
Replacing an E-collection on a POL

Replacing NZ E-collection in an IZ POL

When an e-collection is replaced in the NZ during a weekly update, or if a library upgrades or downgrades an Opt-in subscription, the POL needs to be updated with the name of the new e-collection.  There is an easy process to update the IZ POL with the name of the new NZ e-collection.

Search the NZ for the collection and click on the POL.

Once you’ve clicked Edit on the POL, scroll down to the Ordered Collections/Ordered Portfolios section and click the meatballs (three dots) menu, which brings up the Replace Resource option:

Screenshot of ordered collections

Because this is an NZ record, you get a confirmation that the resource will be detached from the PO line and not be deleted:

screenshot of confirmation message

If it’s an IZ resource, you get to choose whether to delete the resource you’re removing or not.

Clicking Confirm pulls up a normal search, and you can choose to search in the NZ:

screenshot of collection search

Choose the radio button for the collection you want to switch to, choose Select, and the resource is replaced:

screenshot of new collection for POL

This *does* change the name of the POL because the bib record has changed, but you can manually fix that if necessary by editing the bib description.


Replacing IZ E-collection on an IZ POL

The process to update the e-collection name for a local IZ POL and collection is just a couple of steps.

To change the IZ PO Line in the Electronic Collection, click "Edit" for the e-collection, click on the "General" tab, and update the POL from there.


screenshot of edit collection window