
In-Process Brief Bib Records & Minimum Acquisitions Data

(in process - links and text not updated 1/24/25)


The ULMS Acquisitions Task Force, part of the Technical Services Working Group, is recommending that the CSU libraries use the Alma Network Zone for ordering materials that are expected to be shared in the NZ. This includes the creation and addition of brief bibliographic records to the NZ when a matching full bib is not already there and is unavailable from another source or is mandated due to automated workflows (such as use of vendor EOD's/EOCR's - imported vendor order data.)  To ensure the accuracy of the shared data and reduce unwanted duplication, it is advisable to follow standardized, best practices regarding consistent minimum data in all brief NZ bibliographic records.

Policy Statement

At the point of ordering or within the process of loading vendor EOCR/EOD records, new in-process brief bibliographic records for materials that are to be shared in the CSU Network Zone shall be created in or shared with the CSU Alma Network Zone.  Whenever possible, these brief bibliographic records should contain, at minimum, the following:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Edition
  • Publication date of the item

Any additional information to aid in identification is beneficial but not essential.

Note: Materials ordered that are planned to remain only in the campus Institution Zone (IZ) do not need to use or link to NZ bibliographic records.


Best practice recommendations

Please avoid duplication of records in the NZ
   - Before creating a brief bibliographic record that will be shared to the NZ, search for your item in the IZ, NZ, CZ, and external source (OCLC/Wordcat). Please note: Alma is sensitive to the type of search performed.

Please enter as much bibliographic data as possible when creating the brief record.

At the point of overlaying the brief bibliographic record, use the MARC 035 OCLC# as the match point.
  - Per ExLibris, insert the OCLC record number (found in the full record) into the brief record before overlaying the record. 
 - See Overlaying Bibliographic Records in Alma

Procedures in Alma

In Alma, purchasing workflow begins with a bibliographic record.
If no bibliographic record is found searching the IZ, NZ, CZ or other external sources, a brief record must be created.

When creating a new brief record,

  1. Open the MD Editor.
  2. Click Templates at the top of the left pane.
  3. Choose appropriate template format.
  4. Alma has MARC record field requirements. (currently, MARC field 245). Brief bibliographic records should contain the title.
  5. Whenever possible, also enter the ISBN/ISSN, author, edition, and publication date of the item.

Any additional information to aid in identification is beneficial (e.g. music number, series, [portfolio info])

After brief record is created, share with the NZ if appropriate.

Inventory is created.

Search for more complete record at a later date to overlay brief record using appropriate match point.

For physical items, material must be in-hand to be received on the POL before being cataloged.