Outside Partner Configurations

Hybrid Pod

A Hybrid Pod allows a library on Rapido and a library on Alma Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing to connect and share library materials using the workflows of either Rapido or Alma Resource Sharing. It essentially acts like a pod for Rapido libraries and a Rota for Alma Peer-to-Peer libraries. Because the workflows for a Hybrid Pod are no different than the normal Borrowing and Lending workflows there is no need for a Workflows page, so this section will focus only on configuration. 

Rapido Configuration

Joining a Hybrid Pod is very simple for the Rapido library. The library simply contacts a Clarivate representative, or support through SalesForce, and asks to be added to a Hybrid Pod along with the libraries they want to connect with. If they are creating a new Hybrid Pod then they will need to decide on the following policies and communicate them to the other libraries and Clarivate:

  • Delivery Time
  • Checkout Period
  • Renewals: Yes or No
  • Expiry Time

Alma Peer-to-Peer Configurations

The library using Alma Peer-to-Peer will need to do some configurations for the hybrid pod, but nothing too difficult. They will need to add the Rapido partners, a Locate Profile, a Rota, a Rota Assignment Rule, and activate their Data Sharing Profile for Resource Sharing. The Rota Assignment Rule and Data Sharing Profile only need to be configured once and the Rota will just need a slight update for each library added to the Hybrid Pod. 


The Alma Peer-to-Peer library will need to add CSU partners from the Community Zone in Alma to add them to their Resource Sharing Rota. To do this, they need to go to Alma > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners and go to the Community tab. Once in the Community tab, they need to search each CSU library they want to partner with and click Copy. They should now have the partner saved in Alma. 

A search for Fullerton as the partner in the Community tab of the Partners module. The Community tab and Copy are both highlighted to show where to click.


After the Alma Peer-to-Peer library has the CSU partners imported, they need to create a Rota to send them to. To create a Rota, go to Alma > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Templates and click +Add Template. You can add any Code and Name for the Rota, or use the following settings: 

  • Code: CSU
  • Name: Cal State
  • Type: Non Ordered
  • Status: Active

Click Save and Add Members to get to the next page. Then click +Add Partners and select all the CSU Partners you have added. 

Rota Assignment Rule

After creating a Rota you will need a Rota Assignment Rule to make the requests go to the Rota when you want it to activate. Go to Alma Configuration > Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Assignment Rules and click +Add Rule. Give the rule a name and add the following Input Parameter by selecting +Add Parameter

Requested Format=Physical

Then add the following Output Parameter: 

  • Rota Templates: (Add the Rota you created)

Click Save and the rule has now been created. You can move the rules around to put the Rota rule for the CSU before or after other Rotas to control when requests go to each Rota. 

Data Sharing Profile

To activate the Data Sharing Profile for Resource Sharing the Alma Peer-to-Peer library staff should go to Alma Configuration > General > General Configuration > Data Sharing Profile and select Yes under Resource Sharing. Your records will now appear in the Global Title Index, though only libraries with you configured as a partner will be able to request from you.