Reduce Duplicates

Do Not Retrieve Local Records from CDI feature (reduce CDI duplicates)

In the Rapido September 2023 release notes, there is an additional enhancement to reduce duplication of CDI ebook records.

Do Not Retrieve Local Records from CDI feature This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. 

September 2023 Rapido
We recommend checking the Do Not Retrieve Local Records from CDI checkbox (Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views) to avoid receiving duplicate results from the CDI for resources that exist locally when using a blended scope or when you do not want to return results for local resources when searching the central index.

Recommended:  Yes

SDSU and Northridge did preliminary testing.  Several of us discussed the enhancement with Chris Lee who also consulted with Ex Libris.  It appears to remove duplicate CDI ebook records.  We recommend enabling this feature if you want to remove duplicate results from CDI. We encourage you to discuss this with your ERM and Discovery staff.  Feel free to ask questions via ERM and Discovery Slack channels.

Examples for Testing:

You will need to find duplicate ebook records.   Here are some titles to test:

Becoming Hispanic-serving institutions : opportunities for colleges and universities

Generation Priced Out : Who Gets to Live in the New Urban America, with a New Preface

Office hours with a geometric group theorist


This feature is enabled in the Discovery module.  

Configuration > Discovery > Display Configuration > Configure Views > Search Profile slots


Q&A with Meghann Weldon, Product Manager, Rapido:

Many of us changed our search profiles/slots when we implemented Rapido.  Some of us have a blended search slot with a filtered CDI and then we have a blended expanded search scope/slot that includes unfiltered CDI. 

Q: Should we be checking the box "Do not retrieve local records from CDI" for all blended search slots that include the Central Discovery Index?  I believe the answer is yes but please confirm.

A: Yes

Q:  How quickly does this implementation take effect?  SDSU found it took several hours.  Does that sound correct?

A: Now that the indexing project is done it should affect immediately

Q:  If we check "Do not retrieve local resources from CDI" but later change our mind, then, it's okay to uncheck the box, and the duplicates would return, right?

 A: Exactly

Q: Does this feature prevent Primo from retrieving BOTH your Alma record AND that same record that was harvested into the GTI? In essence, would we still have one of the records visible so patrons can still find local items with this on?

A: This feature will only affect the CDI record. The local record will always be returned if the scope contains the local index. The new parameter only affects whether it returns the CDI record as well or not.

Q: How does this interact with the “Exclude CDI eBooks” feature?

A: It doesn’t. It’s two different things. Our development removed resources that came from the GTI into the CDI. The Exclude CDI eBooks remove eBooks that are coming from collections with portfolios in Alma.Both developments will only remove results from the CDI. The local records will still be discoverable.