Outside Partner Configurations

ILLiad and Rapido ISO Connection

ILLiad and Rapido can connect to each other using ISO standard communication between the two systems. This allows a partner in Rapido to Borrow and Lend materials with a partner in ILLiad, and vice versa. The requests are processed in each system more or less the same as any other request in that system.

ILLiad Configuration

The library using ILLiad needs to open a few IP addresses and make a partner for the Rapido library in their ILLiad instance since Rapido libraries are not in WorldCat. The configuration is in two parts that are generally handled by different people in the library. The first part of the configuration usually requires library or campus IT and the second part can be done by anyone with access to ILLiad Customization Manager.

Campus IT

The first part of the configuration was created by faculty and staff at Brandeis University and made public in a Google Doc. To ensure the the information is available it is also pasted below. The following steps are very technical and are done by Library IT if your ILLiad is self hosted, or by Atlas Systems through a support case if your ILLiad is hosted on their servers.

Instructions from Brandeis

  1. Log into your ILLiad server and open Windows PowerShell
  2. Navigate to c:\illiad\iso\
  3. Extract the file c:\illiad\iso\iso.zip and move the file install.ps1 and the InstallFiles folder to make it a subfolder of c:\illiad\iso\
  4. Type the following command into the PowerShell: c:\illiad\ISO\Install.ps1 -InstallPath "C:\ILLiad\ISO\"

    ILLiad ISO screen that appear when you put the following command into the PowerShell: c:\illiad\ISO\Install.ps1 -InstallPath "C:\ILLiad\ISO\"
  5. Your screen should be similar to the image above
  6. Open the Windows Administrative Tools and go to Services
  7. Start the service, ILLiad ISO Service
  8. Start the service, ILLiad ISO Manager
    1. If the ILLiad ISO Manager is not showing up, you likely need to install the manager. Going into the command prompt as an administrator on the server, navigate to c:\illiad\iso and type “isomanager.exe -install”
    2. Go back to services and refresh the list (F5); the ILLiad ISO Manager should now appear on the list
  9. Open ports 1611 and 9001 for bi-directional traffic. 1611 is the ILLiad port for ISO while 9001 is the Alma port for ISO. Both need to be open. (2/14/22 note: 9011 may not need to be open for incoming requests in ILLiad based on recent testing.)
    1. Ports will need to be opened on Campus firewall and local server firewall (if self hosted)
    2. Contact campus IT for campus firewall
    3. For local server
      1. From the server desktop, click on Search (magnifying glass) and type Firewall
      2. Open Windows Defender Firewall
      3. Click on Advanced Settings
      4. Click on Inbound Rules
      5. Click New Rule
      6. Select Port, then Next
      7. Select TCP, Specific Ports and enter 9001, 1611 into text box, then Next
      8. Allow the Connection, then Next
      9. Next
      10. Name it ISO and click Finish

Resource Sharing Faculty/Staff

The following steps can be performed in ILLiad Customization Manager and ILLiad by either library IT or Resource Sharing Staff.

Customization Manager

  1. Open Customization Manager
  2. Go to System → ISOILLDefaults
  3. Set ISOEnabled = Yes
  4. Set ISOIFMBorrowing = Yes (probably already default)
  5. Set ISOIFMLending = Yes (probably already default)
  6. Set ISOReturnIPAddress = <your webserver ip address>:1611
  7. Set ISOSystemID = <your symbol when sending to other ISO libraries - usually your OCLC Symbol or similiar>
  8. Set SystemIDISOSymbol = Same as above...normally these identifiers should match


All the previous steps up to this point only need to be done once to allow any number of Rapido partners in ILLiad. The following steps will need to be configured for each individual partner.

  1. Open ILLiad and go to the Lending Tab and select Address: New. This will open the settings to add the Rapido library partner.

    The ILLiad settings to add a new partner.
  2. Add the appropriate symbol and shipping address for the CSU partner you are adding to ILLiad. The symbols are:
  3. Under ISO Information add the following:
    1. ISO Enabled: (blue star)
    2. ISO Type: TCP/IP
    3. IP Address: na03.alma.exlibrisgroup.com:9001
      1. There are several Ex Libris servers based on region, so this may change if adding a Rapido library other than the CSU.
    4. Email Address: The CSU Contact Email
      1. Bakersfield: csub_library@csub.edu
      2. Channel Islands:  LIBRARY.ILL@csuci.edu
      3. Chico: ILLoan@csuchico.edu
      4. Dominguez Hills: circulation@csudh.edu
      5. East Bay: circservices@csueastbay.edu
      6. Fresno: (No shipping email listed in Alma)
      7. Fullerton: libraryill@fullerton.edu
      8. Humboldt: resourcesharing@humboldt.edu
      9. Long Beach: lib-circ@csulb.edu
      10. Los Angeles: library@calstatela.edu
      11. Maritime Academy: library@csum.edu
      12. Monterey Bay: library_document_delivery@csumb.edu
      13. Moss Landing: mlml-library@sjsu.edu
      14. Northridge: interlibrary.loan@csun.edu
      15. Pomona: libcirc@cpp.edu
      16. Sacramento: lib-ill@csus.edu
      17. San Bernardino: ill@csusb.edu
      18. San Diego: (No shipping email listed in Alma)
      19. San Francisco: circmail@sfsu.edu
      20. San Jose: library-ils-group@sjsu.edu
      21. San Luis Obispo: ils@calpoly.edu
      22. San Marcos: libcirc@csusm.edu
      23. Sonoma: delivery@sonoma.edu
      24. Stanislaus: Alma@library.csustan.edu

Send Request

Test the setup by sending a dummy request to the CSU library you are adding. The request needs the following:

  1. Title of a book owned by the specific CSU library
  2. Lending String: Rapido Library Symbol (Example: 01CALS_XYZ)
  3. Lender: Rapido Library Symbol (Example: 01CALS_XYZ)
  4. System ID: ISO

This request will go to the CSU library and if the Rapido library has activated the Automatically Create Partner feature the system will automatically generate the ILLiad partner in Rapido. The ILLiad Partner in ILLiad will still need some slight configuration, but the setup is complete in ILLiad.

The ILLiad library may want to add their new CSU Rapido partners to an ISO Custom Holdings Groups where you can request from the entire CSU with the System ID set to ISO.

Rapido Configuration

Rapido also needs the ILLiad partner added, along with a rota, and ideally a locate profile. Setup in Rapido is fairly straight forward, but all the steps will need to be done for each added ILLiad partner.

Activate on Automatically Create Partner

In Alma go to Configuration > Resource Sharing > General > Other Settings and find the parameter with the Parameter Key rapido_automatically_create_partner. Change the Parameter Value to true. With this setting active Rapido can receive a Resource Sharing request from the ILLiad partner and have the partner record automatically created (mostly). This will make it much easier to configure the partner.

Add Partner

In Alma go to Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Partners and find the partner made by the ILLiad library. The Partner will likely be named the ILLiad library’s OCLC symbol. For example, in testing the ILLiad library appeared as CNO, the OCLC symbol for CSU Northridge. Open the partner.

General Information Tab

The General Information tab for the Resource Sharing partner should come prefilled. If not, the following settings need to be added:

Code: (OCLC Symbol)                               Name: (OCLC Symbol)
Profile Type: ISOStatus: Active
System Type: OtherBorrowing Workflow: (Add the desired Borrowing Workflow Profile)
Supports Borrowing: (Checked)Lending Workflow: (Add the desired Lending Workflow Profile)
Supports Lending: (Checked) 
Automatically Generated: (Checked) 
New Request Alert: (Checked 

Parameters Tab

Go the the Parameters tab and add the following information provided by the ILLiad library:

Server: (ILLiad server url without https://www.)Port: 1611                                                                                                          
Symbol: (OCLC Symbol) 
Request Expiry: Expiry Time 
Expiry Time (Days): 4 

Save the newly created partner!

Add Locally Managed Pod

To add a Locally Managed Pod you will make a Rota (like with CSU+ before Rapido) and mark it as a Locally Managed Pod. In Alma, go to Fulfillment > Resource Sharing > Rota Templates and select Add Rota. Make a Rota with the following settings:

Code: ISOName: ISO Pod                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Type: Non OrderedStatus: Active
Locally Manage Rapido Pod: (Checked)Loan Period: 112
Delivery Time: 5 
Check availability and only show terms for available resources: (Checked) (if you set up Locate Profiles) 
Associated Rapido Members: All 

Then click Add Partners and add all the ISO partners you want to share with.

Order Pods

The new Locally Managed Pod will appear in your Borrowing Pod Priority list. Go to Alma Configuration > Resource Sharing > Configuration > Members and select your library. Go to the Borrowing Policies tab to access the list and order the pod as you see fit. Eventually, you may want to make multiple pods based on region so you can request from CA ISO partners before Western US ISO partners and US ISO partners.

The Borrowing Pod Priority list with an ISO pod at the bottom of the list.

Locate Profiles

It is possible to add Z39 Locate Profiles, but I have yet to test it. If you are from a partner library and want to work with me on this please contact me (Christopher Lee) at cwlee@calstate.edu.