Discovery & Requesting

Requesting an Article

Requesting an article is similar to requesting a physical item or book chapter. A patron will search a keyword, title, or author in OneSearch until they find an article they want to use in their research. At most CSU libraries, patrons will only see articles available through the library by default, so the search needs to be expanded beyond the CSU collections. If a patron doesn't find the materials they need they can click expand your search to search the Global Title Index of records uploaded by other Alma libraries. The expand function can be used for articles and for physical items. 

The library catalog with the "expand your search" link highlighted by a red rectangle.

After the search is expanded, results from outside the library will be accessible below the search box. These items will often have a link saying "Get it for me from other libraries". If a patron clicks that link, or the anywhere on the item record, a page will open with more information. The Rapido Article Offer Tile will display on this page if the patron can request the item from another library. 

An image of the Rapido Article Offer Tile.

Clicking Get It inside the Rapido Offer Tile will open the Article Request Form. This form should have very few visible fields because all the citation information is added automatically, but the patron can add a note or specify a Not Needed After date. The article request form will have the same copyright statement as the book chapter request form described earlier. 

The digital request form.

After the patron clicks Send the request will be submitted.