Walk-In Patron

Walk-In User Workflow

Importing Users

Patron's accounts from other libraries can be easily copied from other CSU libraries to allow patrons from one CSU to use the library at another CSU. To add a patron go to Fulfillment > Checkout/Checkin > Manage Patron Services. On the Patron Identification page check the box next to Find User In Other Institution, select the patron's home institution from the Institution drop down box, and input the patron's Campus ID number from their Campus ID in the Scan Patron's ID or Search For Patron field. Click Find User to import the patron's information from their home campus. 

The Patron Identification section with Find User In Other Institution checked and San Francisco selected as the Institution. A patron ID (0123456789) is put in the Scan Patron's ID Or Search For Patron field.

The Quick User Management form will open where the patron's information will be prepopulated from their home campus. You can verify and update the patron's information as needed. The patron will be given the Cal State Walk-In user group regardless of the user group they have at their home campus.

While Alma will generate a new patron ID, it is recommended to edit it to be the same as the patron's campus ID number from their home campus. This will keep the accounts consistent and make it easier for the patron to remember. If your campus uses a PIN, and the home campus does not, you will also need to create a PIN for the patron.

Under the User Management Information section allow the patron to add and verify a password of their choice. Checking the box next to Force Password Change On Next Login does not apply because the patron will not be logging into Alma, but will instead only use their username and password to login to OneSearch.

Finally, select Update User to complete the user import process. The patron can now use library services. 


Patron Login

The Walk-In Patron can use OneSearch at your campus library in the same way's as local patron's, but they will login using the Guest Login instead of the Student and Employee Login in OneSearch. Walk-In patrons can use OneSearch, Rapido, and check their library account just like other user groups once they have logged in to OneSearch. 

Checking Materials Out to Walk-In Patrons

Checking materials out to Walk-In patrons is slightly different than checking materials out to other patrons, but only slightly. Go to Fulfillment > Checkout/Checkin > Manage Patron Services. On the Patron Identification page check the box next to Find User In Other Institution, select the patron's home institution from the Institution drop down box, and input the patron's Campus ID number from their Campus ID in the Scan Patron's ID or Search For Patron field. Click Find User. This time, instead of showing the Quick User Management form the Patron Services page will open and you can scan the barcode of the item you want to check out to the patron.