Discovery & Requesting

Requesting a Physical Item or Book Chapter

Library Patrons should start their search for library materials in OneSearch using their library's website. Through OneSearch, patrons can find materials in their library's collection, the other CSU collections, and even expand the search to explore collections outside the CSU library system. To use OneSearch, patrons will generally search a keyword, title, or author to start looking for materials. For this module, we are going to follow along with a patron requesting the book Educated by Tara Westover. 

Educated by Tara Westover listed in a library catalog. The status is "Local copy unavailable. Get it for me from other libraries."

The patron searches for the title Educated and the first result is the book the patron is looking for. Patrons may need to use the advanced search to add more information, such as author, or use filters to narrow their search to specific formats, languages, or publication years to find less common items. 

While the first result is the correct book, text appearing below the title says the local copy is currently unavailable. The book is probably checked out, so it will need to be requested through Rapido. If the patron clicks into the record they can access the Rapido Tiles where they can easily request a physical copy of the book or a digital copy of a single book chapter. These tiles appear side by side and are large rectangles with local institution instructions and the estimated delivery time and checkout period of the item. The Rapido physical offer tile and the Rapido digital offer tile can be configured to appear only when the item is not available to prevent patrons from requesting items held in the library. The patron can click Get It on either tile to bring up a simple form to request the item with a few additional clicks.

An example of the Rapido Offer tiles.

There may be some slight variation between campuses, but for the most part the physical item form will ask for the desired pickup location, if the patron wants a specific volume, and the date where the item is no longer needed. The form does not ask for the item title, author, ISBN, etc. because that information is pulled from the item record. In most cases the patron will want to pick up the item at the main library and wont specify a volume. In that case they can simply click Send and the request will be placed. 

An example of the Rapido physical request form.

The Rapido digital offer form will have a few more options than the Rapido physical offer form. This form will ask patrons for the book chapter, author, volume, and page range. This information is important for Resource Sharing staff at the library where the item is held to know what section to scan. Most libraries adhere to the Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU) guidelines and will only scan or download a single chapter or ten percent of a book for the patron to keep for their research. Because the entire book is not sent digitally, library staff need to know what section to send.

The Rapido digital offer form may also have a paragraph of text with a copyright statement letting patrons know requests may be cancelled if library staff believe the request breaks copyright law. The statement also warns that making additional copies may make them liable for copyright infringement. 

An example of the Rapido digital request form.

The patron adds any additional information to the Rapido offer form if necessary and can click Send to submit the request. The patron has now placed a request through Rapido.