Borrowing Workflows

Borrowing Physical Items

Receiving Physical Items

If a request is successfully filled by a Lending library they will send a copy of the item for you to process and loan to your library patron. Before you can hand the item to your patron you must first receive the book in Rapido. In Alma, go to Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Receiving Items to receive items and place them on the hold shelf. 

Scan the External Identifier on the Rapido paperwork to receive the item. A pop up will appear where you can add a temporary barcode. Scan the barcode from inside the item and make sure Automatically Print Slip is marked as Yes. Click save to receive the item. Because Automatically Print Slip was selected, the printouts for the Borrowing Book Bands will be triggered and sent to the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page cloud app. If Automatically Print Slip was not selected, you can still print the slip by clicking the ellipsis (...) next to the request and select Print Slip. Go to the cloud app and print the book bands using the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page workflow. Tape the slips around the book and place them on the hold shelf for the patron to retrieve. 

Return Items

Once the patron is done with the item they will return it to the library. To return the item in Rapido go to Alma and select Fulfillment > Checkout/Check-In > Return Items. Scan the item barcode to return the item. Returning the item will automatically trigger the shipping label printing. Go to the cloud app and print the book bands using the Printing Multiple Slips Per Page workflow.