Documentation and References

RapidILL Lending Note and License Terms

Instructions for creating licenses, updating license terms of use, and adding the RapidILL Lending Note to collections.


When sharing our electronic holdings with Rapid ILL, we are required to include lendable statuses to ensure the items we own are permitted to lend per our vendor licenses.  This was a process that already existed, it was previously at the backend of the RapidILL process. Now the lendable status is required at the beginning of the process in Alma. Ex Libris: “RapidILL is a fast and cost-effective interlibrary loan This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. tailored for article and book chapter requests.”

Licenses may or may not mention "resource sharing" or "Interlibrary Loan".  We need to know what the license allows. RapidILL distinguishes between 3 lending policies or Lendable Statuses. 

A lendable status dictates to whom a certain title can be lent. The lendable statuses are:

·       LocalOnly: Lendable only to local patrons. Meaning, users won’t need to use ILL services. Used for local holdings checks before borrowing requests are sent out. Note: It has been recommended to add LocalOnly to Open Access collections.

·       LendableCountry: Lendable to RapidILL libraries in your country.

·       LendableInternational: Lendable to all RapidILL libraries worldwide.

Note:  If there is no language about "resource sharing" or "interlibrary loan" in the license, the assumption is "LendableInternational" would be acceptable -- not limiting Interlibrary loan in any way. 

Users: Intended for those that manage electronic resources in Alma, manage collection development and license terms of use in Alma or another application, those that manage publishing profiles in Alma, or work with interlibrary loan, loaning articles and book chapters.

The spreadsheet [WILL UPDATE WITH INFORMATION FROM ANN ROLL] contains some of the NZ collections with the lending status.

  1. Use online spreadsheet to determine RapidILL lending note for IZ licenses.

  2. Run analysis report for collections with existing linked license terms to determine RapidILL lending note.

  3. Create IZ licenses with InterlibraryLoan Terms of Use from NZ and determine the lending note needed for RapidILL. Doing this option also allows for a report to be run.

Pick the best option that will work for the library to begin this project. Start with a small set of collections, starting with either EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR, Gale, etc. All three of these options are long-term projects but it is best we begin adding the lending note needed for RapidILL to the corresponding Alma E-collection Internal Description fields.

It is highly recommended to eventually start option three so that licenses have Terms of Use as we move forward with keeping the RapidILL lending note updated in the Alma collections. Not just for RapidILL, but for upcoming projects, such as linking to Consortia Manager, running analytic reports, etc.

(This option is for libraries that do not have license terms and have no plans of adding them in the near future.)

Depending on where your library is setting up license terms, there are some options available to determine the note needed for RapidILL. Libraries can use the spreadsheet created from the NZ collections and licenses to determine if local collections can use the same lending note. Ann Roll has said that generally, if the lending is not specifically spelled out in the license, it is safe to assume that LendableInternational can be used for the lending note.

For example, if your library subscribes to an SAGE collection in the IZ, the lending note from the NZ may be the same for the IZ collection. The lending note will still need to be determined by the library, someone familiar with terms of use. The spreadsheet is not stating this what the lending note actually is for the IZ collection but more than likely, it is the same lending status. 
If your library moves forward with this option, it is highly recommended to create a spreadsheet to note the vendor, collection, and lending note. This spreadsheet will be used later when updating the e-collection internal description.

need to be run to create a spreadsheet needed for adding the lending note to the e-collection internal description.

screenshot of the lendable spreadsheet

Ann Roll, from SDLC, said she is able help libraries with these reports, if needed.

Libraries will need to have their licenses terms of use set up and the license name in the Acquisitions and License Information section in the General tab in the Alma e-collection.

Libraries can use this report to determine the lending status of the collection. After generating the report, check with either ILL staff, collection development, or ERM managers to approve the lending note status.

To use option two, libraries need to meet a few requirements:

  • Licenses with Terms of Use.

  • Licenses with Interlibrary Loan note.

  • License is linked to Alma collection.

screenshot of license search in acquisition
screenshot of ILL lending in license
screenshot of license linked to collection

After confirming these parts of the license and collection are set up, the Analytics reports can be generated. The spreadsheet generated from the second report can be used to determine what the lending status is for that vendor/collection.

Note: A spreadsheet, like in option 1, is highly recommended for the updating the lending note in the e-collection internal description.

Third Option (longer term project):

(This option is for libraries that do not have licenses term set up in the IZ but want to get started adding license terms, templates can be copied from the NZ to the IZ.)

Libraries can use the copied templates to generate IZ licenses with the interlibrary loan status in the Terms of Use and lending notes supplied by the NZ license. The terms of use will be copied from the NZ to the IZ. Libraries may need to update these terms if local subscription terms are not the same, but in most cases, they are the same. The licenses need to be linked to the collection for the Analytics reports to work. Linking licenses to e-collections is shown in Option Two above.

Recommendation from SRDC/COLIN committee:

For the Rapido reports, a minimum of two fields are required in the license terms of use:

  • Interlibrary loan secure electronic transmission (Permitted/Prohibited; other options not needed)

  • Interlibrary loan note (free text; need standard language about any geographic limitations on lending)

While this option does have a few more steps, it does help in the long run as future collections will need to have the RapidILL lending status in the collection and the best way to determine this status is to have the lending terms in the license. Also, this would allow for license terms of use to be shared in Primo and be available for ILL staff.

There was a document recently shared on the Alma listserv with step-by-step instructions for creating licenses and attaching to the POL and collections. These excellent instructions are from Anjana  H. Bhatt, MSIRM & MLIS, University Librarian (Electronic Resources) Wilson G. Bradshaw Library, Florida Gulf Coast University.

Note: It is recommended to have a spreadsheet with the vendor, collection name, and lendable note ready for the next step to help keep track of which collections have been updated.

After creating a spreadsheet with the list of collections and lending status, the Internal Description of the electronic collections, at the collection-level, will need to be updated. There is a cloud application that is easy to add to Alma and update the Internal Description for a list of collections. This is highly recommended if your library has existing notes in the Internal Description field of the collection. The Quick E-Collection Update app is easy to install and use.

If your library has not added any notes to the collection-level Internal Description, there is job, Change Electronic Collection Information, in Alma that can be run on a set, to add the RapidILL lending note to the Internal Description.

Both options are available in the attached document.

Use Option 1 if your library has existing notes in the collection-level Internal Description field:

screenshot of the collection internal description field

Use Option 2 if your library does not have any existing notes in the Internal Description field:

  • Create a set of e-collections to be updated by the Change Electronic Collection information job.

screenshot of empty collection internal description field

Once the lending note has been added to the Internal Description, the publishing sets will need to be updated.

Background: Many libraries purchased individual titles and may have put them in a local collection, such as Single Title or Miscellaneous Journals collections. These titles will also need the RapidILL lending note added to the Internal Description of the portfolio for that journal or e-book. Do not add the RapidILL lending note at the collection level.

We recommend moving the portfolio to a collection with a shared vendor. Example, if your library purchased individual titles from Sage, create a collection for those titles purchased from Sage. If you are able to do this option, then you can added the RapidILL lending note at the collection level Internal Description.

If your library is unable to add these individual titles to a collection with the same vendor interface, then the RapidILL lending note will need to be added at the portfolio level.

There was a presentation This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. on how to accommodate these individual titles in the ERM Office Hours on September 29th.

screenshot of collection of individual journal purchases
screenshot of single journal subscripton
screenshot of lending note for rapidill


Once the Internal Note has been updated, the RapidILL Harvesting for journals and books will need to be updated. Libraries need to update their IZ RapidILL sets. Once you have updated the set, contact Chris Lee so Ex Libris can be notified that the sets have been updated. Chris can answer any questions about updating the sets, if needed.

How do I find open access collections that are activated in the IZ? You may be able to find them if you selected “free” when activating the collection for example. Or you added a note in the internal description or the collection has CDI open access rights. Also, in the NZ, each OA collection has “open access” and “OA” in the Internal Description field to that they are easy find in an advanced Repository Search. 
When you have your set, run the Change Electronic Collection information job to add the “LocalOnly” note in the internal description. You may also be able to use the E-Collection Quick Update in Cloud Apps.

Below are possible queries to use.

  1. where (CDI Fulltext rights equals "OpenAccess" AND Electronic Collection Type equals "Selective package")

  2. where (Free (Electronic Collection) equals "Free" AND Electronic Collection Type equals "Selective package")

  3. where (Internal Description (Electronic Collection) contains keywords "open access")

  4. where (CDI Fulltext rights equals "OpenAccess")

Recording from June 23rd, 2023 Q&A session This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

Recording from September 29th, 2023 Q&A session This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..