One System: Rapido


For libraries preparing to go all in on Rapido without any OCLC systems as a Partner of Last Resort there are certain steps they can take to make the process smoother. The following checklist should help libraries make the transition:

  • 🔲 Alert Ann Roll at the Office of the Chancellor of your intent to not renew ILLiad, WorldShare, or both.
  • 🔲 Join any available Rapido Pods you are not currently in:
    • 🔲 West Pod
    • 🔲 US Pod
    • 🔲 RapidR Pod
    • 🔲 eBook Pod
  • 🔲 Remove all direct links to ILLiad/WorldShare from your website and Lib Guides.
  • 🔲 Update your Ful Cancel Request Letter to remove any remaining links to ILLiad/WorldShare.
  • 🔲 Turn off Lending in ILLiad/WorldShare several months in advance to retrieve books out on loan.
  • 🔲 Turn off Borrowing in ILLiad/WorldShare several months in advance to retain books that wouldn't be returned prior to OCLC cancellation.
  • 🔲 Add Rejected by Partner Set.
  • 🔲 Review RapidILL pods (Internet Archive Pod, Open Access, etc.).
  • 🔲 Add note to the WorldShare directory saying you are leaving the network.
  • 🔲 Start including the printed Partner Notice with shipments to OCLC partners through the mail, Fedex, or UPS.
  • 🔲 Add any interested partners to Rapido using an Outside Partner Configuration such as Hybrid Pods, ISO Connections, or Self Registration/ALA Form.
  • 🔲 Remove any customized labels concerning ILLiad/WorldShare.
  • 🔲 Backup Data from ILLiad/WorldShare: Ensure that you have exported and backed up any important data or transaction history from ILLiad/WorldShare, in case you need it for future reference.