s style.

Return Workflow

Once you return from the holidays you will want to do the following:

  • Change the Primo Labels back to normal
  • Turn off the Borrowing Mediation Rule

  • Process the requests in the Set

To turn off the Borrowing Mediation Rule go to Alma Configuration > Resource Sharing > Rapido Rules > Borrowing Mediation Rules and set the rule to inactive. Once the rule is inactive you can process the requests. Go to the Holiday Closures Set in Rapido and click the Ellipsis (…) next to each request and select Recalculate Partner. If the rule is inactive the request will go through as if the request was just placed. Once all the requests are processed you can deactivate the Set and return to normal workflows.



Most Resource Sharing staff are familiar with going non-Lending for the holidays, but there were some enhancements to streamline this process so it is worth looking through some directions. 

Set Alma to go non-Lending in RapidILL

Previously staff had to go non-Lending in Rapido and RapidILL separately to block incoming physical (Rapido) and digital (RapidILL) requests. In January 2024, an enhancement made it possible to go non-Lending for both services when you set Rapido to non-Lending. To enable this enhancement go to Configuration > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings and search for rs_update_rapid_with_lending_offtime and set it to True. Now when you go non-Lending in Rapido you will also go non-Lending in RapidILL. 

Edit Resource Sharing Library Link

On the resulting page scroll down to the Lending Setup, check the box next to Temporarily Inactive For Lending, and add an Inactive Date Range. Lending should resume after the holidays, but it is always a good idea to go back and uncheck Temporarily Inactive For Lending just to be sure.

Non-Lending RapidILL

If you set rs_update_rapid_with_lending_offtime to True you wont need to set RapidILL to non-Lending separately. If you prefer to keep the setting separate go to RapidLL This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. and login. Go to Settings > Lending Off Hours and Add New Time. Input the date range you want Lending inactive and click Save. 

Return After the Holidays

When you get back from the break simply undo the steps above to resume Lending. You may leave the rs_update_rapid_with_lending_offtime set to True without any issue. 

Alma Roles: Patron 

Before staff can process Rapido requests they need to have requests to process. For the most part, requesting items through Rapido is quick and intuitive, but there are a few things library staff and student assistants should be aware of to best help our patrons. This section will go over how requests are placed, the different kinds of requests, and how patrons can continue to interact with requests after they are placed. This information is useful for anyone who uses or works in a CSU library.

While we will be discussing Rapido, our patrons will likely be unfamiliar with the names of different Resource Sharing software. When discussing the service with our patrons we should refer to it as CSU+ Resource Sharing because that is the logo and text printed on the book straps when they receive the book. All Resource Sharing should now go through Rapido, so we can easily refer to all Resource Sharing as CSU+. 

The CSU+ logo.

Library Patrons should start their search for library materials in OneSearch using their library's website. Through OneSearch, patrons can find materials in their library's collection, the other CSU collections, and even expand the search to explore collections outside the CSU library system. To use OneSearch, patrons will generally search a keyword, title, or author to start looking for materials. For this module, we are going to follow along with a patron requesting the book Educated by Tara Westover. 

Educated by Tara Westover listed in a library catalog. The status is "Local copy unavailable. Get it for me from other libraries."

The patron searches for the title Educated and the first result is the book the patron is looking for. Patrons may need to use the advanced search to add more information, such as author, or use filters to narrow their search to specific formats, languages, or publication years to find less common items. 

While the first result is the correct book, text appearing below the title says the local copy is currently unavailable. The book is probably checked out, so it will need to be requested through Rapido. If the patron clicks into the record they can access the Rapido Tiles where they can easily request a physical copy of the book or a digital copy of a single book chapter. These tiles appear side by side and are large rectangles with local institution instructions and the estimated delivery time and checkout period of the item. The Rapido physical offer tile and the Rapido digital offer tile can be configured to appear only when the item is not available to prevent patrons from requesting items held in the library. The patron can click Get It on either tile to bring up a simple form to request the item with a few additional clicks.

An example of the Rapido Offer tiles.

There may be some slight variation between campuses, but for the most part the physical item form will ask for the desired pickup location, if the patron wants a specific volume, and the date where the item is no longer needed. The form does not ask for the item title, author, ISBN, etc. because that information is pulled from the item record. In most cases the patron will want to pick up the item at the main library and wont specify a volume. In that case they can simply click Send and the request will be placed. 

An example of the Rapido physical request form.

The Rapido digital offer form will have a few more options than the Rapido physical offer form. This form will ask patrons for the book chapter, author, volume, and page range. This information is important for Resource Sharing staff at the library where the item is held to know what section to scan. Most libraries adhere to the Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU) guidelines and will only scan or download a single chapter or ten percent of a book for the patron to keep for their research. Because the entire book is not sent digitally, library staff need to know what section to send.

The Rapido digital offer form may also have a paragraph of text with a copyright statement letting patrons know requests may be cancelled if library staff believe the request breaks copyright law. The statement also warns that making additional copies may make them liable for copyright infringement. 

An example of the Rapido digital request form.

The patron adds any additional information to the Rapido offer form if necessary and can click Send to submit the request. The patron has now placed a request through Rapido. 

Requesting an article is similar to requesting a physical item or book chapter. A patron will search a keyword, title, or author in OneSearch until they find an article they want to use in their research. At most CSU libraries, patrons will only see articles available through the library by default, so the search needs to be expanded beyond the CSU collections. If a patron doesn't find the materials they need they can click expand your search to search the Global Title Index of records uploaded by other Alma libraries. The expand function can be used for articles and for physical items. 

The library catalog with the "expand your search" link highlighted by a red rectangle.

After the search is expanded, results from outside the library will be accessible below the search box. These items will often have a link saying "Get it for me from other libraries". If a patron clicks that link, or the anywhere on the item record, a page will open with more information. The Rapido Article Offer Tile will display on this page if the patron can request the item from another library. 

An image of the Rapido Article Offer Tile.

Clicking Get It inside the Rapido Offer Tile will open the Article Request Form. This form should have very few visible fields because all the citation information is added automatically, but the patron can add a note or specify a Not Needed After date. The article request form will have the same copyright statement as the book chapter request form described earlier. 

The digital request form.

After the patron clicks Send the request will be submitted. 

Once a patron requests an item the request will appear in their library account. They can view the request status in their account by clicking Sign In, followed by clicking their name, in the upper right hand corner the OneSearch website. Under the Requests Tab patrons can review the items they have requested through Rapido alongside items they requested from their home library. Patrons can see the status of physical requests and Download Articles and Book Chapters once they have been delivered.

An example of the requests tab in a patron account. The book, "Educated: A Memoir," is in process by lender.

Patrons can also Cancel requests they decide they no longer want or need. If the item has already been shipped they will not be able to cancel the request. Once a request has been cancelled it will disappear from the Requests Tab.

Sometimes patrons know the exact title they want but are unable to find it through OneSearch. A link to the Rapido Blank Request Form will appear directly under the OneSearch search bar in the expanded Global Title Index search. The text of the link will say Still didn't find what you need? Click here to send a request.  

The library catalog with the "Still didn't find what you need? Send a request."

Clicking this link will open the Rapido Blank Request Form where the patron can manually request anything through Rapido. This form has many fields and is very customizable, so it may appear slightly different at every CSU library. The form will generally have fields for patrons to add all the citation information needed by staff to find the requested item.

Links to the Rapido Blank Request form may be added to other parts of your library website, such as on the Resource Sharing unit page. I recommend all CSU libraries replace any remaining ILLiad Request Form links with the Rapido Blank Request Form link. 

The Rapido Request Blank Form.

The Rapido Blank Request Form will also have the same copyright notice that is included in the article and book chapter forms.

Now that you know the basics of how a patron places a request it may be helpful to know a bit about what happens behind the scenes. When a patron requests an item it goes through the Rapido Pods your library has joined to see if any of your partners can fill the item. A Rapido Pod This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. is a group of libraries with shared policies who agree to share with all the other libraries in the pod. For example, the CSU Pod will share items with other CSU pod partners and will deliver it within 3 days and patrons can check the item out for 112 days. Pods are also ordered behind the scenes based on priority starting with the CSU Pod, so all requests will go to the CSU Pod first if possible, followed by the Western Pod, then US Pod, etc. 

A diagram of pods showing requests going through the CSU pod, West Coast Resource Sharing pod, West pod, US pod, and International pod.

Rapido has real time availability, so it knows if a specific book attached to a specific record is available in a pod used by your library. This is why the Rapido Offer Tiles can give an estimate on an item. The estimates listed in OneSearch are the shared pod policies of the highest priority pod that currently has the item available to loan. For example, an item available from another CSU will say it will be delivered within 3 days and can be checked out for 112 days.

The Rapido Tiles with a 3 day delivery estimate and 112 day checkout.

Other pods may have different pod policies and therefore different Offer Tile estimates. The US Pod that can be joined by any library using Rapido in the United States as a 7 day delivery time and a checkout length of 112 days. 

The Rapido Tiles with a 7 day delivery estimate and 112 day checkout.

If an item is not available through any Rapido pod it can still be requested, but no estimate will be shown. These items may be switched to a duplicate record to request through Rapido or pushed to another Resource Sharing system to be filled outside Rapido. As more libraries start using Rapido this will be less and less common. 

The Rapido Tiles with no listed estimates.

Alma Roles: Circulation Desk Operator, Fulfillment Services Operator, and Printout Queue Manager

The General Workflows section will take you through some basic workflows that apply to both Borrowing and Lending in Rapido. By the end of this section you should be able to make and edit Sets and print pull slips, book bands, and shipping labels. Please read through this section and take the opportunity to check your own Rapido Sets to make sure you are catching all the requests for processing.  

Rapido is integrated into Alma, the Library Management System created by Ex Libris. Knowing how to navigate and organize Alma can make using Rapido faster and easier. This section will look at various areas in Alma and tips you can use to organize the system to meet your needs. 

Alma Dashboard

After logging into Alma you will be at the Alma Dashboard where you can navigate to all the different parts of Alma. Depending on your user roles you will have access to different areas of the system, but there are several areas you may want to remember:

  • The vertical toolbar on the left side of the screen lets you access many areas in Alma, but only a few areas are useful for Resource Sharing. You will frequently use the following sections:
    • Fulfillment
      • This area is where you will check books out to patrons, check books in, receive books from other libraries, and upload scans or downloads of articles or book chapters.
    • Analytics
      • Various reports are available for tracking Rapido analytics.
    • Configuration
      • Everything in Alma is configured in the configuration section. This section requires advanced roles you may not currently have. By the end of Rapido 201 you will receive a recommendation for those roles. 
The Alma Dashboard with Fulfillment, Analytics, and Configuration circled in red.

Quick Links Menu

You can add a vertical Quick Links menu across the top of the screen in Alma with a few easy steps. To activate the toolbar click the icon labeled Alma Production. Select Pin Quick Links Menu from the list of options. This will make any section you favorite with a star appear as a vertical menu.

It may be helpful to favorite the most used tasks for Rapido workflows in Fulfillment. If you click into the Fulfillment section in Alma you can star your most used sections to add them to your Quick Links toolbar. The areas you will likely use frequently in Fulfillment are:

  • Manage Patron Services
    • To check out books to patrons
  • Return Items
    • To check in items
  • Deliver Digital Documents
    • To deliver articles and book chapters
  • Receiving Items
    • To receive items from other libraries
  • Shipping Items
    • To ship items to other libraries
The Quick Links menu.

Rapido, Location, and Cloud Apps

Along the top right of your screen is the main vertical Alma toolbar. This toolbar has icons for Location, Rapido, and the Cloud App Center.

By default, the first icon is for Location. This icon is similar to the location icons used in Google Maps and other GPS apps. By clicking the Location icon you will open the Location tab. In this tab you can change which area of the library you are working at, choose which printer you will print with, and toggle Quick Printing on and off. 

The Location menu.

The Rapido icon is a picture of a document with the symbol for sharing in front of it. Clicking this icon will open the Resource Sharing Requests tab where all your Borrowing and Lending Sets are located. This will be one of the most common places you navigate to in Alma so it may be a good idea to pin the tab so it always remains open. To pin the tab click the small icon that looks like a push pin. 

The Rapido menu with the Rapido menu button and pin button highlighted with red rectangles.

The third icon you will commonly use is the Cloud App Center icon which is four squares arranged to look like a single larger square. The Cloud App Center is where you can add and use cloud apps developed by Ex Libris or librarians and library staff at other libraries. The the two recommended apps were both made by Ex Libris. These are the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page and the Article Galaxy Add-On apps.

The Cloud App Center with the Cloud App menu button.

Now that you know how to navigate and organize Alma you should be able to use Rapido quickly and efficiently.

What Are Sets?

Rapido lets users save "Sets" of filters so they can organize their workflows and find requests in need of processing. Sets can be created for private use or for the entire Resource Sharing unit to use. Each user has their own setup, with different users having different active sets. It is important for staff to have certain sets active to ensure requests don't get missed and sit for days without processing. This module will show you how to manage existing sets, create new sets, and ensure you have all the recommended sets active at your institution.  

Managing Sets

Ex Libris created several default sets for Rapido. Some of these sets meet the needs of CSU libraries while other Sets aren't as useful. Thankfully, Rapido users can manage what Sets are active for themselves. Every user should make sure they have all the Sets used for their own workflows. To manage your Sets click the gear icon on the Rapido Menu in the top right corner of the Alma screen to access the Manage Sets page.

The top of the Rapido menu with the settings icon highlighted with a red rectangle.

On the Manage Sets page you can turn Sets on and off, edit their settings, or even delete them. By default all Sets are inactive.

The following default Sets will likely be useful for most Resource Sharing staff:


  • New:
    • Awaiting Copyright Clearance
    • Awaiting Request Mediation
    • Awaiting Patron Information
  • In Process:
    • Article Requests - Bad Citation


  • New:
    • Requests that will expire today and tomorrow

All Rapido users should check their settings to ensure the above Sets are active. 

Creating Sets

Some Sets necessary to the CSU workflows are not included as a default Set and must be created from scratch. Thankfully, it is easy to make new Sets. To create a Set for Borrowing go to Rapido > Borrowing > All active borrowing requests. To create a Set for Lending go to Rapido > Lending > All active lending requests. You will now be in the base view of Rapido Borrowing or Lending where all active requests are accessible. From here you can refine your results and save your filters as a Set.

The Rapido menu Lending tab with All active lending requests emphasized.

To filter the requests open the Facets menu on the left side of the screen. Select the filters you want for your Set and select Save as a New Set. Name the Set and add a description to let your colleagues know the purpose of the Set. Once it is named, add the Set to the New, In Process, or Closed group to keep the Sets organized. Sets can then be marked as private or public. A private set will not appear in the Manage Sets settings for anyone except the person who made the Set, so only choose this option if the Set will not be useful for anyone else. Lastly, you can mark a Set as Permanently Active for All Users to activate it for everyone processing Rapido in your library. 

"Save as a New Set" pop-up menu.


In this section please check all your Lending Sets and make sure all the correct filters are saved. Correct any Sets with missing filters and add any Sets missing at your institution. After you complete this assignment you should have all the custom Sets necessary to catch and organize all the Lending requests at your institution. 

Lending Sets

The following CSU-created Sets should be active in your Institution Zone. Please make sure all Sets are active and that they have the correct filters selected. If you need to add a missing filter to an existing Set, add the filter, click Apply, and Save Changes.

If a Set is missing at your library, add it by going to Rapido > Lending > All active lending requests. Select all the filters needed for the Set, click Apply, and Save as a New Set

Print Pull Slips

This Set is to group together print items that need their pull slips printed.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Being Processed and Created Lending Request
    • Request Reported: No
    • Requested Format: Physical
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Print Pull Slips
    • Group: New
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Article/Book Chapter Pull Slips

This Set is to group together Articles and Book Chapters that need pull slips printed.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Being Processed and Created Lending Request
    • Request Reported: No
    • Requested Format: Digital
    • Inventory Type: Physical
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Article/Book Chapter Pull Slips
    • Group: New
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Locate Failed

This set will group together requests where the Alma locate processed failed. Items in this Set need to the locate process run by clicking the ellipses (…) and Locate Resource.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Locate Failed
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Locate Failed
    • Group: New
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

RapidR Reject eBooks

This set is only for libraries who have decided to reject requests for physical copies of eBooks that appear due to an issue with the RapidR Pod. Libraries may instead prevent these requests by updating RapidILL Harvesting Sets.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Being Processed and Created Lending Request
    • Requested Format: Physical
    • Inventory Type: Electronic
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: RapidR Reject eBooks
    • Group: New
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Print In Process

This Set is to group together items that have been printed and are currently being searched. If items remain in this set after everything is shipped, they may need to be reprinted and searched. Select the following filters:

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Being Processed and Created Lending Request
    • Request Reported: Yes
    • Requested Format: Physical
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Print In Process
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Article/Book Chapter Scanning

This Set is to group together items that have been printed and still need scanning. Select the following filters:

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Being Processed and Created Lending Request
    • Request Reported: Yes
    • Requested Format: Digital
    • Inventory Type: Physical
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Article/Book Chapter Scanning
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Article/Book Chapter Downloading

This Set is to group together items that need to be downloaded and sent through RapidILL. You may print these, but it is not necessary. Select the following filters:

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Being Processed and Created Lending Request
    • Requested Format: Digital
    • Inventory Type: Electronic
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Article/Book Chapter Downloading
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)


This set will group together requests that have expired in Alma but have not automatically moved on. These items need to either be immediately processed or rejected.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Expired
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Expired
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Lost By Borrowing Patron

This set will group together all requests that the Borrowing Library has marked as Lost. Items in this Set need you to add a lost item fee by clicking the ellipses (…) and Lost.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Lost
    • Update Date: Older
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Lost By Borrowing Patron
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Lost and Fee Communicated

This set will group together all requests where you have sent the lost item fee to the Borrowing Library. When the Borrowing Library pays the fee change the request status to Request Completed for items in this Set.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Lost and Fee Communicated
    • Pod: Select all pods except California State Network
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Lost and Fee Communicated
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Lost CSU

This set will group together all requests where you have sent the lost item message to the Borrowing CSU Library.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Lost and Fee Communicated
    • Pod: California State Network
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Lost CSU
    • Group: Completed
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)


In this section please check all your Borrowing Sets and make sure all the correct filters are saved. Correct any Sets with missing filters and add any Sets missing at your institution. After you complete this assignment you should have all the custom Sets necessary to catch and organize all the Borrowing requests at your institution. 

Borrowing Sets

The following CSU-created Sets should be active in your Institution Zone. Please make sure all Sets are active and that they have the correct filters selected. If you need to add a missing filter to an existing Set, add the filter, click Apply, and Save Changes.

If a Set is missing at your library, add it by going to Rapido → Borrowing → All active lending requests. Select all the filters needed for the Set, click Apply, and Save as a New Set


This set catches the requests where the Lending library has specified conditions to loan. You can accept or reject those conditions within this Set.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Conditional
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Conditional
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Physical (4+ Days)

This set lets you see physical items that have been at a partner longer than the standard expiration date. This could be for multiple factors including: Lending Library doesn’t have expiry enacted or a bug in the system.

  • Filters:
    • Rapido Indicator: Yes
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Request Sent To Partner
    • Requested Format: Physical
    • Update Date: 4-7 Days Ago and 8-30 Days Ago and Older
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Physical (4+ Days)
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Digital (4+ Days)

This set lets you see Digital items that have been at a partner longer than the standard expiration date. This could be for multiple factors including: Lending Library doesn’t have expiry enacted or a bug in the system.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Request Sent To Partner
    • Requested Format: Digital
    • Update Date: 4-7 Days Ago and 8-30 Days Ago and Older
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Digital (4+ Days)
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Returned Today

This set will show all the requests that were returned by the patron today. The purpose of this set is to make it easy to find items that need a return label printed.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Returned Item To Partner
    • Supplied Format: Physical
    • Update Date: Today
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Returned Today
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Returned Yesterday

This set will show all the requests that were returned by the patron yesterday. The purpose of this set is to make it easy to find items that need a return label printed.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Returned Item To Partner
    • Supplied Format: Physical
    • Update Date: Yesterday
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Returned Yesterday
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Returned 1-3 Days Ago

This set will show all the requests that were returned by the patron 1-3 days ago. The purpose of this set is to make it easy to find items that need a return label printed on Mondays.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Returned Item To Partner
    • Supplied Format: Physical
    • Update Date: Yesterday and 2-3 Days Ago
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Returned 1-3 Days Ago
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Lost Communicated

This set will group together all requests where you have sent the lost item fee to the Lending Library. When they respond with a fee the request will disappear from this set and appear in the Lost Fee Amount Received Set. If items are in this set too long you may want to consider emailing the Lending Library.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Lost Communicated
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Lost Communicated
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Lost Fee Amount Received

This set will group together all requests where the Lending Library has sent a fee in General Message. Items in this Set need the fee added to the Patron account.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Lost Communicated
    • General Messages: Active General Messages
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Lost Fee Amount Received
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Lost Item Cleanup

This set is for cleaning up requests after configuring the automatic lost charging.

  • Filters:
    • Activity Status: Active
    • Status: Loaned Item To Patron
    • Due Date: 8-30 Days Ago and Older
  • Save Set As:
    • Set Name: Lost Item Cleanup
    • Group: In Process
    • Private: No
    • Permanently Active for All Users: (Check)

Introduction to Printing

Printing in Alma, and therefore Rapido, has changed a lot over the years. Printing used to be nearly impossible for Resource Sharing, so staff developed a program to generate pull slips using data from spreadsheets downloaded from Alma. Unlike the early days of Alma Resource Sharing, Rapido has Print Slip buttons and several ways to print items, but it still isn't as intuitive as it is in most word processing programs.  


To be able to print in Alma faculty, staff, and student assistants need specific roles. Users will need one of the two following roles to print:

  • Printouts Queue Operator
  • Printouts Queue Manager

Both roles can print items, but the Printouts Queue Manager role is required for reprinting items printed by other users and using the Printing Multiple Items Per Page cloud app. Since the manager role only lets users reprint things they can already print it is safe for users at all levels to use. Everyone who processes Rapido should have the Printouts Queue Manager role. 

Activating The "Printing Multiple Items Per Page" Cloud App

Before printing anything in Rapido, it is recommended staff add the Printing Multiple Items Per Page cloud app. This app streamlines the printing process and saves paper by printing multiple slips on a single sheet of paper. To add the app, go to the top right corner of the screen in Alma and click and icon of four squares grouped together making one larger square. This will open the Cloud App Center. Click Available Apps and search Printing Multiple Items Per Page to find the app. Click into the app and select Activate. The app will now appear on the Activated Apps list in the Cloud App Center in the future. 

Cloud App Center showing the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page app and highlighting the Activate button.

Printing With The App

Now that you have the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app added to Alma you are ready to print. Printouts will be generated automatically during certain points in your daily workflow or when you click Print Slip in Rapido. These printouts do not immediately print (unless quick prints is enabled), but are put in the printing queue and still need to be sent to the printer.

Once a printout has been sent to the print queue it can be released by going to the Cloud App Center and selecting the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app. The Pending printouts will appear automatically at the top of the list of items to print in the app. Check the box next to Check/Uncheck All or select individual items to print. With the items selected, click Mark As Printed followed by Print X Records (X being the number of selected records). A new page will appear with the printouts ready to go. These printouts will look very large, but they will resize when you print. Right Click anywhere on the page and select Print.

The Printing Multiple Slips Per Page app showing how to check all items, mark as printed, and then print.

Printing Without The App

While it is possible to print without using the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app, it is not recommended. When the CSU went live with Rapido the cloud app did not exist. Many different workflows were used including the Quick Printing feature and the Printouts Queue section in Alma under Admin > Printing > Printouts Queue. Both methods proved confusing or required many more clicks to use. It is recommended faculty, staff, and student assistants disable Quick Printing and access the Printouts Queue through the cloud app and not directly through Alma. 

Quick Printing

Faculty, staff, and student assistants can enable or disable Quick Printing for their Alma login by clicking the location symbol in the top right section of the Alma toolbar on the main page of Alma. After opening the Location Settings, a checkbox to enable or disable Quick Printing will appear. It is recommended this stay unchecked.

Enabling Quick Printing will make items print immediately when you click Print Slips in the Borrowing and Lending sections of Alma. Unfortunately, it will also make items print immediately when an item is checked in or out, making them all print with one slip per page. This uses up more paper and the slips were designed to print two per page.

A screenshot of Alma showing the Location icon and where to click to Enable Quick Printing.

Printouts Queue

The Printouts Queue can be accessed in Alma under Admin > Printing > Printouts Queue. The Printouts Queue is similar to the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app but it does not resize the prints to print multiple items per page. 

Alma Roles: Circulation Desk Operator, Fulfillment Services Operator, Requests Operator, and Printout Queue Manager 

Resource Sharing is a reciprocal process between libraries. Library staff can request materials from other libraries, but if no one is willing to lend their materials Resource Sharing would cease to function. To borrow materials for our patrons we must be willing to lend our materials to other libraries.

The Lending side of Resource Sharing consists of workflows to retrieve materials from our libraries and send them to other libraries. In the following section you will see how to perform various Lending functions including:

  • Physical Item Lending Workflows
  • Digital Item Lending Workflows
  • Locate Failed Workflows
  • Document Delivery Workflows

After reading these sections, there will be a short quiz on the material.

The majority of requests that come from other libraries will automatically connect to an item in the library stacks with a call number to be printed on the Lending pull slips. Occasionally, requests will fail to locate and need a little help moving to the next step.


The majority of items with the Locate Failed status are easy to process. Go to the Locate Failed Set (see Creating Lending Sets) and select the ellipsis (...) next to a request you want to process. Select Locate Resource. In most cases the item will be automatically located and the status will be updated so the request appears in the Print Pull Slips Set

The Rapido Lending page with the Locate Failed status emphasized with a red rectangle. The image also shows the list of options that appear when clicking the ellipsis with Locate Resource emphasized with another red rectangle.

If an item matching the citation information is still not found, a page for the Repository Search will appear. Click the citation information link to edit the search until you find a match or confirm this item is not held at your library. If you find a match, select the desired record and click Select to attach the request to that record. The request will then be updated and appear in the Print Pull Slips Set

An image of the repository search showing where to click to select a record and click Select.

If a matching record is not found, exit the search and click the ellipsis (...) and select Reject. The request will then move on to another library that may have the item. 

An image showing the Reject option after clicking the ellipsis in Rapido Lending.

Printing Pull Slips

Before items can be loaned to other libraries they need to be pulled from the library shelves. All incoming items will come into the Print Pull Slips Set to make them easy to find and print. This Set looks for items at two statuses: Being Processed and Created Lending Request. These two statuses are functionally the same and can be processed together without issue.

To print the pull slips in shelving order for easy sorting change the default Sort By setting from Creation Date to Shelving Location. Items will now appear in call number order. You are now ready to print. Select all the requests and click the Print Slip button on the right side of the screen. This will generate the prints and send them to the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app. Click the Cloud App Center icon (four small squares making one larger square) and select the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app. Use the app to release the prints to print two pull slips on every page. Cut the slips and pull the corresponding books from the shelves.  

Shipping Materials

Once the items have been pulled from the shelf it is time to process them as shipped. In Alma, go to Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Shipping Items to begin processing. Scan the item's barcode and the item will be moved to the Shipped status. Use the Pull Slip as a Book Band, package the book, and send it to the library that is borrowing it. 

Returning Materials

Once the patron at the Borrowing library is finished using the item borrowed from your library they will return it. To scan the materials back in go to Fulfillment > Checkout/Checkin > Return Items. Scan the item's barcode to return the book. The item can now be returned to the shelf and any accompanying paperwork can be recycled. 


While shipping materials you may encounter an item that cannot scan. In this scenario, go to the All Active Lending Requests Set and search for the request for the item that will not scan. Select the ellipsis (...) on the request to open a list of options and select Ship Items Physically. Scan the item barcode on the following page to check it out. 

Printing Pull Slips

Before you can lend a scan of a book chapter or article from a print journal you need to pull the book or journal from the shelf. Go to the Article/Book Chapter Pull Slip Set in the Lending section of Rapido. Items with the Being Processed and Created Lending Request status that are held physically, but the requested format is digital, will appear in this set. Change the Sort By selection from Creation Date to Shelving Location to order the items by Call Number. Select all the requests in this Set, click Print Slip, and release the printouts from the Printouts Queue using the Print Multiple Items Per Page cloud app.

Once the pull slips are printed, use them to find and pull the book or journal from the shelf.  


Once the book or journal has been pulled it is time to scan the pages requested by the Borrowing library. There are many different scanners used by libraries in the CSU, and they all work slightly differently. Regardless of which scanner you use, scan the requested pages and save them in PDF format in a drive or folder where you can easily access the files to upload them to Rapido. When you save the file, you should save it as the Internal Identifier using the barcode printed on the pull slip used to find the book in the library stacks. 

Deliver Manually

Go to Alma > Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Deliver Digital Documents to start delivering scanned items. Scan the External Identifier barcode on the pull slip and upload the file from your shared drive or folder. Check the preview to ensure you attached the correct item and click Done. The request will now be delivered to the Borrowing library.

Deliver Automatically

Rapido can use a scheduled job to deliver articles automatically. This requires a drive hosted on a server connected to Alma. Once the connection is made, save all scanned article and book chapter PDFs in the drive as their Internal Identifier. The Alma job will match open requests to files with a matching Internal Identifier, upload them to Alma, and deliver them to the Borrowing library automatically. 


When a request is scanned or downloaded and delivered it uses a service called RapidILL. This service predates Rapido and many libraries on other systems connect to each other using RapidILL to share digital copies of articles and book chapters. RapidILL was purchased by Ex Libris and became the basis of Rapido, but it still exists outside of Rapido and is used by libraries around the world on other systems. All requests in Rapido are delivered using RapidILL. When a Rapido request goes through RapidILL the Rapido External Identifier, which starts with 01 followed by a seven letter library code, will be replaced by a RapidILL Number, an eight digit number. 

Downloading and Uploading

Libraries subscribe to thousands of articles available online through OneSearch and the library databases. Rapido users can share PDFs of these articles and eBook chapters through Lending without needing to print any pull slips. To process these requests, go to the Article/Book Chapter Downloading Set in the Lending side of Rapido. All the requests in this Set will be items in the Being Processed or Created Lending Request status, the requested format is Digital, and the inventory type is Electronic. Because these items are held electronically, they can be downloaded and delivered. 

To process requests in this Set, click the ellipsis (...) and select Download Electronic Resource. The resulting page that will open will have a link to the resource which should open in a new browser tab. Search for the article or book chapter and download it. Return to the previous page and click Browse to search your folders for the article or book chapter, or drop the file in the space beneath the Ship Item Digitally header. Click Send to send the file to the Borrowing library through RapidILL. 

The download Electronic Resource and Ship Digitally page that appears in Rapido.

What is Document Delivery

Many libraries scan articles or book chapters for their own patrons and deliver them digitally through a service traditionally known as Document Delivery. In previous systems this service was a separate area of Resource Sharing to go along with Borrowing and Lending, but in Rapido the requests live simultaneously in Borrowing and Lending, but are processed using the Lending workflows.  


If your library offers a Document Delivery service your patron can request a scan of an article or book chapter from materials available in the library. From the patron’s perspective this is no different from requesting a scan from another library. They simply request a digital copy of the article or chapter and it appears in their library account a short while later. 


Things work a little bit differently on the staff side of Rapido. When the patron places the request, Rapido creates a Borrowing request just like it would if the item was not held by the library. Since the library owns the material, Rapido requests the article or book chapter from your library before sending it to another library through RapidILL. The Borrowing request will show your own library as the partner and the request status will change to Request Sent To Partner. This all should happen automatically and almost instantaneously when the patron places the request. 


On the Lending side of Rapido the request will appear nearly identical to requests from other libraries. It will appear in the recommended printing and processing Sets, so the Lending staff do not need to do anything different to process the request. It can be pulled, scanned, and delivered using the current Lending Sets and workflows. The only indication that this is a Document Delivery item will be that the External Identifier is an formatted as an Rapido External Identifier instead of a RapidILL Number and the Borrowing library will be your own library.

If the item is available it can be scanned/downloaded and delivered along with all the other Lending requests. The request will be delivered to the Borrowing side of your Rapido instance and delivered directly to the patron as if it came from another library. Both the Lending and Borrowing versions of the request will then automatically move to a completed status.

If the item is not available to lend, you can reject it on the Lending side, just like you would with any Lending item. When the item is rejected in Lending, the Lending version of the request will be move to the Rejected The Borrower Request status. The Borrowing version of the request will send the request to RapidILL to get a new potential Lending library and a RapidILL Number. This is done automatically without staff mediation.

Sometimes a request comes in that you might be able to fill, but there are conditions. Some examples of conditions include requests for the whole ebook but you can only supply a single chapter or maybe you can fill the request but the book is in off site storage and will take slightly longer to fill. Marking an item as Conditional lets you communicate with the Borrowing library before filling or rejecting the request.  

Marking Conditional

When you want to mark an item as Conditional you should first add a Conditional Label.  Open the request and add or create a Label saying Conditional. This will let you know you previously marked this item as Conditional if the Borrowing Library accepts the conditions but does not add a note.

An image showing a Rapido request with the Conditional label.

After adding the Label go to the request and click the ellipsis (...) on the request and select Conditional. On the resulting pop up select a Reason for the Conditional and possibly a Date for Reply and Note with additional information and click Send.

The Conditional pop up box where you can choose a conditional Reason, the Date for Reply, and a Note.

The request will now have the status Conditional and will go to a Conditional Set if you have it set up.

Conditions Accepted

If the Conditions are accepted by the Borrowing library the request will come back to your library with the status Being Processed. If the Borrowing library did not add a note the request will look like a new request. This is why the Conditional note is so important. If you see an item in the Print Pull Slips Set with the Conditional label the Borrowing library has accepted the conditions. Process the request and send it to the Borrowing library.

If you do not remember why an item was marked Conditional you can check the reason in the request history. Go to the request and click Edit. In the resulting page click the History tab and look in the New Value column for a value reading:

  • Conditional message was sent to (Borrowing library) with reason: (reason the request was marked Conditional)

Conditions Rejected

If the Borrowing library selected No to your conditions then the request will automatically get the Rejected status and move on to another potential Lending Library. There are no actions for you to take. 

Sometimes you will receive requests that cannot be filled. Maybe the book is missing from the shelf or the online journal servers are currently down. Regardless of the reason, items can be Rejected and automatically sent to another library to fill the request. While it is preferred to fill every request that comes to our library, if an item cannot be filled within the standard four day expiry period it should be Rejected so the patron at the Borrowing library can access the item as soon as possible. If a bug develops that makes it impossible to fill requests they should be reported using the Resource Sharing Report form This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (CSU only) or SalesForce and then rejected. Since rejecting a request removes it from the system, make sure you take screenshots if you are making an error report.  

Rejecting a Request

The process for rejecting a request is the same regardless of the requested material type, so you can follow the same workflow for physical and digital items. Go to the request in the Lending side of Rapido and click the ellipsis (...) and select Reject

A Lending request where the library staff clicked the ellipsis and is selecting Reject.

Select a Reject Reason in the resulting pop up and click Reject. The request should now go to another library who may be able to fill the request. Items should be rejected quickly so patrons can get the item they need for their research. Lending requests should expire after 4 days, so if requests are found that were last updated longer than 4 days ago you should reject them. 

The Reject Request pop up. Staff can add a Reject Reason, Internal Note, or Note to Partner here.

After you click Reject the request will move on to another library and disappear from your Rapido set. 

Alma Roles: Circulation Desk Operator, Fulfillment Services Operator, Requests Operator, and Printout Queue Manager 

Most requests in Rapido are sent directly to the Lending library without a manual Borrowing step. Even though a piece of Borrowing is now automated there are still many workflows Resource Sharing Borrowing staff must do to ensure our patrons get the items they need in a timely manner.

The Borrow side of Resource Sharing consists of workflows to request materials from other libraries and receive them for our patrons. In the following section you will see how to perform various Borrowing functions including:

  • Borrowing Physical Items
  • Borrowing Digital Items
  • Awaiting Request Processing
  • Enrich From Global Index
  • Awaiting Copyright Clearance
  • Convert Resource Type

Receiving Physical Items

If a request is successfully filled by a Lending library they will send a copy of the item for you to process and loan to your library patron. Before you can hand the item to your patron you must first receive the book in Rapido. In Alma, go to Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Receiving Items to receive items and place them on the hold shelf. 

Scan the External Identifier on the Rapido paperwork to receive the item. A pop up will appear where you can add a temporary barcode. Scan the barcode from inside the item and make sure Automatically Print Slip is marked as Yes. Click save to receive the item. Because Automatically Print Slip was selected, the printouts for the Borrowing Book Bands will be triggered and sent to the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app. If Automatically Print Slip was not selected, you can still print the slip by clicking the ellipsis (...) next to the request and select Print Slip. Go to the cloud app and print the book bands using the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page workflow. Tape the slips around the book and place them on the hold shelf for the patron to retrieve. 

Return Items

Once the patron is done with the item they will return it to the library. To return the item in Rapido go to Alma and select Fulfillment > Checkout/Check-In > Return Items. Scan the item barcode to return the item. Returning the item will automatically trigger the shipping label printing. Go to the cloud app and print the book bands using the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page workflow.

Since Borrowing Digital Items uses RapidILL there are no workflows for requests that do not have errors or require copyright processing. The majority or article and book chapter requests will go to a Lending Library with the item available in their collection for scanning or download. When the Lending Library fills the request, Rapido will send it directly to the patron without staff mediation. 

Requests with errors, requests that trigger any custom Borrowing Mediation Rules, and requests that trigger the Copyright Mediation Rules will need staff processing. The next few sections will go through those processes. 

Manually Deliver Borrowed Articles and Book Chapters

There may be rare cases where a request needs to be delivered manually. Maybe the Lending Library couldn't send the file through Rapido so they emailed it, or maybe the article was purchased through an outside vendor. Requests where library staff have the article file can be uploaded and delivered to the patron quite easily. Find the request in Rapido and click the ellipsis (...) and select Upload File From Partner. This will open a page where you can drop the file from your computer and deliver the file by clicking Send. This will send the file to your patron. 

The Awaiting Request Processing Set in Rapido is a default Set made by Ex Libris to catch all requests needing mediation. The Set will show any request with the Created Borrowing Request, Ready to be Sent, or Local Holding status. The status of the request will appear directly below the Title and Author on the request.  

The following workflows show how to process the requests at those statuses. The Set will contain requests for physical and digital items by default, but you can add filters to make a separate Digital and Physical version of this Set. While it is possible to update the Set to make it catch different items, for the purpose of this course we will look at the default Set. 

A Rapido Request showing the Local Holding status.

Borrowing Mediation Rules

Many requests end up in the Awaiting Request Processing Set because they were stopped by a Borrowing Mediation Rule set up at your library. Borrowing Mediation Rules are rules made to stop or cancel requests meeting specific criteria.

Created Borrowing Request

Items at the Created Borrowing Request status are items that were stopped by a Borrowing Mediation Rule before they could be sent to any potential Lending Library. Many of these kinds of rules will stop requests because important information is missing from the request. For example, one mediation rule stops requests missing an ISSN and another stops requests missing an article title.

When a Borrowing Mediation Rule is triggered it will generate a Rapido Label to let staff know which rule was triggered. 

A Rapido request at the Created Borrowing Request status with the Missing_ISSN Label applied.

Most Borrowing Mediation Rules concern missing information. You can find and add the information in a few ways. The most obvious way to find the missing information is to search for the item in OneSearch. For example: If the Missing_ISSN Label appears on a request for an article titled "The Impact of Information on Attitudes Toward E-Mental Health Services" you can copy the title and search for it in OneSearch. The record in OneSearch may contain the missing ISSN.

Another way would be to search for the missing information using Alma. Go to the search bar at the top of the Alma page and set it to search the Global Index. Then search the article or book title from the request. If the correct record doesn't appear you can add more information to the search by clicking the magnifying glass with the plus sign next to the search box. 

A search in the Global Index.

Once you find the information, go to the request and click Edit to open the request record. Add the missing information and click Save. The request will automatically be sent through Rapido or RapidILL to be filled by another library. 

An expanded view of a Rapido request showing where to find the ISSN field.

Override The Borrowing Mediation Rule

Sometimes the information doesn't exist or you just want to push it through as it currently is. You can override the Borrowing Mediation Rule by adding the Escape Label created by your library when the Borrowing Mediation Rule was made. At most libraries this Label is the Approved or Approved_by_Staff Label. To add the Label click into the request to open the request information pane and click Add Label and search for the appropriate Label. Click the check mark and wait a few seconds for the request to save. The request will automatically send through Rapido or RapidILL without manually sending it. 

A request with the Approved Label being added.

Ready To Be Sent

Items at the Ready To Be Sent status are items that are being prevented from being sent to a specific partner by the Enrich From Global Index Borrowing Mediation Rule. In most cases the partner the request is trying to send to is your partner of last resort, aka ILLiad or WorldShare. You can process these items using the Enrich From Global Index workflow. This workflow is slightly more complicated than the other workflows in the Awaiting Request Processing set, so they will be covered as their own section on the next page. 

Local Holding

Items with the Local Holding status are items that are marked as owned and available for Resource Sharing in Alma. Many CSU libraries will scan articles or book chapters from items in their collection for their library patrons. Setup for scanning materials for library patrons requires a Borrowing Mediation Rule, but for now, lets look at the workflow created by the rule.

Digital Requests

Most of the requests for digital items will automatically be processed if you have a Borrowing Meditation Rule for scanning items held at your library set up. Even with this rule, there will be an occasional request that slips through and ends up with the Local Holding status. To process these requests, click the ellipsis (...) on the request and select Fill Locally and Create Lending Request to send the request to your own library as the Lending Library. The request will now appear in the Lending side of Rapido with all the other Lending requests. It can be filled or rejected as normal, there are no changes in workflow from other Lending requests. If the request is rejected because the item is not on the shelf, it will go to the next library in the Rapido pod automatically. 

A Rapido request with the Local Holding status where the library staff has clicked the ellipsis and selected Fill Locally followed by Create Lending Request.

If the request gets stuck and still appears in the Awaiting Request Processing set you can manually push it to the next library by clicking the ellipsis (...) and selecting Override Local Holding. This will send the request to the next library in the pod. 

Physical Requests

Physical requests with the Local Holding status are even less common than digital request because Display Logic Rules should prevent patrons from requesting items you own. It is still possible if the patron uses the Rapido Blank Form to place a request, so it will happen occasionally. Unlike digital requests, physical requests cannot currently be pushed to Lending for processing. To process physical requests you can transform them into hold shelf requests or cancel them.

If your library pulls items from the book stacks to place on the hold shelf you will want to change these requests into hold shelf requests. Click the ellipsis (...) in the request and select View Local Resources to see a record of the item being requested. On this page you can check the holdings information to make sure the request isn't in Special Collections or Course Reserves. Once you are confident the item can be checked out click Request. On the final page check the box next to Cancel Resource Sharing Borrowing Request to ensure the request is cancelled as it is copied as a hold shelf request. Click Submit to create the hold shelf request and cancel the Rapido request.

The Create Request page where you can transform a request from a Resource Sharing request to a hold shelf request. The image emphasizes the Cancel Resource Sharing Borrowing Request checkbox.

If your library does not have a service to pull locally held items for your patrons and place them on the hold shelf you will want to check the book stacks to make sure the book is actually available. If the book is on the shelf you can Cancel the request. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the request and select Cancel to cancel the request. Make sure to check the box to notify the patron so they will get the cancellation message.

If the item is not on the shelf you will want to send the request to another library so they can send a copy of the item. Click the ellipsis (...) and select Send to send the request to another library. If there are any colorful labels attached to the request it may not send until you add the Approved label to override any Borrowing Mediation Rules. Add the Label and then click Send

Requests marked Conditional by the Lending library will have the Conditional status and will appear in the Conditional Set on the Borrowing side of Rapido. Go to the Conditional Set to reply to the conditions.

Responding to the Conditional

The Lending library may have attached a note saying why the item was marked Conditional. To see the note click the link to the note in the request. Information in the note may help you decide whether or not to accept the Conditional. After reading the note, if there is one, click the ellipsis (...) on the request and select Conditional Reply. A pop up box will load with the reason the item was marked Conditional by the Lending library. You should mark the Conditional Answer as Yes or No based on the Conditional Reason and any attached Notes and add a Note of your own confirming you accept the terms. It is very important to add a Note because the request will go back the the Being Processed status at the Lending Library and the lack of notes may make the Lending library mark the request as Conditional again. 

The Conditional Reply pop up box where the condition is listed and library staff can select Yes or No to accept or deny the condition. Staff can also add a note to the partner.

Conditional Answer: Yes

If you answered Yes the request status will move back to Request Sent to Partner. The Lending library should then fill the request and you should obey the conditions you agreed to when the item arrives. 

Conditional Answer: No

If you selected No as the Conditional Answer the request will automatically move on to the next potential Lender through Rapido. This library may fill the request without conditions. 

When searching for materials in Primo, patrons are often presented with multiple records for the same item but with different holdings. If patrons select a record with a Rapido Offer tile with loan periods and delivery times listed the request will go to a Rapido partner, but if they select a tile with no listed terms the request will be pushed to ILLiad. Staff will then process the request in ILLiad and may end up requesting from the same partners who would have filled the request in Rapido if the patron had simply selected a different record. The Enrich from Global Index workflow will stop requests from automatically going to ILLiad so staff can attach the request to a different record and process the request in Rapido.


A Borrowing Mediation Rule can be set up to stop requests trying to go to ILLiad for mediation. These requests will appear in your Awaiting Request Mediation set and will have the Enrich label from the Borrowing Mediation Rule Output Parameters and they will be at the Ready to be Sent status.

A Rapido request with the partner set to ILLiad as Last Resort and the Ready to be Sent status. The request also has the Enrich label.

To attach the request to a record with potential partners click the ellipses () and select Enrich from Global Index.

The action options for a Rapido request that appear when the ellipsis is clicked. The Enrich From Global Index option is highlighted with a red rectangle.

After selecting Enrich from Global Index you will see a screen with the current information being searched in the Global Index for the request. Click the blue search text to edit the search. Some of the information in the search may be specific to the record currently being used to request the item. Since we want to use a different record for the same item we can delete some information that may not be listed in every record. Hover over a search item you want to delete and click X and Search.

The Global Title Index view in Rapido with the X to delete fields and the Search button to refine the search highlighted.

You may want to remove multiple lines that some catalogers may not add to a record. Subtitles like the one listed above are also sometimes absent in a record, so they can be removed. For example, If I were looking for a copy of the book Ariadne by Jennifer Saint I would remove all the fields except Title and Author. I would also remove any subtitles if present, so if the search was for “Ariadne: A Novel” I would change it to just “Ariadne.”

A refined Global Title Index search searching Ariadne as the title and Saint, Jennifer as the Author. The image also shows the Search button to click to initiate the search.

Once you click search new results will now appear. To further improve the search you may use the filters on the side to limit the results to the correct Resource Type, Language, Publication Year, etc. For example, if the patron requested the book and not the audio book of Ariadne it can be filtered to only show results for the physical copy of the book. It can also be filtered by language, so if the original request was for a copy in English you can filter show only records in English. By selecting Resource Type = Books and Language = English and then clicking Apply I know all the results will match the patrons original request while still possibly showing multiple records.

The Global Title Index results page with the Resource Type "Books" and the Language "English" selected. The Apply button is shown to direct staff to click there to apply the filters.

Clicking a record will show what pods have a book attached to that record and if it is currently Available. If a record has holdings in the California State Network, US West, or US Pod I know it will likely be filled quickly, so I would choose that record over any other.

The Global Title Index results screen showing the first record for the book Ariadne selected. The image shows a list of pods where the book is available, including the California State Network.

If a record is not held by a pod you are currently part of, no pod information will be displayed. If a request with no pod info is selected then the request wont go to any pods and will continue to be stopped by the Borrowing Mediation Rule, so don't select any records without pod information.

The Global Title Index results page with overlaid text saying: "No pod information, instead a list of partners who own the book but are not in a shared pod appear." There is an arrow from the text to a red rectangle around a list of partners but no pods.

To use a record with pod terms, Check the Checkbox for the record and click Select. This will populate Information from the new record to the Rapido request. At this stage it is recommended to remove the ISBN from items with multiple ISBNs to get the broadest access to results on the record because Rapido will only send the request to libraries using a specific ISBN if an ISBN is present. Click Recalculate Partner to send the request to the new record. A few things may happen at the next step.

The Reasource Sharing Borrowing Request with information added by the Enrich from Global Index workflow. The ISBN field is shown to let staff know where to delete the ISBN before they click Recalculate Partner.

Successfully Attached to a Rapido Partner

If the record you chose had Rapido partners with an available copy of the item the request will automatically go to that partner. Nothing left to do except wait for the item to arrive in the mail.

A Rapido request with the California State University, San Bernardino - Pfau Library as the partner and a status of Request Sent to Partner.

Request Still in Mediation

If the request still appears in the Awaiting Request Mediation Set the selected record did not have any Rapido partners with an available copy. Click the ellipses () and Enrich from Global Index to try a different record until a Rapido partner is found or you feel all potential partners have been exhausted. This should happen less frequently as more partners join Rapido.

Push to ILLiad

Once you feel no Rapido partners are able to fill the request it is time to try partners outside of Rapido. Add the label you configured as the escape label in the Borrowing Mediation Rule and refresh the page. At most libraries this label is ILLiad or WorldShare. The request should be sent to ILLiad.

A Rapido request with ILLiad as the partner at the Request Sent to Partner status. The ILLiad label is also shown on the request.

If your library does not use the Borrowing Mediation Rule the requests are cancelled instead of being pushed to ILLiad or WorldShare, but the rest of the process will be the same. 

The Awaiting Copyright Clearance Set gathers all the requests with the Pending Approval status. These requests triggered the Borrowing Copyright Rules set up at your library and need to be approved, marked as not needing payment, purchased, or cancelled. 

Determining What To Do

The first step to processing copyright is to determine if the item should be processed or cancelled. Staff should use the same criteria for determining if an item needs copyright payment as they did in other Resource Sharing systems such as ILLiad. The most common determiners are to look for duplicates, requests for more than ten percent of a book or journal, and requests that fall within the CONTU Rule of 5.


Look for duplicate requests by the same patron. These will likely be rare because Rapido prevents patrons from requesting duplicate requests in quick succession, but if a duplicate slips through for the same patron, cancel one request and process the other.

Some libraries like to check for duplicate requests for the same patron over the course of a year. To do this, copy the article title from the request and select Analytics from the far left Alma toolbar. Search for Rapido Request Search and search the article title for duplicates. 

Requests For More than 10 Percent Of A Book

If a request for a scan of an entire book, or multiple book chapters in a single request, appears in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance Set the request can be cancelled with a message saying the request violates copyright rules. To cancel the request, click the ellipsis (...) and select Cancel. Select a reason for cancelling the request or add a custom message. If you find you often add the same custom messages a new cancelation reason can be added to your configuration. 

Rule of Five

The CONTU Rule of Five is used to determine if a library should pay copyright according to the CONTU Guidelines. The rule says libraries should pay copyright on articles or book chapters if:

  • The article was published within the last five years.
  • The library has received at least five articles or book chapters from this book or journal that were published within the last five years. The first five articles do not require copyright payment. 

In essence you get five recently published articles from a journal per year for free and the rest should be paid for under the Rule of Five. The Rule of Five is preconfigured in Rapido, so any article or book chapter that appears in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance Set has already triggered the rule. The rule can be edited in configuration if your library follows different copyright guidelines. 


Once you have determined a request needs copyright payment you have several options on how to pay copyright. The easiest and most convenient way to pay copyright is to purchase the article from a document supplier through a Cloud App in Alma. There are currently two available apps: the Article Galaxy Add-On and the Get It Now Add-On. Currently, most CSU campuses use the Article Galaxy Add-On and none currently use the Get It Now Add-On. Regardless of the add-on you use, your library will need to make an account. The workflows between the two systems are nearly identical, but this course will focus on the Article Galaxy Add-On.

Go to the Awaiting Copyright Clearance Set and look at the request to determine if it is indeed an item you need to purchase or pay copyright on using your libraries copyright policies (such as CONTU). If you need to pay copyright, select the Cloud App Center icon (four squares making a large square) and the Article Galaxy Add-On app. The app will instantly search all the requests on the page and display the price for a PDF copy. If you want to purchase a PDF click Request PDF $XX.XX. If you refresh or reload the webpage the request will disappear because the app will automatically update the request status to Request Sent to Partner.

The Article Galaxy Add-on cloud app showing where to click to access the Cloud App Center and where to click to purchase a PDF.

Reprints Desk will process the request and send it to Rapido where it will automatically be delivered to the patron the same way articles are delivered from other libraries. There is no need for further processing. An invoice will be sent to the email attached to the Reprints Desk account each month for payment. 

Approving Copyright For Later Payment

Another option for copyright payment is to mark an item as needing payment to add to a report to send to a copyright clearinghouse such as the Copyright Clearance Center or Reprints Desk for payment. These requests will be marked as needing payment but prices are not available through Alma and Rapido. It is recommended to purchase the article if possible to pay copyright immediately with a known price for easier tracking. Some articles will not be available through the apps at this time and will need to go through this process.

If a request needs copyright payment, but isn't available through the Article Galaxy Add-On app, you can mark it as needing copyright payment by clicking a request to open the right hand information panel and scroll to the Request Attributes section. Click the check box next to Agree to Copyright Terms to mark the request as needing copyright payment in the future. 

An image of the Request Attributes section of an expanded Rapido request showing where to check the box to Agree to Copyright Terms.

Marking A Request As Not Needing Payment

Sometimes a request will sneak into the Awaiting Copyright Clearance Set that doesn't need a copyright payment. Maybe the request is for an article published more than five years ago, or maybe its an article from a journal you subscribe to, regardless of why the request doesn't need copyright payment the workflow is the same. To push a request through without marking it for copyright payment click the request to open the right hand information panel and scroll to the Request Attributes section. Click the pencil to expand the options and select No Copyright Restriction from the drop down menu and then select Save. The request will now be sent to a Lending Library for processing.

The Request Attributes section of an expanded Rapido Request showing where to change the copyright status.

The other two options are Copyright Approved and Copyright Not Approved. Selecting Copyright Approved will mark the request as needing payment in the future and Copyright Not Approved will keep the request in the Awaiting Copyright Clearance Set for processing. 

Copyright Report

To see the Copyright Report go to Alma > Analytics > Reports > Rapido Copyright Dashboard. This report has three tabs of information for you to use. The first tab is the Articles Unpaid tab. This tab lets you view all the articles that have the Copyright Approved status, were successfully filled, and were not purchased through a vendor. These would be items you still need to pay by submitting the report to Reprints Desk or purchasing each article through the Copyright Clearance Center.

The second tab is very similar to the first tab. This is the Book Chapters Unpaid tab. These are items where the amount or scans from the book triggered the CONTU guidelines. Since students or faculty have been requesting scans of the books on this list it may be a good idea to purchase a copy for your library.

The third tab is the Purchased Items tab. This tab shows all the requests that were purchased through a cloud app such as the Article Galaxy Add-On or the Get It Now Add-On. Copyright for these items have already been paid, so this is more of an informational report. This shows the price for each article and the total amount spent so far this calendar year.

The final tab is the Purchased Monthly Totals tab. This tab shows the total approved copyright per month, total approved with your vendors, and total combined. Along with this information in tables, a graph was added to this page to show the totals visually. All three items on this tab are also available as Dashboard Widgets for easy tracking when you sign in to Alma.

Sometimes requests come in with the wrong format. Usually, this is a patron requesting a whole digital copy of a physical book, but it can also happen if a book is cataloged in the Global Title Index incorrectly. Changing the requested format is thankfully easy at this point, but there are a few steps you will want to take note of.


In Borrowing you may see a request for a digital copy for an entire book in your Awaiting Request Mediation Set. To switch the requested format from Article/Book Chapter to Book click the ellipsis () and select Convert Request Type.

A Rapido request showing where to find the Convert Request Type option under the ellipsis.

A menu will pop up asking what format you want the request to be. Select the appropriate format and click Convert.

The Convert Resource Type pop up showing the Convert to dropdown box. Book and Book Chapter are shown as options.

A request page will appear for you to update any necessary information and request the item in the correct format. If the information is correct click Recalculate Partner. It would make sense to click Save, but this will leave the request in RapidILL if it is a physical item instead of Rapido. This could lead to no partners being found or the item being filled through the RapidR pod instead of a higher priority pod.

After clicking Recalculate Partner the request will start over and go through your institution’s priority Rapido pods.

Sometimes an item is accidentally returned in Alma and it needs to be un-returned so it can be checked out to the patron. You can revive a returned request with just a few steps. The first step is to manually change the status to Request Completed. Afterwards, refresh the page.

A Rapido request at the Returned Item to Partner status showing where to click to change the status to Request Completed.

Once the request has a status of Request Completed a new option will appear under the ellipses () menu. You can now select the Reactivate option to revive the request to a point before the book was checked out.

A Rapido request at the Request Completed status showing where to click under the ellipsis to Reactivate the request.

Selecting Reactivate will cause a pop up to appear with options for how you want to revive the request. You will want to leave Reactivate Loan unchecked. Checking this will check out the item to the patron, but will not change the status to Loaned Item To Patron. You will want to leave Send General Message checked. This will send a General Message to the Lending library to notify them the request has been reactivated.

The Reactivate pop up with Reactivate Loan unchecked and Send General Message checked.

The request is now Reactivated and can be checked out to the patron using normal workflows.

Alma Roles: Circulation Desk Operator

A patron at one CSU library is a patron at all CSU libraries. CSU faculty, staff, and students can use any CSU library as if it were the library at their home campus. This helps patrons who take online courses but live far from their home campus, but close to another CSU, do their research.

The Walk-In User policy was written by the Fulfillment Functional Committee (FFC) and the Resource Sharing Functional Committee (RSFC) and it was approved by the Council Of Library Deans (COLD) in 2023.

Please take a moment to review the policy:

California State University Walk-In User Policy

Submitted by:
The Fulfillment Functional Committee
The Resource Sharing Functional Committee


Alma has gone through significant changes since we first migrated in 2017. Several updates have made it easier to share materials and to act as a unified library system for our patrons. Recent updates in Fulfillment and Resource Sharing concerning walk-in patron functionality made us feel it was time to update the Visiting Patron policy to allow for CSU+, clarify standards, and ensure a consistent experience for patrons across the CSU.

*Note: This policy does not apply to campuses who are experiencing special/extenuating circumstances.


Throughout this document the following terms will be used:

  • Home campus - the campus with which the Walk-in User has an ID.
  • Host campus - the campus the Walk-in User is visiting.

Services Offered to Walk-In Users

Walk-in users will be able to check out items from the library’s regular circulating print collection* through Circulation. We recommend the user group be configured to use the following loan policies to match CSU+:

  • 16-week checkout
  • Minimum limit of 20 simultaneous loans

The use of computer labs is allowed if possible and relevant to the campus.

*Special Collections, Media Items, LP Records, Equipment, Current Periodicals, Course Reserves, Reference Items, etc. are up to each campus’ discretion.

Use of Physical Facilities

Walk-in users may use library facilities as if they were a standard patron at the library. This includes areas such as student-only extended hours. Access to areas only accessible using an automated system (such as an ID card swipe) that cannot accommodate other campus IDs may be limited for walk-in users. However, the task force recommends each library work with their campus to provide access to these areas for these students, if possible. Such use supports student learning and success by aligning CSU library services more closely with student needs regardless of campus of enrollment. This does not apply to campuses who do not offer the use of physical facilities past regular open hours.

Eligible User Groups

Current Staff, Faculty, Emeriti, Visiting Scholars, and currently enrolled students are considered affiliated with the CSU and are therefore eligible for walk-in privileges. To prove eligibility, they must show their university ID. Alumni may use the service if the library currently allows Alumni to use other library services. Public users are ineligible for walk-in privileges.

Note: Distance learners are considered eligible for walk-in privileges. However, they may not have a physical University ID card. If your campus does not have a written policy requiring a physical University ID and a distance learning user wants to create a Walk-in User library account, a successful log in to their home campus OneSearch account and some form of a picture ID such as a passport, driver’s license, or state ID should be sufficient to create the account with your campus.

Fines and Fees

The same rules apply here as they do for CSU+. The host library that checks out the item to the user is responsible for enforcing fines and fees associated with that item. All notifications go through the host campus.

If a Walk-In user accumulates fines for overdue items at the host campus and is not responding to overdue and billing notices, the host campus can contact the home campus to discuss methods for resolution.

Courtesy Returns

Walk-in Users may return their checked-out items to any CSU library. Alma does not currently provide a method to track these items or a process for courtesy returns. However, to facilitate the item returning to its home library, it is suggested that CSU resource sharing staff do the following:

  • Send an email to the resource sharing staff at the owning library explaining that the item was returned and is being shipped via courier.
    • The email sent to the owning library should include the book’s barcode.
    • The email will also provide an unofficial record that the patron returned the item even if the item never shows up at the owning library.
  • Upon receiving the item, the owning library should check it in to complete the loan cycle which will remove any potential fines or registration holds from the end user’s account.
  • If the item is not received at the home library, follow the Resource Sharing “CSU+ Items returned and not received at the lending library” procedures.

CSU+ and Rapido

Walk-in Users should be configured to be able to use CSU+/Rapido for physical items, at least for items held at other CSU libraries. To limit the ability to request items to just within the CSU, staff can configure Rapido Borrowing Mediation Rules and Display logic rules.

To access electronic materials in Primo, patrons need a Single Sign On account. Walk-In user accounts are manually imported and do not have a Single Sign On username and password. Because of this, Walk-In patrons should be instructed to use their home library to access electronic resources or request articles or book chapter scans through Rapido. Staff can hide the digital Rapido Offer links from Walk-In patrons using a Display Logic Rule to reduce patron confusion.

Rapido Borrowing Mediation Rule and Display Logic Rule configurations will be posted on the Cal State Walk-in User (Visiting Patrons) Configurations pages on the Unified Library Management System (ULMS) wiki.

Configuration and Workflow

Configuration and step-by-step workflow guides for walk-in users will be posted on both the Fulfillment Functional Committee (FFC) and the Resource Sharing Functional Committee (RSFC) wikis. These pages may be updated as additional Alma and Rapido updates are released.



  • The RSFC wiki page will have links added that direct patrons to the pages on the FFC wiki for consistency.


The CSU libraries have grown increasingly unified in the goal of filling the needs of all CSU patrons. Clarifying how to set up Walk-In user accounts and policies will help us improve our services and ensure a patron at one CSU library is a patron at all CSU libraries.

Flip Cards

the CSU currently uses Flip Cards instead of sticker labels to ship materials between libraries using the courier. These cards are to be used in the red CSU+ courier bags. While hard laminated flip cards are preferable, the cards can be printed out if you run out. The cards are housed in the CSU ULMS SharePoint site and requires a CSU login to view: 

Select the folder for your campus and you should see two PDF files: a To file and a From file. Open each file and find the page with your library and the library you want to send the courier package to and print those pages. After printing from both the To and From documents, cut out the labels along the dotted line. Take a slip from the To document and a slip from the From document and glue or tape them together to make a complete label. Now you will have a complete flip card where one side ships the package to the Borrowing library and the other side can be used to ship the package back to the Lending library. 

Some libraries have taken the extra step of either laminating the cards with a laminating machine or wrapping them in transparent packing tape. Both practices are appreciated but not required. 

If you are low on time, you can just print a slip from the To document to use as a one time use slip. 


While making new Flip Cards is not a quick process, their day to day use is very fast. Slip the Flip Card behind the plastic window in the courier bag with the destination face up and you're done. 

Flip Cards are also reusable, so they use less resources, and they don't leave a sticky residue on the bags. 


Since the Flip Cards are reusable they all use the same tracking number between destinations. This means you cannot accurately track packages, which makes it much harder to know if a package was lost. 

Sticker Labels

While most of the time you will be able to use Flip Cards to ship items through the courier, there are rare cases where you may choose to print the old Sticker Labels using a Zebra Printer. These labels should not be used on the red CSU+ courier bags, but may be used on older bags from before CSU+. To print these labels go to the courier website: 

To use the Sticker Labels, peel them off and stick them on the courier bag (as long as it's not the red CSU+ bag) on the label window. Packages using these labels can be tracked to ensure they are not lost. To track a package, go to the courier website. 

Reporting Issues

If you have a service issue with the courier you can fill out the Resource Sharing Report This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. form and select Unity as the report type and the Resource Sharing Manager (RSM) and a designated member of the Resource Sharing Functional Committee (RSFC) will be alerted to your issue. Reasons to submit a report include, but are not limited to:

  • Driver Issues
  • Damaged Materials
  • Courier Bag Repair
  • Courier No-Show (missed pickup/delivery)
  • Unapproved Schedule Change
  • Courier Mis-delivery
  • Incorrect Label (causing mis-delivery)
  • Transit Time (shipped too long)

The RSM or a member of the RSFC will contact Unity to alert them of the issue. If the issue is an emergency, and you want to contact Unity directly you may email Monique Carr (Unity Customer Service Manager). If you contact Unity directly please cc the RSM to make sure they are aware of the issue. 

Damaged Claims

If an item is damaged you can submit the Claim Form This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (requires a CSU login to access) to the courier at and cc the RSM at, ideally within 48 hours of receiving the damaged item. Please include the following information in your claim:

  • Your name, phone number, e-mail and campus/library
  • What campus the item came from
  • Date of shipment and date of receipt
  • Title and barcode of the item
  • Replacement cost of the item (if this is difficult to obtain in the 48 hour window it can be sent to Unity later)
  • Written description of the damage and photos of the damaged item
  • A photo of the bag in which the damaged item was shipped, including barcoded flipcard (it may not always be possible as items are unpacked in bulk or by students who may have removed identifying information from bags upon unpacking the item but try to photograph the packaging)

If/when a claim is approved campuses should work directly with Unity to arrange payment or replacement of the item.

Lost Claims

If an item is lost you can submit the Claim Form This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (requires a CSU login to access) to the courier at and cc the RSM at Before you submit the for you may want to do the following:

  • Search for the book at your library. Make sure it is not on the hold shelf or shelved in your collection without being returned in Alma.
  • Contact the library who Borrowed the item and aske them to search their library. In rare cases, books have been shelved instead of handed over to Resource Sharing.

Since we are using Flip Cards among the CSU libraries tracking is unavailable for most items shipped through the courier. 

Policy/Procedure in Development


Ordering Using the Alma Network Zone This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (approved)

Policy: To help CSU libraries make collection development and acquisitions decisions based on the most current and accurate data in a shared environment, we recommend using NZ records for ordering materials that will ultimately be shared in the NZ. 

In-Process Brief Bibliographic Records & Minimum Acquisitions Data This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (approved)

Policy: Standardization using brief records for ordering new materials using the Network Zone and the minimum data elements to be included in records to foster collaborative technical service, cooperative collection development and avoid duplication

Alma Brief Record Level Configuration This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (approved)

Policy: This Alma functionality making multiple levels of brief bib records was recently released and may be problematic; recommendations should be made regarding NZ implications (joint policy with Cataloging Task Force)

Using Import Profiles to Load Vendor Brief Bib & Order Records into NZ This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (in progress)

Policy and/or Procedure?: One way to add records to the NZ is using brief or full records from a vendor. This document discusses how to use brief/full records from YBP and minimize errors when adding new NZ records.

Shared Vendor Records in the NZ--DRAFT This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. (declined)

Update: Not currently a possibility to effectively share vendors in the NZ; will revisit options in the future.



Leave this one as-is for now for examples CLH 12/17/24 

original page: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. 

dev page: (not updated as of 12/17/24 3:21pm on export, check later)


  1. Keep document status, etc on page?
  2. Keep version/history at bottom?
  3. Parts of the Action Log table at bottom are missing on cut & paste



Document status


Area covered

acquisitions, cataloging

Lead Author


, Tyler Rogers, , , Del Williams


Libraries need to make collection development and acquisitions decisions based on the most accurate and current data – a necessity even more important in the CSU's shared environment. Alma’s consortial functionalities provide real-time look into the acquisitions activities of CSU libraries. The increased transparency across the system will assist in future collection development decisions and technical services work. Bibliographic records are shared through the Community Zone (CZ) and Network Zone (NZ) but local information available via the Institutions Zone (IZ). Physical and electronic inventory can be connected to the bibliographic records and represent a single exemplar of an information resource that a campus physically has or electronically has access to. For individual campuses, inventory is managed locally in the IZ and the order records, which can also be connected to bibliographic records and inventory, are managed locally in the IZ. Ideally, inventory and order records of the Chancellor's Office and individual campuses should be visible to sister campuses within the consortium at the NZ level. For more information about Alma's data entity relationships, please refer to Ex Libris' documentation (e.g., Alma Topologies This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.Introduction to the Network Zone This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., and Introduction to Alma Inventory This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.).

The sophisticated linking across the different record types at different levels makes it important to prevent the creation of redundant records. A policy outlining the preferred method of linking order records to bibliographic records in the appropriate zone(s) is necessary to avoid duplication of records and support the on-going maintenance of shared records. The benefits and the impact of creating order records based on the CZ, NZ, and IZ have been considered. For the purposes of this discussion, digital resources are not considered since Alma's management and workflows of digital resources have not yet been discussed consortially.

Policy Statement

In accordance with the policy set forth by the TSWG in Working in Alma and the Network Zone This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., when ordering resources for campus libraries that are to be made visible in the NZ, acquisitions staff at CSU libraries should create orders linking to bibliographic records in the NZ, thereby sharing updated library inventory with the consortium. Resources that are not expected to be shared in the NZ (e.g., laptops, other in-house equipment, non-collection type of resources, resources with prohibitive licenses from sharing metadata) should not be ordered using the NZ.

Best practice recommendations

With the interest of system-wide collaboration in mind, it is best for physical and electronic resources to be linked to the NZ at the point of ordering, whenever possible.


  • Consortium and campuses can make shared collection development decisions

  • Consortium and campuses gain efficiency through shared cataloging and maintenance of bibliographic records

  • Consortium and campuses save money on bibliographic records


  • Consortial needs might be prioritized over institutional needs

Potential Real Life Examples:

Collection Development:

If bibliographic records are in the NZ (brief, full, and anywhere in between), individual campuses can see what is available in the consortium and might be able to better make collection development decisions on the fly. If hypothetically Fullerton got a book request from a student on the subject of water, Fullerton might notice that Fresno has the item and it fits better into Fresno's collection since they have a specialization in that topical area. Fullerton might be inclined to borrow the item from Fresno instead of buying their own copy.

Cataloging and Discoverability:

Sharing bibliographic records in the NZ aids cataloging and discovery. If hypothetically a campus has very little to no cataloging staff, creates a brief bibliographic record in the NZ and links the order record, another campus in the consortium buying the same item with higher cataloging capacity might get to the cataloging of the resource, saving all other campuses time in cataloging that particular item. If the initial brief bibliographic record only resides in the IZ, the campus that put the brief bibliographic record in the IZ would not know nor benefit if another campus catalogs the same item in the NZ, until they go through the backlog and find the full record in the NZ. In the meantime that campus' patrons access could have been somewhat impeded due to the low-level of discoverability the brief records offer, compared to full bibliographic records.


Sharing bibliographic records in the NZ could save money in purchasing full bibliographic records from cataloging vendors. If hypothetically Fullerton intends to buy a book from Gobi but notices a brief bibliographic record put into the NZ by San Jose. Fullerton is already aware that San Jose participates in WorldCat Cataloging Partners (WCP), which means San Jose will both pay for and receive a full bibliographic record for that resource from OCLC. Fullerton might be inclined to only order the copy of the book but opt out of requesting and paying for the same full bibliographic record from OCLC.

Procedures in Alma

As a general overview, 1) the NZ should be consulted for matching bibliographic records. If a match is found, the local Purchase Order Line (POL) should be linked to that bibliographic record. In the event that no existing bibliographic record match is found in the NZ, 2) external sources should be consulted and appropriate record brought into the NZ, then POL is linked to the NZ bibliographic record. In order to maintain a consistent and accurate NZ catalog, 3) brief bibliographic records may be created and linked to the NZ in accordance with the policy In-Process Brief Bib Records & Minimum Acquisitions Data This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. provided no appropriate bibliographic record is already available in the NZ or via external resources.

The Ex Libris' document Ordering a Centrally Managed Electronic Resource This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. outlines these steps, but the same principles also govern the ordering of physical resources (the reporting code field might require further review).

Action log



Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required

Articulate the need for the policy (background)



: consulted with task force on the need for policy; working draft submitted

: policy statement creation

Create a Policy Statement






Identify and create best practice recommendations





Where applicable, identify and write up procedures in Alma




: requires feedback, suggestions, comments, etc.; requires potential consolidation with ER TF policies

Need to update policy in accordance with the ERM Task Force's recommendation This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. to prefer the CZ; discussion regarding ebook one-off ordering using the CZ still pending





Consulted Acquisitions/ERM Functional Committee. To be retained as Best Practice





TestTest 2 
asdasdasdasdasdasdasd This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. 





Working with NZ Analytics This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Design Analytics role in the NZ Analytics instance should be extended to one user per campus


9XX Parameter Configuration This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Policy describing local field configuration for systemwide records




original link: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

How do I indent text? (bullets 2-4 below should be double-indented) 



It appears that all Analytics fields and data reportable at the IZ level are also available at the NZ level. There are advantages to this but also potential problems.

  • Reports can be run at the NZ level that combine the data from multiple campuses or allow comparison of local inventory to the NZ

  • Example reports include:

  • Total physical items or expenditures system-wide, by institution, by material type, etc.

  • Resource sharing or fulfillment statistics system-wide or by institution

  • Duplication between an institution's e-inventory and available e-inventory in the NZ

This has important implications:

As a group, we feel that access to NZ Analytics will be an essential tool, especially during the data cleanup immediately after Go Live, so we would like to propose that one person at each campus be assigned a login limited to the Design Analytics role.

  • Sarina supports this idea (3/22/2017):  "Thanks for bringing this up, I think that it does make sense for campuses to have access to the read-only Analytics view of the NZ."

  • Further information and/or login details (generic or individual) to follow when Brandon returns to the office.

original page: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

  1. Missing images on a copy, best way to do this (efficiently)

  2. One link back to Confluence to fix 


Update:  From the January 2019 Release Sneak Preview

  • Bibliographic/Holdings Local Fields to Be Exported to Analytics – It will be possible to define any bibliographic field, and not only a 9XX field, to be exported to Analytics.


CSU campuses need to configure their local fields to be mapped for analytics (LOCAL PARAMS = 9xx fields; up to five can be mapped by EL for use in analytics).

Each campus will need to submit a Salesforce case (see: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.)


 (From: This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.)

Each campus must select five 9xx fields to be mapped to Alma Analytics. Fields 958, 962-969, and 972  are reserved for local institution-defined internal notes. Any CSU library is free to define any of these fields for local use. These local internal note fields do not publish to Primo. Please see Local Fields in Alma & Primo This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

There is no deadline for submitting this request to ExLibris. However, determining which fields will be used in Analytics may impact the set up of Import Profiles, data clean-up projects, or other workflow. Also note: ExLibris may take up to 2 weeks to execute this configuration change.  Please also note that while it is possible to change the designated fields later via a new SalesForce case, Ex Libris strongly discourages it, as it is a complex process and may cause unintended issues. Recommended timeline: Before Go-Live or soon thereafter.

Local Params 1-5 are found under the Bibliographic Details area. The criteria titles cannot be changed. You will have to know which 9xx field is mapped to each Local Param 1-5.




FYI - Alma Roadmap Highlights This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. include the following (no release date specified):

• In addition to the 5 local bibliographic fields which are already reportable in Alma Analytics, an additional 5 fields will also be reportable, bringing the total of local fields to 10 
• In addition to the local bibliographic fields it will also be possible to report on 10 local holding record fields




Policy Statement

All CSU+ items will be loaned for 60 days.

  • This includes books, media items, etc.  

Additional Rationale

  • Providing a standardized and consistent policy and loan period to all CSU patrons, regardless of which CSU library is supplying the material reduces confusion for library users and staff.
  • Without a standardized loan period a patron could check out two CSU+ books at the same time but have different due dates assigned for each book depending on who supplied the book.

Policy Statement

No renewals for CSU+ items. 

Additional Rationale

  • Automated renewals were not an option for CSU+ due to local policies.
  • In an effort to streamline a new service and insure staff have time to become familiar and comfortable with the system no renewals were implemented. This policy may be reviewed in the future after campuses have had time to settle in with the system.


CSU+ Partner Name

Institution Code or

Available for Group Members

Available for GroupInstitution Name
Bakersfield01CALS_UBACSUBCSU Bakersfield
Channel Islands01CALS_UCICSUCICalifornia State University, Channel Islands
Dominguez Hills01CALS_UDHCSUDHCalifornia State University, Dominguez Hills
East Bay01CALS_UHLCSUEBCalifornia State University, East Bay
Fresno01CALS_UFRFRESNOFresno State
Fullerton01CALS_FULCSUFCalifornia State University, Fullerton
Humboldt01CALS_HULHSUCal Poly Humboldt
Long Beach01CALS_ULBCSULBCalifornia State University, Long Beach
Los Angeles01CALS_ULACSULACalifornia State University, Los Angeles
Maritime01CALS_MALCSUMCal Maritime
Monterey Bay01CALS_UMBCSUMBCalifornia State University, Monterey Bay
Moss Landing01CALS_MLMMLMLCalifornia State University Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Northridge01CALS_UNOCSUNCalifornia State University, Northridge
Pomona01CALS_PUPCPPCalifornia State Polytechnic University Pomona
Sacramento01CALS_USLCSUSSacramento State
San Bernardino01CALS_USBCSUSBCalifornia State University, San Bernardino
San Diego01CALS_SDLSDSUSan Diego State University Library
San Francisco01CALS_SFRSFSUSan Francisco State University
San Jose01CALS_SJOSJSUSan Jose State University
San Luis Obispo01CALS_PSUSLOCal Poly University San Luis Obispo
San Marcos01CALS_USMCSUSMCalifornia State University San Marcos
Sonoma01CALS_SOLSSUSonoma State University
Stanislaus01CALS_USTSTANCalifornia State University, Stanislaus