Borrowing Workflows

Awaiting Request Processing

The Awaiting Request Processing Set in Rapido is a default Set made by Ex Libris to catch all requests needing mediation. The Set will show any request with the Created Borrowing Request, Ready to be Sent, or Local Holding status. The status of the request will appear directly below the Title and Author on the request.  

The following workflows show how to process the requests at those statuses. The Set will contain requests for physical and digital items by default, but you can add filters to make a separate Digital and Physical version of this Set. While it is possible to update the Set to make it catch different items, for the purpose of this course we will look at the default Set. 

A Rapido Request showing the Local Holding status.

Borrowing Mediation Rules

Many requests end up in the Awaiting Request Processing Set because they were stopped by a Borrowing Mediation Rule set up at your library. Borrowing Mediation Rules are rules made to stop or cancel requests meeting specific criteria.

Created Borrowing Request

Items at the Created Borrowing Request status are items that were stopped by a Borrowing Mediation Rule before they could be sent to any potential Lending Library. Many of these kinds of rules will stop requests because important information is missing from the request. For example, one mediation rule stops requests missing an ISSN and another stops requests missing an article title.

When a Borrowing Mediation Rule is triggered it will generate a Rapido Label to let staff know which rule was triggered. 

A Rapido request at the Created Borrowing Request status with the Missing_ISSN Label applied.

Most Borrowing Mediation Rules concern missing information. You can find and add the information in a few ways. The most obvious way to find the missing information is to search for the item in OneSearch. For example: If the Missing_ISSN Label appears on a request for an article titled "The Impact of Information on Attitudes Toward E-Mental Health Services" you can copy the title and search for it in OneSearch. The record in OneSearch may contain the missing ISSN.

Another way would be to search for the missing information using Alma. Go to the search bar at the top of the Alma page and set it to search the Global Index. Then search the article or book title from the request. If the correct record doesn't appear you can add more information to the search by clicking the magnifying glass with the plus sign next to the search box. 

A search in the Global Index.

Once you find the information, go to the request and click Edit to open the request record. Add the missing information and click Save. The request will automatically be sent through Rapido or RapidILL to be filled by another library. 

An expanded view of a Rapido request showing where to find the ISSN field.

Override The Borrowing Mediation Rule

Sometimes the information doesn't exist or you just want to push it through as it currently is. You can override the Borrowing Mediation Rule by adding the Escape Label created by your library when the Borrowing Mediation Rule was made. At most libraries this Label is the Approved or Approved_by_Staff Label. To add the Label click into the request to open the request information pane and click Add Label and search for the appropriate Label. Click the check mark and wait a few seconds for the request to save. The request will automatically send through Rapido or RapidILL without manually sending it. 

A request with the Approved Label being added.

Ready To Be Sent

Items at the Ready To Be Sent status are items that are being prevented from being sent to a specific partner by the Enrich From Global Index Borrowing Mediation Rule. In most cases the partner the request is trying to send to is your partner of last resort, aka ILLiad or WorldShare. You can process these items using the Enrich From Global Index workflow. This workflow is slightly more complicated than the other workflows in the Awaiting Request Processing set, so they will be covered as their own section on the next page. 

Local Holding

Items with the Local Holding status are items that are marked as owned and available for Resource Sharing in Alma. Many CSU libraries will scan articles or book chapters from items in their collection for their library patrons. Setup for scanning materials for library patrons requires a Borrowing Mediation Rule, but for now, lets look at the workflow created by the rule.

Digital Requests

Most of the requests for digital items will automatically be processed if you have a Borrowing Meditation Rule for scanning items held at your library set up. Even with this rule, there will be an occasional request that slips through and ends up with the Local Holding status. To process these requests, click the ellipsis (...) on the request and select Fill Locally and Create Lending Request to send the request to your own library as the Lending Library. The request will now appear in the Lending side of Rapido with all the other Lending requests. It can be filled or rejected as normal, there are no changes in workflow from other Lending requests. If the request is rejected because the item is not on the shelf, it will go to the next library in the Rapido pod automatically. 

A Rapido request with the Local Holding status where the library staff has clicked the ellipsis and selected Fill Locally followed by Create Lending Request.

If the request gets stuck and still appears in the Awaiting Request Processing set you can manually push it to the next library by clicking the ellipsis (...) and selecting Override Local Holding. This will send the request to the next library in the pod. 

Physical Requests

Physical requests with the Local Holding status are even less common than digital request because Display Logic Rules should prevent patrons from requesting items you own. It is still possible if the patron uses the Rapido Blank Form to place a request, so it will happen occasionally. Unlike digital requests, physical requests cannot currently be pushed to Lending for processing. To process physical requests you can transform them into hold shelf requests or cancel them.

If your library pulls items from the book stacks to place on the hold shelf you will want to change these requests into hold shelf requests. Click the ellipsis (...) in the request and select View Local Resources to see a record of the item being requested. On this page you can check the holdings information to make sure the request isn't in Special Collections or Course Reserves. Once you are confident the item can be checked out click Request. On the final page check the box next to Cancel Resource Sharing Borrowing Request to ensure the request is cancelled as it is copied as a hold shelf request. Click Submit to create the hold shelf request and cancel the Rapido request.

The Create Request page where you can transform a request from a Resource Sharing request to a hold shelf request. The image emphasizes the Cancel Resource Sharing Borrowing Request checkbox.

If your library does not have a service to pull locally held items for your patrons and place them on the hold shelf you will want to check the book stacks to make sure the book is actually available. If the book is on the shelf you can Cancel the request. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the request and select Cancel to cancel the request. Make sure to check the box to notify the patron so they will get the cancellation message.

If the item is not on the shelf you will want to send the request to another library so they can send a copy of the item. Click the ellipsis (...) and select Send to send the request to another library. If there are any colorful labels attached to the request it may not send until you add the Approved label to override any Borrowing Mediation Rules. Add the Label and then click Send